HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1946.08.01CITY PLANNING COir 4iSS10N Burlingame, California. August 2, 1946 The Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the City Hall at 7:45 p.m., Thursday, August 1, 1946. On roll call the following were present: Coles Mitchell Macomber Brown Shattuck Stivers Others attending: Mayor Harris Councilmen Symonds, Hunt and Dahl City Attorney Karmel City Clerk White City Engineer Fitch Building Inspector Watson Chairman Coles presiding read a petition from the Mills Estate seeking annexa- tion to the City of Burlingame of approximately 350 acres EAst of the Southern Pacific right-of-way and a strip of land extending to the Skyline Boulevard as delineated on a map which accompanied the petition. After discussion, Commissioner Brown made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend acceptance, which was seconded by Commissioner Mitchell, and on roll call, the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Coles brought up the subject of the annexation of Burlingame Is Manor, concerning which a tentative map was presented at the Planning Commission meeting June 27. The Secretary read the Minutes of the June 27 meeting, which were approved. Commissioner Coles asked City Attorney Karmel regarding the ordinance affect- ing metallic type of buildings which are becoming standard construction. After discus- sion, it was requested that the city attorney consider the preparation of new ordinance to clarify the intention of the code. Building inspector Watson stated that he be- lieved that the intention of the old ordinance was to prevent the erection of light corrugated sheet metal buildings with wood interior frame and not to restrict the new type of concrete and metal structure. Chairman Coles asked for recommendations and Commissioner Shattuck moved that the purpose of the new ordinance should specifically exclude the erection of corrugated iron on wood frame structures, in which recommendation the other commissioners unanimously concurred. Commissioner Macomber brought up the question, "Is Rollins Road wide enough to accommodate the traffic which will result from the proposed development in that area?" This will be referred to the City Engineer. Commissioner Shattuck brought up the question about the construction of apartments on Adeline Drive, which was answered by Building Inspector Watson, stating that there is a single family residence in the front of the lot with one apartment in the rear, which complies with the ordinances. MINUTES - Regular Meeting August 2, 1946 Page 2 Chairman Coles referred to the final map for the proposed Burlingame Manor Subdivision. Mr. Longson said that the new map, as now presented, is the same as the preliminary drawing which was considered at the June 27 meeting. Chairman Coles said that a resolution would be entertained approving the map of Burlingame Manor Subdivi- sion. The following motion was made by Commissioner Mitchell and seconded by Commissioner Macomber: "The Burlingame City Planning Commission having had submitted to it the map of the proposed Burlingame Manor Subdivision, the same is approved by the Commission, and the Chairman and Secretary thereof are authorized to sign such ap- proval thereon." Unanimously voted. Chairman Coles discussed the subject of the Planning Commission engaging the services of a landscape and park consultant. The consensus of the commissioners was favorable to this idea, but no formal action was taken at this meeting. Building Inspector Watson presented an application from the Tidewater Associated Oil Company for permission to install two additional tanks and construct an addition to their warehouse. Commissioner Coles moved that such permission should be granted; seconded by Commissioner Shattuck, followed by unanimous vote which was sub- sequently amended on the advice of City Attorney Karmel that the City Planning Commission may not approve the construction until the ordinance as proposed is amended. Chairman Coles brought up the subject of additional traffic signals on El .Camino Real. City Engineer Fitch reported that the State will supply the signals and the city will install them. The City Engineer added that he has scheduled a meeting with the State Highway authorities on this matter. Chairman Coles brought up the subject of the extension of Carolan Drive, and City Engineer Fitch reported that he,having recently become City Engineer, has not as yet had opportunity to familiarize himself with this matter, but he will investigate and report to the Commission at a subsequent meeting. Chairman Coles brought up the subject of parking meters which has not hereto- fore been considered by the Planning Commission, although it is understood that the City Council is in favor of installing such meters. Councilman Hunt, who was present, stated he had made an inspection of the parking meters in use in San Rafael, San Jose, and El Cerrito. There was some general discussion on this, but no formal action taken. City Building Inspector Watson appeared with a larger than usual bundle of building plans requiring action on the part of the Planning Commission. In this connec- tion a suggestion was made that in order to expedite the handling of a volume of this type business that Commissioners Coles and Mitchell act as a sub -committee to review building plans. The following are the plans which were presented at this meeting by Building Inspector Watson with the action thereon taken by the Planning Commission. New apartment house, Lot 5, Block 3, Burlingame Shore Land Co., Francisco and Bayshore. John Buchanan. Approved. New apartment house, Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Bayshore Boulevard, Frank Fernando. Approved. New apartment, Lot 7, Block 7, Burlingame Land Co., El Camino and Floribunda, James Chestnut. Approved. New apartment, Lot 12, Block 17, Burlingame Grove, E1 Camino Real, opposite Sherman Avenue, D. G. Piedmonte. Approved 'INUT - Regular Meeting August 2, 1946 Page 2 New apartments, Lot ? Block ? Mrs. M. M. Levy. Not approved, too congested. Referred back to building inspector. Dr. P. C. Guyselman to move pet hospital on Broadway in Industrial District ap- proximately 501 West of its present location on account of the construction of the Bayshore Highway cloverleaf, Approved. New apartment, Lot 7, Block 2, Burlingame Park #4 on E1 Camino Real, H. C. Miner, Not approved. Does not comply with State Housing Act. Referred back to building inspector. There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. D. A. STIVERS, Secretary. t