HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1945.04.26MINUTES CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California. April 27, 1945 The Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the City Hall at 7:45 p.m. Thursday, April 26, 1945. MDABERS PRESENT: Mitchell OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Dahl Coles Councilmen Roth and Harris Rapp Macomber Brown Stivers Chairman Mitchell presiding. The Secretary read a communication from the Chairman of the Committee of City Planners held at the San Mateo City Hall April 19, accompanied by a suggested Resolution to be transmitted to the Burlingame City Council, opposing the extension of Junipera Serra Boulevard as presently projected. Chairman Kitchell stated this subject came up at a meeting which he attended and following there was an extended discussion at the present meeting. Commissioner Coles indicated that he is not in favor of the present projected route, but does not recommend that the Resolution should be transmitted as drafted in which it undertakes to lay out an alternate route which is something to be determined by an engineering study in the light of the develop- ment that has taken place on the peninsula. Mr. Coles then introduced a motion on the subject, the substance of which was unanimously approved by the members, with the details to be written out later respecting the communication to the City Council re- lating to the extension of Junipera Serra Boulevard. There was read by the Secretary a communication dated April 26 from the American Legion Burlingame Post No. 163 as follows: "Burlingame Planning Commission Burlingame, California Gentlemen: "Your approval and permission is hereby respectfully requested to erect an Honor Roll of a sign type of about 121 by 24' whereon all the names of the men and women.serving in our Armed Forces will be inscribed. "The sites chosen by the committee comprised of representatives of all the service, civic, and fraternal organizations of Burlingame are: 1. Post Office grounds facing Park Avenue 2. Library grounds 3. City Hall 4. Southern Pacific Depot facing California Drive and Burlingame Avenue "The first one suggested seems to be the one mostly favored by all. "Since your body is the planning organization of our City, we would appreciate hearing your views on the location of the Honor Roll Site chosen by the committee and hope it meets with your approval. Yours truly, (unsigned) EAiIL SCHULZ, Chairman Honor Roll Committee.,' MINUTES - Regular Meeting April 26, 1945 Page 2. On motion of Commissioner Macomber, seconded by Commissioner Rapp, it was unanimously voted that the City Planning Commission gives its approval to the first selection of the Honor Roll Committee; i.e., Post Office grounds facing Park Road. . It was reported to the Planning Commission that the City Council has received a petition bearing a number of signatures seeking the rezoning of Park Road between Howard and Peninsula Avenues froy, "second residential" to the "business" classifica- tion, which petition will in due course be referred to the City Planning Commission. The Chairman indicated that if the necessary procedure has been followed, the Planning Commission will expect to hold a hearing on the subject at the next meeting of the Commission, which is set for May 24, 1945. Chairman Mitchell reported that he had attended a meeting conducted by the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the possibility of doing something to improve the general architectural appearance of the Burlingame Avenue business district, and he also spoke of a general discussion which had indicated an interest in adding portions of Donnelly Avenue, Chapin Avenue, Howard Avenue, and Broadway in this survey. There wasabme discussion of the advisability of rezoning Lot B, Block 10, Burlingame Land Company, and Lot 1, Block 22, Burlingables, and also possibly other scattered parcels now included in commercial or industrial zone but undeveloped that might better be included in one of the residential zones. The Secretary read a communication from the City Clerk, dated April 17, reading as follows: "At a regular meeting of the City Council held on March 19, the enclosed let- ter from the Easton Realty Company was referred to your Commission for advice and recommendation. For some reason it was mislaid. However, we are for- warding it on to you today." The letter referred to above was accompanied by an offer from the Easton Realty Company in the amount of $1,600 cash for Lot 11, Block 64, Easton Addition No. 7. Upon discus- sion it appeared that although this is not a subject coming within the scope of the work of the Planning Commission, nevertheless the Planning Commission would, insofar as it is concerned, respectfully recommend to the City Council that steps be taken to sell the lot if not needed by the municipality to the highest bidder and thereby return the property to the tax roll. There being no further business the meeting adjourned 10:40 p.m. D. A. STIVERS, Secretary.