HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1946.11.21i� CITY PUNNING COiVffU SI0ii Burlitigame, California. November 22, 1946 The Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the City Hall at 7:45 p.m., Thursday, November 21, 1946 The following commissioners were present: Coles Brown Macomber Shattuck Stivers Absent: Mitchell Others.present: City Clerk White Building Inspector Watson Chairman Coles presiding. The Chairman inquired if a communication had been received in response to the letter of the Planning Commission to the City Council September30, 1946, calling attention to the existence of advertising signs on El Camino Real and awnings on other treets which are believed to be in violation of other ordinances. City Clerk White was present and reported that this has been referred to the Chief of Police and is being followed up. Building Inspector Watson also reported that he had called on the dancing academy on El Camino Real informing them that the sign maintained on the awn- ing at that location is in violation of the city ordinance. A motion was adopted in- structing the Secretary to send a communication asking a response to the letter of the lanning Commission regarding signs on El Camino Real. The Chairman read a copy of a new ordinance #438 amending Section 2205A granting permission to use metal for roof and wall coverings in the Industrial and Commercial Zone of the city under the direction of the Planning Commission. The Chair- man and the members of the commission expressed the belief that this new ordinance properly covers the subject and should be adopted. Commissioner Shattuck asked Building Inspector Watson if the new ordinance clears up the uncertainty heretofore existing on this subject and he replied that it did. The Chairman inquired if a report has been received from the City Engineer and the Chief of the Fire Deya.rtment on the subject of changing Myrtle Lane from the "First" to the "Second" fire zone. No such report has as yet been received by the Planning Commission and the City Engineer and the Chief of the Fire Department were not present at this meeting. The matter was held over for further attention. There had been placed on the agenda, "Broadway Parking Lots," the Commission having been informed that local merchants expected to bring up a plan to utilize vacant lots for off-street parking. No one appeared to present this subject. The Chairman referred to a protest made at the last meeting regarding; the planing mill in the Broadway industrial area. City Building 'Inspector Watson was present and reported that this use started out as a temporary storage yard but it has .MINUTES - Regular Meeting November 22, 1946 Page 2 continued to develop into an extensive activity including planing mill,, sawmill, and the construction of an incinerator and so forth. On this subject the Secretary read a com- munication from Foley Boettcher Lumber Company dated November 21, 1946 addressed to the City of Burlingame as follows: "Gentlemen: We are at present operating a planing mill on Bayshore highway in Burlingame. This mill was originally set up to manufacture finished lumber until such time as finished lumber was made available to the lumber dealer. Due to the shortagelof houses and also due to the scarcity of Building Materials we believe it will be quite a few years before conditions return to normal, meanwhile we are supplying the local contractors with approximately one million feet bf finished lumber each month to be used mainly in the veterans housing program. "Our present building, housing our woodworking machinery, is of wood frame and metal roof. As this building was intended originally as a temporary affair, we realize that it is not in accordance with the standards for such buildings. "We now have plans being prepared for a substantial building of concrete blocks for sidewall, composition roof on a wood. frame, concrete floors, and doors on each side of the building. "4`e also are planning for a modern burner to dispose of .sawdust and shavings. This burner will be of very modern construction, which will burn clean and with a mini- mum of smoke. Our building will also be equipped with modern accoustical and in- sulation materials to minimize the noise of the machinery. "When our plans are completed by our architect, they will be presented to the planning commission for approval. "We are submitting the above to clarify our future plans." The consensus of the commissioners was that this is not a satisfactory situation and that it should have further attention. Mr. Roese, a resident on Toyon Drive, appeared and stated that the noise from the planing mill has been reduced somewhat following formal protest, but he expressed the belief that an industrial operation of this character in the community is a violation of the zoning ordinance and should be abated until a proper under- standing is had. Mrs. Roese appeared and protested regarding the noise from the planing mill and asked that the nuisance be abated. Dr. Johnson, also a resident of that locality, appeared and protested on the same subject and requested that -the operation be stopped until proper permits may be obtained. Commissioner Brown expressed the belief that if the plant is shut down it would be a hardship on building contractors and persons seeking new homes, but he thought there should be a time limit set in which to correct the conditions complained about. Dr. Macomber expressed the belief that ever;,Tthing possible should be done to protect the area from objectionable operations in a community which is primarily of a residential character. Commissioner Shattuck made a motion seconded by Dr. ;Macomber and unanimously adopted that a. communication be directed from the Planning Commission to the City Council to ascertain what time limit has been set to stop the nuisance caused by the planing mill. A preliminary plan was presented for a proposed utility building to be erected by 0. H. Bessett in the Broadway industrial area. After consideration the Planning Commission indicated tentative approval subject to the presentation of more complete plans to indicate the general appearance of the proposed structure and a site plan to show its location. Building Inspector Watson presented plans and a drawing for a proposed reinforced concrete arcade type of store building proposed to be constructed on the easterly side of Primrose Road between Burlingame Avenue and Hor�ard Avenue by George W. Ormsby. The November 22, 1946 MINUTES - Regular Meeting Page Planning Commission did not consider that it has jurisdiction and, therefore, eras not in a position formally to approve or disapprove if a proposed construction complies with the city ordinances. City Building Inspector Viatson indicated that the plans complied with she ordinances and that he had submitted the plans to the Commission at the request of the ov.,ner, who desired to ask if the Planning Commission looked faith favor upon this type of development in that location. The several members of the Planning Commission stated unoffi- cially that the drawing vahich was presented seemed to make an attractive appearance. follows: The Secretary read a communication dated November 20, 1946 from the City Clerk as "At the regular meeting of the City Council held Monday evening, Councilman Hunt recommended that the Planning Commission give study and consideration to the plan proposed by the Burlingame High School Students' Committee for a community center and auditorium. ........It After discussion it was concluded that as a special committee Commissioners Mitchell and Coles will meet with prospective technical advisers on the :question of utilization of city park lands for a community center and auditorium. Pending a report from the special commit- tee to the Planning Commission, it was the consensus that the Commission as a whole should take no action on the subject. A communication r;as received dated November 21, 1946 from City Engineer Fitch on the subject of a proposed alleyway in Block 11, Burlingame Land Company Subdivision, accom- panied by prints showing one scheme and an alternate for the development of an interior alleyway of the uniform 20' width serving the interior of the block. The subject of alley- ways in the business district has been studied and discussed at several meetings heretofore. At this meeting the majority of the Commission favored the plan now presented which called for an alley running the full length of the block and terminating on El Camino Real with the proviso that traffic would be in -one direction only with ingress on Chapin Avenue and egress on E1 Camino Real with the further restriction that vehicles leaving; the alley would make a righthand turn only on E1 Camino Real. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. D. .H . :31IVPRS3. Secretary.