HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1948.08.26MINUTES CITY PLANNING CO.:nu+'iISSION Burlingame, California Regular Meeting August 26, 1948 Present Absent Others Present Coles Mitchell Mayor Simonds Brown Councilman Dahl Macomber " Harper Shattuck ve �� Houma Stivers City Attorney Karmel City Clerk Thite City Engineer Fitch City Building Inspector Watson Chairman Coles presiding. Chairman Goetze of the Recreation Commission presented preliminary plans for the construction of a recreation building in Burlingame Village Park. Following discussion an( consideration it was regularly moved, seconded and unanimously voted to recommend approval by the City Council. There was heard a petition for the re -zoning of a strip of land comprising a section of the creek described as follows: "Approximately 20 foot width by 360 foot length running northerly from northerly line of E1 Camino Real, distant 97.78 feet westerly from north- west line of Howard Avenue." The owner, Richard R. Hanna and a delegation of neighboring property owners appeared. Mr. Hanna was represented by Attorney Luther Carr who stated that the property is a creek bed which is generally in an untidy condition and on account of the peculiar shape of this parcel, it is entirely unsuited for use in its present classification which falls within the first residential zone. The petitioner stated that if this parcel is re-classified, he would cover the creek with a concrete box culvert, the top of which would be used as additional area for his adjoining commercial properties fronting on Howard Avenue and ex- tending to E1 Camino Real. Other property owners present brought up various questions and expressed objection to re -zoning if this would permit the construction of a commercial boil ing near their property or if the covered creek bed would provide an alley for business use with access to E1 Camino Real. After considerable discussion it was concluded that the Commission would put this subject over for the next meeting in order to give the individual members of the Commission opportunity to study the problem. Immediately following the above hearing, there was held a Joint Meeting of the Planning Commission with the City Council and the latter inquired as to the outcome of the hearing, and when informed the matter had been set over for the next meeting to give op- portunity for further study, approval on this action was voiced. While in joint meeting with the City Council the latter reviewed the plans for the proposed recreation building in Washington Park and after considerable discussion, no action was taken. Also while in joint meeting with the City Council, Mayor Simonds asked that the Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2 August 26, 1948 Planning Commission submit to the Council a recommendation, if it has any, looking to the early extension of Carol Avenue from Oak Grove to Broadway. In the discussion which ensues the City Engineer reported that the maps of the properties to be acquired by condemnation or negotiation have been completed, and what he considers a competent appraisal report has been submitted to the Council. It was further brought out that probably the key parcel in this project is the parcel at the corner of Oak Grove and proposed Carol Avenue extended. The members of the Planning Commission stated that it appears that there is nothing to con- sider from a planning point of view as the project has been recognized for a long time as essential and is becoming increasingly needed as the traffic in the area increases from the development of the Bayshore Freeway. Chairman Coles introduced a motion that the Planning Commission recommend to the City that a committee be appointed and authorized to negotiate with the owner of the property at Oak Grove and Carol Avenue, such committee to be composed of City Attorney Karmel, City Engineer Fitch and Planning Commissioner Stivers. The vote on roll call was as follows: Coles Yes Brown Yes Macomber Yes Shattuck Yes Stivers Not Voting Mitchell Absent City Attorney Karmel brought up the subject of the zoning on Peninsula Avenue. He stated that he observed the presence of Mr. George Mann, Chairman, San Mateo City Plan- ning Commission at this meeting which he believed might afford an opportunity to discuss this street which constitutes the dividing line between Burlingame and San Mateo. Mr. Karmel reported that from time to time Burlingame property owners call at his office to com- plain that property across the street in Safi Mateo is zoned for business or industry and ask why they cannot have their property in Burlingame similarly re -zoned. In response to this Mr. Mann, Chairman, ,San Mateo City Planning Commission, outlined the history of the zoning on the San Mateo side of Peninsula Avenue running back for many years and referred tc the studies which have been made and the public hearing which was held not long ago with a joint meeting of the Burlingame and San Mateo City Planning Commissions. Mr. Mann reported that the public interest in this subject, as represented by the small attendance at the meet ing, was disappointing and that after a certain parcel of property is re -zoned .from industri to commercial on the San Mateo side, this will about complete their plans with respect to zoning, at least for the present, and an effort will be continued to extend and improve the set -back lines to provide off-street parking in front of the business establishments. It was the consensus of the members of the Burlingame Planning Commission that they are not in favor of instituting any change in the zoning on the Burlingame side of Peninsula Avenue. A petition was presented from the California Constructors, Inc. to resubdivide Lots 21, 22 and 23, Block 5, Burlingame Manor, and a proposed street relocation plan at the intersection of La Mesa Drive and Margarita Avenue. The petition was signed by California Constructors, Inc., owners of Lots 21 and 23 and by Curtis It. Colby, owner of Lot 22. A map of the proposed street re -location, prepared by Wilsey and Co., was presented. In the discussion of this matter City Engineer Fitch was present and he stated that the proposed changes are made necessary to correct a ground water condition and a slide area and he in- formed the Commission that he approved the plan in general as prepared by Wilsey & Co., Civil Engineers, in their Survey Map No. 5510 dated August 1948. A motion to recommend approval was introduced by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Commissioner Macomber. All Continuation - 14tINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 3 August 26, 1948 Commissioners present voted approval. (Commissioner Mitchell absent.) Mayor Simonds brought up the subject of the building code and stated it appears to him that there is some misunderstanding in the City as to the percentage of valuation governing alteration work in non -conforming structures, and he asked that this matter be placed on the agenda for consideration at the next meeting of the Planning Commission. This has been done. The meeting adjourned 11:10 p.m. DAS:PBM D. A. Stivers, Secretary