HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1946.06.26CITY PLkiyNii4.( Gi04adSJ10A Burlingame, California. June 27, 1946 The Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the City Hall at 7:45 p.m., Wednesday, June 26, 1946. on roll call the following were present: Mitchell Brown Coles Stivers Shattuck Absent on roll call: Macomber Mr. Tognetti of the City Engineer's office presented a ,map of a proposed sub- division to be knovn as 'Burlingame Manor" at Hillside Drive and Skyline Boulevard, containing 126 lots, which area is proposed to be annexed to the City of Burlingame. There was considerable discussion of the plan of the subdivision, and the streetsand so forth, at the conclusion of which the Commission indicated that they could see no reason at this time why a formal plan of proposed development should not be approved in due course when presented. Clare Kemp appeared with various drawings and pictures which he said repre- sented his ideas of the architectural treatment of the proposed Quonset type warehouse which he desires to erect in the Broadway industrial area. There was considerable dis- cussion on this subject to bring up the various points involved, such as the street or road plan, the present absence of water and sewer connections and so forth. Mr. Kemp urged that immediate affirmative action be taken, stating that this was the third time he had brought up the subject, and the Planning Commission responded that he has pre- sented the matter in a conversational form, and as yet the Commission has not anything upon which it could pass one way or the other, except to say in General that there is no desire to oppose the development as orally outlined by Mr. Kemp, but before any action could be taken, it would be necessary for Mr. Kemp to present a definite proposi- tion with plans and drawings, so that the matter would have proper attention in the regular course. Thereupon Mr. Kemp presented to the Commission the following communica- tion: "The City Planning Commission, City of Burlingame. Gentlemen: Vie beg permission to construct on the property as set forth on the accompanying drawing entitled "Plot plan Light Industrial and warehouse Development - Clare Kemp, et al, Burlingame," a number of Stran- Steel Quonset type buildings. A.) We agree that none of these buildings will be so located as to face Rollins Road at Broadway. B.) We agree to landscape the telephone company easement.property paralleling the railroad tracks. C.) We agree to construct appropriately designed facings on the buildings when materials and labor are available and C. P. A. permission obtained. D.) We agree to install sewers and fire protection at our own expense. PUINUTES - Regular Meeting - June 27, 1946 Page 2 E.) We agree that all streets installed will be no less than 50' in width. F.) We agree to furnish adequate automobile parkin; facilities. C.) We agree that plans showing design and construction, and location of each individual building will be submitted for the Planning Commission's approval, before construction. Yours very truly, INDUSTRIAL REALTY CO., A Corporation. (signed) Clare Kemp, President." There was found on the table at the Planning Commission meeting a roll of blue- prints evidently relating to a proposed frame building to contain ten apartments to be erected in Burlingame. Theseplans apparently had been left for the inspection of the Planning Commission, but no one was present to give any information on the subject nor did the plans indicate the location of the proposed structure. Accordingly no action could be taken except to have the blueprints referred to the building inspector for in- vestigation after Building Inspector Watson returns from his vacation. Commissioner Coles stated that he has observed that construction has been started on Adeline Drive, West of El Camino t^.here there is to be located a number of garages v4ith apartments on the second floor. This is believed to be a development which may be related to an inquiry presented to the Planning Commission sometime ago, which was disapproved because the construction of apartments in that location would not comply with the zoning; ordinance. This matter was held over for a report from Building Inspector Watson upon his return from vacation. City Clerk White presented an informal inquiry from H. E. Winfred, Contractor, who desired to ask if it would be all right to proceed with the construction of a concrete foundation, prefabricated aluminum building on Lots 11 to 16 inclusive, Block 9, Bayshore Boulevard, to be rented to a machine shop. The Planning Commission replied that this is in the area which was added to the apartment house district. Chairman Mitchell reported that he has held discussions with a park planning consultant looking toward the possibility of engaging the services of such a specialist to advise the Park Commission and the Planning Commission. This matter is to have fur- ther attention at a later meeting. This being the last meeting of the fiscal year, there was brought up the subject of electing a Chairman, Vice -Chairman, and Secretary to serve'for the ensuing year. Mr. Mitchell stated that he had served the Commission as Chairman for many years, and on ac- count of the pressure of other business, he would nom like to have the office passed along to another Commissioner. It was unanimously voted that Commiss3ioner Harrison Coles will serve as Chairman, Commissioner Broim- as Vice -Chairman, and COmmiL6ioner Stivers as Secretary for the enusing year. Commissioners Coles, Brovm, Macomber, Shattuck and Stivers unanimously voted a resolution of appreciation to Commissioner Mlitchell for the va.uable services he has ren- dered to the Planning Commission for many years past as Chairman. There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. D. _.. 3TIVhRS1 Secretary.