HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1946.02.28AINVTES CITY PLiLNNING COiUISSION Burlingame, California. February- 28, 1946 The Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the City Hall at 8 p.m. Thursday, February 28, 1946. On roll tali the following were present: Mitchell Coles Macomber Brown Stivers\ Shattuck Building Inspector James Watson Others attending: Mayor Dahl Councilman Roth " Harris City Clerk Abite Chairman Mitchell presiding.. At this meeting there was held a public hearing of the petition to rezone both sides of Chapin Avenue from "apartment" to "business" zone. Colonel Charles X. Kirkbride, representing himself and George G. Warden, Trustees, presented a writ- ten and oral protest against the creation of a commercial zone in that area, but stated a semi -business district with attractive appearance would not be opposed. Mr. James L. Chiapelone, owner of Lot E", Block 11, appeared and stated that he had cir- culated the petition bearing signatures of approximately 90% of the proper owners in the area and that they all felt that their property would go into a fine business district. Chairman Mitchell inquired as to the percentage of property owners approval on the different sides of the street and received the response that on the North side of Chapin Avenue all but 50' frontage were represented in the petition and the South side lacked abou 100' and altogether about 1�0' on both sides of the avenue. It was also stated that/property owners believed the street should be widened. Chairman Mitchell pointed out that unless the street is widened there will be a bottleneck to traffic. F. C. Whitman appeared, stated that it would be advisable to include a street widening program as part of the rezoning. At this point, C. A. Torello voiced objection to a set -back line being established on his property on Primrose Road and Chapin Avenue. Bernard Morris, representing his mother, Mrs. Anna J. Morris, appeared in favor of .the change. Mr. Crosby stated that some of the property owners wish the street to be Rzdened 151 and some are in favor of a 20' set -back line. Luther Carr ap- peared and stated that the street should be widened; that he ovens 100' frontage on the North side of Chapin Avenue and believes that the set -back should be 201. 0. C. Moroney appeared and stated that he is eager to have the street rezoned, but would not want to be put to the expense of moving his building from its present location. The Chairman requested the reading of the original petition which was read by the Secretary and is on file with the City Clerk. Commissioners Broom and Coles stated that they be- lieved it would be a mistake to rezone the street without provision for a widening pro- MINUTES - Regular Meeting - February 28, 1946 Page 2. gram. After some further discussion, Commissioners Shattuck and Coles proposed that as a result of this hearing an informal approval be adopted but with a time limit on the widening of the street. Luther Carr, from the floor, advised the Planning Commission' not to put in too many provisions in their approval which he said might be trimmed off by the City Council. Commissioner Shattuck made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the petition to rezone Chapin Avenue be granted sub- ject to further study of a widening program and limitation to type of business to be permitted in the area. Commissioner Macomber seconded the motion providing it included restrictions. Following this, Commissioner Shattuck stated that if this is to be a for - Mal approval he would immediately withdraw his motion, but after further discussion, Commissioner Coles moved that the motion be put to a vote which was seconded by Commis- sioner Shattuck, and on roll tail carried unanimously. Commissioner Stivers spade a statement to the effect that as a result of this hearing it appears that 90% of the property owners are in favor of the rezoning and that there has been veiy little pro- test, so that it did not appear that the Planning Commission on its own initiative under the circumstances should take the position of opposing the rezoning, but stated that in the interest of the property owners, he believed this to be poor city planning. W. F. Holbrook of 15 Park Road, and Bars. Sue Gaffey, Lot 1B, Block 3, appeared and inquired about the progress which is being made toward rezoning Park Road, and stated that they are in favor of such action. Chairman Mitchell brought up the subject of the present location of the city limit neon sign and the commissioners all pointed out that it is not now properly loca- ted and should be moved to the present Northerly boundary as soon as possible. There was presented a request from John B. Cockroft & Co. for permission to resubdivide Lots 9 and 10, Block 21, Map #2 Burlingables, - the purpose of the resubdi- vision being to permit the building of homes fronting on Concord Way and eliminated the facing of two backyards into the present Shirley residence. After discussion, it was unanimously voted that the Planning Commission approves such resubdivision providing that the usual procedure in such matters is followed by the petitioner and copy of the surveyorts map is filed with the City Engineer and the City Clerk. Plans were presented for the construction of an apartment house for Charles E. Markis on Lot 12, Block 50, El Camino Real. After inspection by the Commission, the plans were referred to the Building Inspector without approval in their present form. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a five -story reinforced, con- crete furniture storage warehouse, 70 x 90, to be constructed for the Bekins Van and ! Storage Company at the Northeast corner of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way and Broadway which, .after inspection, were approved by the Commission. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a one-story industrial building, 90 x 60 proposed to be erected in the industrial zone at 960 Carolan Avenue for Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kurkjian and Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Ten Eyck which, after inspection, were ap- proved by the Commission. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a proposed apartment house to be constructed on Lot 1, Block 5, Burlingame Grove, at the Northeast corner Grove Avenue and El Camino Real, ovazer W. R. Cooper. After full inspection of the plans and con- siderable discussion, Commissioner Coles made a motion that the plans be not approved as not satisfactorily conforming to the genera! character of the proposed location, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and on roll call carried unanimously. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for raising and remodelling a one- NivT`ES- Regular Meeting - February 28, 1946 Page 3. story frame structure located at 121_Park Road into a two-otory building with offices and apartments. Inspector Watson stated the owner had submitted plans in a preliminary man- ner to inquire if this type of development would meet with approval in that area without immediately seeking permission to start work. After discussion the Commission concluded that this is not the type of development having the approval of the Planning Commission. The Chairman referred to a request which has been received from Mrs. R. H. Livingston to rezone the front portion of Lot 23 on Sanchez Avenue 51.12 Westerly of El Camino Real from "first residential" to "apartment" zone,.- this request being made in order that the owner may build two apartments on Sanchez Avenue at the rear of the resi- dence now standing on the Southwesterly corner of E1 Camino Real and Sanchez. The con- sensus of the Commission was that it has been against the policy of the Planning Commis- sion for many years past to approve of apartments and duplex structures in the first residential zone West of El Camino Real. It was, however, agreed that the subject in this instance will be further considered by looking into the resubdivision some years ago of Lots 23 and 24. Commissioner Coles brought up the proposed limited commercial area between Howard Avenue and Peninsula Avenue with the idea if possible of having the matter brought to a conclusion. The Secretary was directed to communicate to the Council a request that the City Engineer and the City Attorney be asked to complete the map and necessary papers, which are in their hands, for the proposed limited commercial zone and present them to the Commission for action. The Planning Commission requested the City Clerk to send individual notices to property owners within,the prescribed area surrounding the Stone property on Howard Avenue in order that a re -hearing to rezone from "commercial" to "apartment" may be heard. Commissioner Macomber brought up the subject of the general appearance of the city disposal plant at the foot of Broadway and suggested that it be considered, if it would be feasible, to install some system to make a reasonable charge for the use of the city disposal area in order to defray the cost of policing and betterment. After dis- cussion, it was concluded that the Planning Commission would not recommend the establish- ment of a scale of fees for the use of this facility and pointed out that the area lately has been considerably cleaned up and now presents a somewhat better appearance. Further- more, it was commented that the construction of the highway overpass has been started, and when this is completed, it can be more readily determined what should be done toward a beautification of the area. The meeting adjourned at 11 p.m. D. A. STIVERS, Secretary.