HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1945.04.05�&INUTES CITY PLANNiAG COMMISSION Burlingame, California. April 5, 1945 The Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the City Hall at 7:45 p.m. Thursday, April 5, 1945. MUBERS PRESENT: Mitchell OTHERS PRE: &ff: Mayor Dahl Coles Councilmen Roth, Harris Rapp and Hunt Brown City Attorney Karmel Stivers City Engineer Longson Macomber Building Inspector Watson Came in 8:45 p.m. after conclusion of the hearing on the Park Road variance. Chairman Mitchell presiding. On roll call the following were present: Mitchell, Coles, Rapp, Brown and Stivers. Macomber absent. The Secretary read the petition of George E. Honn, Lillian Honn, and Crosby- N. Gray & Co. seeking variance from requirements of the City of Burlingame zoning ordinance relating to - "Lots 21, 22 and 23 in Block No. 28, as per map in the Polo Field Subdivision, Town of Burlingame." After the petition was read, Attorney E. H. Cosgriff representing the owners of the property and Crosby- N. Gray & Co.,asked that the petition be amended from Block 28 to Block 8 to correct a typographical error. Speaking for the petitioners, Attorney Cosgriff stated that Crosby N.Gray & Company now operate two mortuaries locally which are not up to the standard befitting the City of Burlingame and that if they can move their business to the Northeast corner of Peninsula Avenue and Park Rohd, it is their intention as soon as possible to fit up attractive quarters to include adeyua.te private parking space within the property and that the two other -locations will be discontinued. U. S. Simonds, Jr., 34 Park Road, appeared to oppose changing the zoning of 4 Park Road, stating that in his belief the question is whether Burlingame needs more business property, or does not, and stated he feels that Park Road should be all zoned for business, but if just one parcel is to be changed, he would be opposed to that as "spot zoning." W. L. Holbrook, 15 Park Road appeared; stated he recently purchased the apart- ment house at that address and was opposed to granting the variance. J. A. Wiley, 10 Park Road appeared; stated he has resided for seventeen or eighteen years next door to t1e.p etitioner's property and that he is very much opposed to the granting of the variance. He also stated that about twenty-four property holders within a radius of 500' of the subject property are opposed and he submitted a petition bearing thirty-nine signatures, stating that they do not favor the rezoning of the Northeast corner of Park Road and Peninsula Avenue from."second residential" to "busi- LiINUTES - Regular Meeting April 5, 1945 iness" for use as a mortuary. Page 2. Mr. Lauder, 117 Park Road appeared and stated he was opposed to a mortuary at the proposed location. Frank H. Thrall, 124 Park Road, appeared; stated that he had adopted the same stand as that taken by Mr. Simonds; that is, if Park Road is to be rezoned in one spot, he favors rezoning the entire street. City Attorney Karmel at this point in the meeting stated he believed the issue should be clarified by calling attention to the fact that the application is not for change of zone but a variance in use. After City Attorney Karmel explained the distinction between a variance and a change of zone, the following individuals asked that their postal cards indic�tin Obahey favored rezoning of the Northeast corner of Park Road and Peninsula Avenueor e reason that they had not understood the difference: Charlotte Knudsen Mr. Papp Mrs. Nippenberg Capt. John Adams U. S. Simonds 42 Park Road 27 E. Carol Avenue 34 Park Road Mrs. Caroline S. Collins, 11 El Camino Real, appeared and stated that in her opinion the proposed location for the mortuary is a poor one on account of the congestion caused by school children using the crossing. Mr. Holbrook appeared and stated he. believed a bad situation would be created for several reasons including traffic and the parking of funeral cars on Park Road. Mfrs. Wiley, 10 Park Road, stated she is opposed to "spot zoning" and be- lieves the people on Park Road do not want a mortuary. Mr. Sheehan, 24 Lorton Avenue, appeared and stated he thought the question should be decided by the neighbors. The Chairman inquired if anyone else wished to speak for or against the sub- ject of the petition, and there being no further remarks from the floor, Attorney Cosgriff asked for and was granted permission to address the meeting and he stated that he wished to call attention to the fact that parking conditions in the proposed location would be better than at the present sites and that depreciation of property near a well -maintained mortuary is not indicated and said that if given the opportunity to do so, he could submit a brief showing that in other cities there have been increased property values. Chairman Mitchell, after inquiring if anyone else wished to speak on the subject and there being none, stated that the matter would be taken under considera- tion by the Planning Commission. The Secretary- read a letter from Johnson & Temple seeking resubdivision of the Westerly 50 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 15 of Burlingables Subdivision in the City of Burlingame. The members did not raise any objection to the proposed resubdivision but the Secretary was instructed to inform J.&T..that it will be necessary to obtain the approval of the ogmer of Lot 12 who presumably would be affected by having the rear MINUTES - Regular meeting April 5, 1945 Page 3. of the new lot abutting upon his property line, and also it will be necessary to have prepared by a qualified surveyor a formal map of the proposed resubdivision. Commissioner Coles read the following draft of a communication which he pro- posed be sent from the City Planning Commission to the City Council: ''TO THE HONORLBLE COUNCIL - CITY OF BURLINGh4iE: "The Planning Commission wishes to propose -for your attention a rather com- prehensive plan which involves the High School District Trustees, the Cities of Burlingame, Hillsborough and San Mateo, the American Legion and other veterans' organizations, and the County of San Mateo. The proposal is, briefly, that the present Burlingame High School site and such part of the present city park land as may be required be used for a Three Cities Memorial Hospital and Park. There seems to be many factors favoring this. 1. The admitted need for additional hospital facilities in San Mateo County. 