HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1947.08.28M I N U T E S. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting August 28, 1947 - 7:45 p.m. Chairman Coles presiding. Present Others Present Coles City Clerk White Brown City Attorney Karmel Mitchell City Engineer Fitch Macomber City Building Inspector Watson Shattuck Stivers The Minutes of the preceding meeting, June 26, 1947 were read and approved. A communication dated August 5, 1947 was received from the City Council regard- ing a request from the Richfield Oil Corporation seeking permission to construct a service station at the Westerly corner of California Drive and Peninsula Avenue. City Building Inspector Watson was present, and on inquiry, reported that the proposed location is within 490' of another service station. City Attorney Karmel advised the Commission that a proposed service station within 490' of another service station would be in violation of the Ordinance Code under Section 1919. After consideration it was unanimously voted that the matter be referred to the Council with no recommendation for changing Section 1919 of the Ordinance Code. Mr. Thompson, 11 E1 Camino Real, appeared to make inquiry as to filing a peti- tion to rezone Lot 24, Block 15, Paloma Avenue from "first residential" to "duplex". After discussion it was unanimously agreed that this would be spot zoning and not looked upon with approval. In considering the matter some members of the Planning Commission thought there might be merit to rezoning both sides of the entire block if,the property owners are in favor, but the Planning Commission does not believe it should initiate the matter. City Clerk White presented the map relating to the property of Lang Bros. at Burlingame Avenue and Bayshore Highway which was approved for resubdivision at the meet- ing of the Planning Commission June 26, 1947 and stated that the question arises regard- ing the rezoning of the lots to conform to their situation as delineated on the resubdi- vision map. On roll call it was unanimously voted that the Planning Commission resolve to recommend to the City Council that Lots 1 and 2 and such portions of 18, 19, and 20, Block 22, Burlingables, fronting on Bayshore Highway be rezoned to "duplex". City Attor- ney Karmel stated that he would prepare a formal resolution to be transmitted to the City Council. Commissioner Mitchell brought up the subject of undersized lots in "second resi- dential" or "duplex" zones, recommending that the City consider the adoption of an ordinance providing for a minimum of 5,000 square feet for such lots and a frontage of not less than 50'. Upon discussion it was unanimously adopted that the Planning Commission make such a recommendation to the City Council. City Attorney Karmel stated that he would prepare the formal resolution for this purpose. Commissioner Mitchell also brought up the subject of a group -of lots on Howard Avenue, between Victoria Road and Humboldt Street,which are zoned, "commercial" and im- proved with apartments and suggested that consideration should be given to rezoning. After discussion it was unanimously voted that the Planning Commission will transmit a Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission August 28, 1947 Page 2 resolution to the City Council recommending the rezoning from "commercial" to "apartment" the following lots: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Howa.rd Avenue between Victoria Road and Humboldt Street, and Lots 13 and 14, Block 47, Howard Avenue and Humboldt Street. City Engineer Fitch reported on the installation of traffic signals on E1 Camino Real. In this connection Mr. Mitchell recommended that no left turns be per- mitted at intersections on E1 Camino Real that are provided with traffic signals. In discussion Mr. Fitch reported that this is being studied by the Highway Division and the City Engineer's office. The Secretary read into the Minutes the communication from the City Clerk's of- fice dated July 23, 1947: "At.a regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council held on June 16, 1947, Mr. James Mitchell was unanimously reappointed as a member of the Planning Commission for a term of four years, or until June"30, 1951." Chairman Coles complimented Mr. Mitchell on his long, valued service to the City follow- ing which it was regularly moved, seconded, and unanimously voted that the present offi- cers of the Planning Commission shall serve in their respective positions for the ensuing year. Commissioner Mitchell referred to the advertising signs recentlypainted in the crosswalks in the business districts of the City. After discussion it was unanimously voted to communicate with the City Council recommending disapproval of advertising signs in the crosswalks within the City of Burlingame. This recommendation was made without prejudice to advertising, or any events, or products but in the interest of public policy and safety. It is believed that the crosswalks of the city are not a proper place for advertising signs which are intended to attract the attention of pedestrians while cross- ing the street and thereby add to the traffic hazards. It was tentatively agreed to schedule a Study Meeting of the Planning Commission to be held September 11, 1947. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a proposed apartment building, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCarthy, Lot 1, Block 4, Burlingame Shore Land Co., Winchester and Bayshore. Approved. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for an apartment building, Mr. Langston, 1500 Forest View, at El Camino and Forest View. Approved. Meeting adjourned - 10 p.m. D. A. Stivers, Secretary.