HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1946.01.31AiliiUTEU Ci`li+hLtii�li� J L �uLuiiyul J1V Burlingame, California Janu�_ry- 31, 1946 The Regular ieeting of the Planning Commission z,as held in the Cit-., Hail at 7:45 p.m. Thursday, January 31, 1946. ,viE1BER3 PRL,,)LVT: Mitchell Coles Macomber B rov,n Stivers Shattuck Chairman :Mitchell presiding. 0`ir PAS Pit1,ar tJ` : Mayor Dahl City Attorney Karmel Councilman Hunt and Harris City Engineer Lorgson Building Inspector Watson Public Vlorks Director Longson reported that he e,.nd Park Superintendent Anderson have inspected the trees in front of the Hardy residence on Ei Camino Real, North of Adeline Drive, and that the trees were found to be healthy- and sound with no need to re- move them on account of their own condition, and it vas further reported that the removal of the trees would not fully be the solution to correcting the visibility at the inter- section which is partly impaired by horizontal and vertical curves. Commissioner Coles made a motion that the Standard Oil Company be authorized to remove the two eucalyptus trees in front of the Hardy residence providing that the trees are completely taken out, including the stumps, and the ground left in sightly condition and at their own expense. On roll call, the following was the vote on this motion: Mitchell "No" Coles Yes Stivers do Brown. do Macomber Absent - arrived S:l'Jp.m. Shattuck do Chairman Mitchell stated that the majority had voted in favor of the motion and it was so ordered. Chairman Mitchell brought up for hearing the petition to permit a variance in the use of property having a frontage of 1561 on Chapin Avenue from "Apartment" to "Com- mercial" use. :firs. Irene E. Farrell appeared stating that she is the -owner -of Lots "C" and "D", Block 11, and is opposed to "spot" zoning, but does a,)prove of rezoriinlu the lots with all other lots on the South side of Chapin Avenue. Vdiiliam Crosby appeared stating he is the owner of property on the North side of Chapin Avenue and he favored re- zoning both sides of the street. Succeeding ;fir. Crosby, the following appeared and in- ,dicated that they favored rezoning both sides of the street to "business" property: Lot Block Folmer T. Juel "G" 1.3 Janes L. Chiaoelone "E" 1.1 Anna J . Morris S 1.0 George H. Sandidge "H" li Louis H. Ochs "F" 1.0 After hearing so many individuals, who appeareu ws propoizents of rezoninb both sides of Chapin Avenue to "business", Chairmmi .'oiitcheii in, -,aired of the audience if this presenta- tion was .representative of the sentiment of the property ovaner, in zenerai in that neighborhood, and Mr. Crosby responded that he believed he could safely say that at least MINUTLS - Regular ifeeting - January 31, 1946 Page 2 901 of the property owners were in favor of rezoning. Councilman Hunt inquired if and when Chapin Avenue may become rezoned for business, will the street be widened: In response to this Chairman Aitcheil stated that he recalled this subject was brought up some years ago and that the City Council would not give approval unless the property owners would make available the necessary area to widen t`ie street. Mr. Mitchell asked City Attorney Karmel if any time limit may be effective as to a. ruling formerly made by the City Council on this subject, anti -Mr. Karmel advised that the City Council being the legislative body, their latest expression is the intent. City Attorney Karmel added at this point that the Planning Commission has before it for hearing Lt this time the petition seeking a variance which should either be granted or denied, - the widening of the street being something for some property owner, or the Planning Commission itself to bring up at another time. City Engineer Longson inquired if set -back lines could be es- tablished at this time to increase the width of the street from 6J' to 100' and provide rear access to the property. F. C. Whitman, representing tine petitioners, stated that he favored the rezoning and the widening of the street. City nttorney Karmel asked ;Mr. t"hitman if he i=.ould be willing to postpone the granting of a variance, pointing out that other property owners had opposed "spot" zoning but indicated that the;- wouiu favor the rezoning of the entire street. Mr. Whitman responded that he i'ouid like to see the ap- proval of the variance at this hearing. Yr. Wiise;yT ap eared and suggested that the Planning Commission on its own motion undertake to rezone the entire street. Comfilissioner ,..hattuck asked Nirs. Farrell, another property owner present, if she would favor an alley in the block. Mrs. -Farrell responded that this i touchy sub.Ject and .