HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1948.05.27MINUTES Chairman Coles presiding. Present Coles Brown Mitchell Macomber (8:23 p.m.) Shattuck Stivers CITY PLANNING COM1[IS3ION Burlingame, California Regular Meeting May 27, 1948 - 8:00 p.m. Others Present City Attorney Karmel City Clerk White City Engineer Fitch There was read a communication from J. T. McCarthy, dated May 3, 190, seeking al proval to resubdivide Lots 13 and 14, Block 39, Easton Addition No. 3, at the Northwesterly corner of Easton Drive and E1 Camino Real. Mir. Luther Carr, attorney, representing Mr. McCarthy, appeared and explained that this is a request merely to change the frontage of th lots to E1 Camino Real instead of Easton Drive, in order to avoid the possibility of having a building erected between a church building and a structure which might be located on El Camino Real. The two resubdivided lots would contain the same area embraced in the two lots as now delineated. One of the new lots would have a frontage on El Camino Real of 80.14' and the other 70.03', with an average depth of approximately 1191. The City Clerk informed the Commission that notices were given to the adjoining property owners. No one appeared to oppose the resubdivision. After discussion, Commissioner Shattuck made a motio that the application should be approved, which was seconded by Commissioner Brown. On roll call the vote was as follows: Coles Yes Brown " Mitchell Notvoting Macomber " Shattuck Yes Stivers " W. C. Gillam, architect, representing St. Paul's Episcopal Church on El Camino Re+ appeared with plans for the proposed construction of a parish hall and Sunday School build- ing on the El Camino Real property of the church, which in general were approved by the mem- bers of the Planning Commission. Messrs. Coles and Karmel suggested that a letter setting forth approval be addressed to the Council, and it was understood that Mr. Coles would write such a communication. The Chairman read a communication May 10 from James L. Chiapelone seeking permis- sion to move his retail nursery business from 1441-1443 Chapin Avenue to 1427 Chapin Avenue Mr. Chiapelone was present at the meeting and the matter was discussed with him. After con- sideration it was unanimously voted that the request be approved. A letter was received from James M. Himmel, May 5, 1948, seeking permission to construct an additional house of about 1,100 square feet more or less on Lot 28, Block 6, Burlingame Grove, 1311 Capuchino Avenue presently in "First Residential" zone. Mr. Himmel was present and explained that he has owned the property for approximately 13 months, which Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2 May 27, 1948 he acquired with a small run-down building located at the rear of the lot. He explained tha he has rehabilitated this small building in which he and his family are domiciled under crowded conditions. It is his plan to build a larger house in the front of the lot and rent the present structure to support the investment. In the discussion with Air. Himmel, City Attorney Karmel explained that this application for a multiple dwelling relates to a lot whi is included in an area zoned "First Residential," and that it is not within the power of the Planning Commission to consent to the disregarding of the zoning ordinance. Also in the dis. cussion it was brought out that the Planning Commission does not look with favor upon spot zoning or entertaining at this time a change of zone in this locality, so that Mr. Himmel wa; informed that the Planning Commission could not give its approval to this proposal. bu"ldin Building Inspector Matson presented plans for the proposed construction of an of- fice, of a6bestos shingle containing approximately 1,000 square feet for C. H. Bessett Buildir. Co. at Rollins Road, North of Broadway. Approved. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for the proposed construction of a five apartment building to be constructed on Lots 15-19, Block 5, Easton Addition, E1 Camino Real, North of Carmelite Avenue, for Claude Keck. Approved. Meeting adjourned 9:40 p.m. DAS:LB D. A. Stivers, Secretary.