2. The fact that the present Burlingame High School site is not properly located either from a traffic safety standpoint or a school population center. 3. A Veterans' Memorial Hospital would be a more adequate tribute to the service men and women, both living and dead than any other type of memorial. A - The Hospital We consider that if it is conceded that additional hospital facili- ties are required to serve both the present and future population of this section of San Mateo.County that the High School site would be most attractive. Sufficient area is available for buildings and surrounding parking while it's proximity to the Bayshore Freeway would make it an ideal location for the urgently needed emergency hospital facilities. The expansion of dills Field with its satelite shops will undoubtedly require hospital space. Without a survey it is our impression that the present main high school building could be used advantageously for hospital office space and could also provide facilities to house Veterans' organi- zation meetings. 2 - High School Facilities The presently located San Mateo and Burlingame High Schools are, to a great extent, competing for students in the same area, while no facilities are readily available to students living in the area be- tween the older sections of Burlingame and South San Francisco. The high school board has taken recognition of this fact in the Lomita Park site but it Would appear that Mr. Cribben's proposal of a North Burlingame High School site more nearly coincides with the location of the student population center. The Commission cannot agree with the use of the present high school site as a Burlingame governmental center. • dIN UTE5 - Regular Meeting April 5, 1945 Page 4 The Commission has favored the expansion of the facilities at the present City Hall to meet the city needs, as we consider this lo- cation most advantageous to the citizens of Burlingame. The removal of the high school from the present site might obviate the necessity of constructing the proposed underpass. It would be much more economical for the city to have safety gates installed on all possible grade crossings. Much hospital traffic from the North would use Carolan Avenue south from Broadway. 3 - Memorial A memorial is a continuing expression of appreciation for service which has been given by an individual or a group. It would appear that a memorial in the form proposed would meet almost every de- sire. A hospital typifies continuing and growing public service, the park would give opportunity for memorial plantings. Space would be available for youth activities that are vital and in which the Legion takes such a leading part. Facilities for meetings large and small could be readily provided in the present buildings. "We recommend that if this rather sketchy outline meets with your approval that steps be taken to activate plans leading to the necessary action by the various organizations involved." After reading the above proposed communication, Commissioner Coles invited that the subject be given consideration. Chairman Mitchell stated that he doubts if the high school building could be remodelled into a hospital. This was followed by a general discussion touching on the need for a population study in suggesting that the present Burlingame high school is off -center as far as the population which it serves is concerned. Dr. Macomber stated he would be opposed to the high school location as a hospital site on account of the noise of the trains and that the railroad tracks might be an obstacle to access to the hospital in case of emergencies. City Engineer Longson asked that a committee of the Planning Commission be appointed to,work with him on his preparation of a public works program. Messrs. Mitchell, Macomber and Coles were named as a committee for this purpose. Commissioner Coles inquired as to what is being done regarding the rezoning of California Drive. Messrs. Mitchell and Brown stated that they believed no action on this subject is justified at this time. Commissioner Coles also inquired as to the status of a. tree planting program on the sidewalk parking area.City Engineer Longson stated that this matter is being looked into and that some fifteen different varieties of trees have been found within a distance of four blocks and that some plan should be devised for selecting more uniform and better adapted varieties. Mayor Dahl stated he believed the city should finance the replacement and control of a tree planting pro- gram. After the above general discussions, Chairman ,Mitchell proposed considera- tion be given to the petition relating to the Park Road property, and after discussion at length, Commissioner Coles introduced the following motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Brown: MINUTES --Regular Meeting April 5, 1945 Page 5 "That the City Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that a variance be permitted for the purpose of the use of the property at the Northeast corner of Peninsula Avenue and Park Road for a mortuary subject to set -back to be determined by the City Engineer and approval of the plans of the structure %y the City Planning Commission." On roll call the following voted: Mitchell Yes Coles " Rapp rr Brown " Stivers " Macomber Absent There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 1J:30 p.m. D. n. �TIVERS, Secretary.