HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1946.04.25CITY PLt NNIAG COiX41SSiON Burlingame, California. April 26, 1946 The Regular meeting of the Planning Commission was :held in the City Hall at S p.m., Thursday, April 25, 1946. On roll call the following were present: Mitchell Coles Brown Stivers Shattuck Absent: Macomber Others attending: City Attorney Karmel Building Inspector James Watson Chairman Mitchell presiding. .The Chairman announced that this is the second required hearing for the pro- posed Limited Commercial Zone, concerning which there seems to be a good deal of ob- jection, while there has not been much objection to the petition to rezone Park Road which has been held in abeyance pending the outcome of a study of the entire area, in- cluding Park Road. In view of this, the Chairman invited expression of any new thoughts on the subject. John Ramslie, 1020 Peninsula Avenue, appeared and presented a petition bear- ing fifteen signatures protesting against the rezoning and reclassification of their properties located on Highland Avenue and Bayswater Avenue. George Pein appeared and protested a proposed reclassification. Daniel Minto appeared and stated he favored the rezoning for the reason that more area is needed for business expansion. Mrs. Rose Meyer spoke in favor of business reclassification. Judge Gaffey spoke, stating he did not favor or object to the proposed plan but he again.-arged favorable action on petition to rezone Park Road. Fred J. Meehan, ovaier of the property at 25 Highland Avenue, indicated that he did not wish to be disturbed in the use of his property as a home and asked that the zone classification remain as it is. After hearing other dis- cussions from the floor for and against the rezoning, Commissioner Shattuck made a motion, which was duly seconded and unanimously voted as follows: "That the four lots on Highland Avenue and all of the Park and Primrose Roads property facing these two streets be rezoned to limited commercial use, with the necessary setbacks ordered for Bayswater, Highland and Lorton Avenues, and Park and Primrose Roads." C. W. Rogers appeared representing owners of lots in the proposed resubdivi- sion of Lot 4, Block 26, Easton No. 2, in connection with which there was handed to the Planning Commission the following communication: "Herewith is map in triplicate of a proposed division of the 200 feet frontage lot on Cortez Avenue near Sanchez Avenue, known as Lot 4 of Block 26 of Easton #2, subdivision of Burlingame. Lot D is a dwelling owned by the widow of the late John Lee and it is known as #loll. Lot C is the site of a dwelling under Page 2. MINUTES - Special Meeting - April 25, 1946 "construction for Dr. Sanderson. Lot B has been sold to Mr. and firs. Wm. Trott of Paloma Avenue, Burlingame, who are seeking a permit granting them the right to build a home on the said site. And proposed Lot A we hope soon to sell to some parties who plan to build a home. You will note that proposed Lot B has an area of 5600 square feet, considera- bly larger than many lots in Burlingame. Also that if it were made into a fifty -feet -frontage lot there would not be enuf left of the proposed Lot A (which is nearly half creek) to make a suitable homesite. We ask that you kindly grant us your approval of the proposed division of said Lot 4, Blk 26 Easton subdivision, in order that Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trott, who have lately bought proposed Lot B may be granted a permit to build the home for which they already have plans and priorities." After discussion, ,the Planning Commission voted to recommend the approval of the resub- division of Lot 4 as proposed. Plans were submitted and approved for an apartment house proposed to be con- structed by Charles E. Markis, 2305 Poppy Drive, Burlingame. Plans were submitted and approved for an apartment house proposed to be con- structed by David A. Nicolaides on Lot 6, Block 6, Burlingame"Grove on the Easterly line of El Camino Real. Plans were submitted and approved for an apartment house proposed to be con- structed by David A. Nicolaides on Lot 7, Block 6, Burlingame Grove on the Easterly line of El Camino Real. With reference to the hearing of the Planning Commission held February 28, 1946 on the petition to rezone both sides of Chapin Avenue from "Apartment" to the "Business" zone, the following resolution was introduced and adopted: "That the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council the establishment of a limited commercial district within which certain commercial uses will be allowed and certain other commercial uses excluded, as follows:. ZONE This area shall be zoned for limited commercial use and shall be in the first fire zone. Existing structures notconforming thereto may be altered for commercial purposes provided there is no increase in the number of stories and the ground area covered by the building is increased not more than 10%. DELINEATION Block #10, Lots E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,ui,r,0,7,8,9, Burlingame Land Co., 'gap #2. Block #11, Lots A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,IA, and the northerly portion of Lot N, Burlingame Land Co., Map #2. BUILDING SET -BACK LINLS A building set -back line of 20 feet is to be estab- lished for all Chapin Ave. frontages, which will establish a uniform street width of 100 feet. USES Within this Limited Commercial Zone there will be permitted all profes- sions falling under State regulation; semi-professional uses including designing, typing, accounting, real estate, investment services, studios con- nected with the various arts; private schools; light retail businesses, Page 3. MINUTES - Special meeting - April 25, 1946 "hotels, mortuaries, hospitals, nursery and convalescent homes; together with establishments of a strictly office nature. Within this limited commercial area there shall be no laundry, cleaning, dyeing, storage or repair services, except those repair services connected with the sale of major appliances; no employment or labor agericies; no secondhand stores; (except antiques) no place for the sale, trade or dis- pensing of liquors and public amusements. Properties having a frontage on E1 Camino Real shall conform in use to the provisions of Section 1913 of the Ordinance Code. CONTROL All building for commercial use in this Limited Commercial Area shall comply with provisions to be established by the City Council upon recommendation by the City Planning Commission governing the set -back lines, land coverage, landscaping, parking facilities, height and architec- tural character thereof and such provisions may be altered at any time by the same process. All permits to build within this area shall bear the ap- proval of the City Planning Commission." � The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. D. k. STIVhRS, Secretary.