HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1947.11.20Chairman Coles presiding. Present Coles Brown Mitchell Macomber Shattuck Stivers dI I N U T E S. CITY _PLx iiii iAG COMi' 136 Oil Regular Meeting November 20, 1947 - 7:45 p.m. Others Present City Cleric White City Attorney Karnel City Engineer Fitch City Building Inspector Watson Luther Carr, attorney representing Mrs. Jean Roussey, appeared with reference to the inquiry presented at the last meeting to resubdivide Lots 4 and 5, Block 22, Easton Addition No. 2. Mr. Carr delivered a long and, learned oral discourse in behalf of his client, during which he cited a number of court decisions, all to set forth his belief that this Planning Commission has the power, if it sees fit, to approve this resubdivisioi During the discussion which followed two neighboring property owners appeared. Paul A. Pflueger Jr. stated that he had written letter, October 22, 1947, to the City Council under a misunderstanding. In that letter he expressed himself as agreeable to the plan of subdivision as proposed, and at this meeting Mr. Pflueger requested that his letter be withdrawn, to which Mr. Carr consented sunder the circumstances. Mr. Thompson, owner of property across the street at Easton and Cortez Avenue appeared and stated that he opposed the resubdivision on the ground that the neighborhood is built up and he believed it un- fair to other property owners to reduce the size of established lots. On roll call the commissioners voted as follows: Coles No Brown Yes Mitchell No Macomber " Shattuck it Stivers to The Chairman informed Mr. Carr of the vote of the Planning Commission, and he responded that he was present and heard the vote on the roll call. The Chairman reported that a communication has been received from White & Pollar offering .for sale to the city approximately 100 acres of tideland adjacent to the tideland now owned by the city at a price of 4250 per acre. Commissioner Mitchell spoke in favor o acquiring the land, possibly in cooperation with the county, and Commissioner Macomber stated that he favored the acquisition and would like to see it acquired by Burlingame if possible. In the discussion which followed, it was the consensus of the commissioners tha the acquisition of the tideland should be considered. City Attorney Karmel was present an suggested that a detailed map be obtained showing the relation of the proposed acquisition to the tidelands already owned by the city and referred to the Council which will consider the proposal as a community matter. Commissioner Shattuck suggested that if it is not possible now to make plans for the utilization of the tideland area, it would be a good idea to procure an outside appraisal and bring up the matter for further discussion at the next meeting of the Commission, December 18, 1947. Chairman Coles referred to the recent inquiry from A. D. Duncan and stated that all members of the Commission have inspected the lot at Bellevue, Primrose, and Douglas Avenues. In discussion it was the consensus that the Planning Commission has nothing to suggest on the subject at this time, but if an architectural plan or drawing is presented, it will h$ve attention. Page 2 Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission November 30, 1947 W. H. Kreh, owner of Lot A. Block 9, Oak Grove Avenue and Acacia Drive, appeare to inquire if approval might be obtained to'adding another story to the present structure to contain rental apartments. In discussion it developed that the present structure is a non -conforming duplex on a lot only 45 x 100. Mr. Kreh was informed that the Planning Commission did not look with favor on multi -family dwellings on lots of this size, and the inquiry was tabled. Building Inspector Watson reported that the owner of the property at Chula Vist and Majilla Avenues, who submitted plans at the last meeting for alteration of a resident which were not approved because they did not comply with the Building Code and zoning ord nance regulating duplexes,.desires to appeal. This was tabled for inspection of the property. Commissioner Mitchell brought up the lack of a parking area in the vicinity cf the Broadway station where there is provided not even a facility for stopping an automo- bile to let in or out passengers. All of the commissioners indicated their knowledge of the tightness of the traffic problem at the Broadway station, no solution for which seems immediately available but should be further studied. The Chairman read a letter October 21, 1947 from Park Superintendent Frank D. Anderson, containing a tree planting program for the streets in the Ray Park Subdivision, accompanied by a list of suggested trees for Ray Park. The members of the Park and Planning Commissions voiced their approval and voted an expression of thanks and appre- ciation to Superintendent Anderson for the thorough and conscientious study made by him. r Meeting adjourned 9:55 p.m. DAS:LB D. A. Stivers, Secretary