%,ent on to indicate that it would depend on a good many other points to be considered. iMr. Cockcroft appeared and expresses the thought that an alley must be provided in the 14OJ block of l urlingame Avenue with property ovaiers to pay for the improvement. He also said that he iavored rezoning the entire Chapin Avenue street to "business." IMrs. Farrell then spoke again about an alley and stated that she is strongly against assessing the adjoining Iropertyy owners but favors an assessment against the entire city and so forth. Commis- ,ioner Coles made a motion that the petition be granted with a 20' set -back on Chapin 1 venue, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Shattuck. In the discussiai tirhich fol- lowed, Commissioner (Macomber indicated that he felt somewhat opposed to granting the pe- tition because there had been some objections to a variance. After discussion, the roll call was unanimous that the petition -be granted. Chairman _Mitchell brought up for hearing the petition for chance of zone of the lots on both sides of Donnelly Avenue, between Primrose Road and Lorton Avenue from "Apartment" to "Commercial" zone. 1dr. Vibipple appeared and stated tll,,t individuais owning 77.95% of the street frontage have signed the petition. Mr. Dessin appeared ans said that if'the petition is granted, it will solve the alley problem in th!.t block and he stands ready to donate 20' at the rear of his property for an alley. Chairman .Mitchell asked, in view of the high percentage of property owners who have signed he petition, if there were any objections or discussion. Commissioner Shattuck asked the present width of the street and City Engineer Longson said that Donnelly Avenue is now 5U' aide and he recommends this be increased to 60' by establishing a set -back line of 11J' on the South fide of Donnelly ,Avenue. Commissioner Brown made the motion that petition be granted i,.ith a 10' set -back ,on the South side of Donnelly Avenue, vrhich motion was seconded by Dr. Macomber and unani- mously voted. Commissioner Macomber suggested that he would like to hear at a Planning Commission meeting a discussion of what should be done as to thE3 widening of Ei Camino Real and that it be determined That the final plan is to be. After a brief discussion it wa ; cb- cided that this subject should be brought up at some subbe:,uent ,lieeting. The Secretary read a letter from P. F. Blythe seeking; perwission to ,Hove the Bayshore :vlotei Apartments directly across the Bay snore Hip hway Troia its present site to a i1:IiVUTES - Re uiar �ieet_L - Jc.ni1G ;' 31, 1946 Pace 3 re -location on Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 4, Subdivision Map 1, Buriin'5-&me Shore Lend Co. This location is at the corner of Bay shore Hi hwe.y ana t inchester Drive. hi ter discus- sion among the members of the Commission, and being; aavised by City Attorney f�rmel that this motel is not considered to be an auto court, ana al o Being advised by City Building Inspector Watson that the premises are not constructed as an auto court, a ,no- tion was made by Commissioner Coles, seconded,and unanimously voted that per -fission be granted to move the structure subject to the plans being satisfactor, to the Building Inspector and the Planning Colunission, and landscaping satisfactor, to the Superintendent of Parks. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a new shop building, 35 x 70, proposed to be constructed by Lauder Bros. on Broadway near Rollins Road. Ai'ter uiscus- sion the Secretary was instructed to approve the plans, whicci was done. City Engineer Longson asked that the Secretary of the Planning Commission be requested to write to the California State Division of Highwa. s seeking a vrorking ar- rangement with the city looking to the protection and beautification of the lands be- tween the Bayshore Highway as widened and the bay, whiLch lends for the most part are owned either by tjie City of Burlingame or the State Highway .Department. City Engineer Longson reported gnat he expects to have cocnpiied a list of property owners affected by the proposed new limited commercial zone in the Hozard Avenue area, so that proper notices may be sent out before the next meeting of the Planning Com- mission. At 10 p.m. the Chairman declared the meeting adjour:ied out of respect to the passing of Charles Macdonald, former member of the Planning Commission and Secretary. D. A. STiV S, Secretary.