HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1945.07.26,e MINUTES CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California. July 27, 1945 The Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the City Hall at 7:45 p.m. Thursday, July 26, 1945. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mitchell OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Dahl Rapp Councilman Whitsell Brown Roth Stivers Hunt Harris ` ABSENT: Coles City Engineer Longson Macomber 11 Clerk Dwan Building Inspector Watson Chairman Mitchell presiding. The Chairman announced that at this regular meeting the Planning Commission would hear anyone who cared to speak for or against the change of the zone appertain- ing to the property at the intersection of Primrose Road and Bellevue Avenue. Only two people appeared to speak on the subject, - they being Mr. and Mrs. Brace neighbor- ing property owners on Bellevue Avenue. They stated their property is zoned for apartment use and they have always understood that business was not to be permitted on Bellevue Avenue, so that they were in favor of correcting the error which created a business zoning for property adjacent to them on Bellevue Avenue. In the general dis- cussion there was comment about the absence of other property owners in the vicinity of Primrose Road and Bellevue Avenue either to protest or favor the change of zoning. City Clerk Dwan being present, he was asked if notices had been sent out and re re- plied,that he had had formal notice published on two dates as required by the ordinance, but he had not sent individual notices to property owners. The Commission consulted City Attorney Karmel who advised that this hearing has come before the Planning Commis- sion in due course and that it would be proper to continue the matter to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission, in the meanwhile instructing the City Clerk to send by registered mail copies of the published notice and an explanatory letter to the owners of the four lots proposed to be rezoned, this in order to give the four owners an opportunity to be heard if they wish to appear on the subject. On motion it was or- dered that the hearing be continued to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commis- sion, and during the interval the City Clerk will mail notices to the owners of the four lots proposed to be rezoned. Chairman Mitchell, speaking as a member of the sub -committee of the Planning Commission, presented a map entitled Commercial District with Proposed Extension and Improvements between Howard Avenue and Peninsular Avenue and Highland Avenue and Primrose Road. Chairman Mitchell stated he and the other member of the sub -committee, Mr. Coles, who was absent, have held several meetings with City Engineer Longson and others relative to preparing a plan for the use of property in the district covered by' the map as a medical and professional center, with proper set -back lines and certain area if possible to be set aside for the automotive and allied trades. Upon discussion among the commissioners, with City Attorney Karmel and City Engineer Longson, it was finally concluded for the present that the sub -committee will make further investigation and study of the subject and report to the Planning Commission at a subsequent meeting. City Building Inspector Watson reported that the proposed apartment house to `:constructed by Mr. Dore on the Westerly line of E1 Camino Real, North of Broadway, MINUTES - Regular Meeting July 26, 1945 Page 2. appears not to comply with the building code on account of the proposed structure cover- ing too large an area of the lot. in an attempt to correct this, Mr. Dore has proposed to alter the plans by cutting down the size of the building. Upon consideration, the commissioners decided that they would not approve the altered plans and the Building In- spector was instructed so to inform Mr. Dore. At this meeting the planning commissioners referred to the recent, fire at 1101A Lincoln Avenue with the deplorable loss of life and the subsequent investigation by the. city officials which indicated the premises were operated in violation of the zoning ordinances. The Planning Commission unanimously commended Building Inspector Watson for his vigilance in having previously attempted to abate the violation by a cita- tion of the owner,and the planning commissioners also commended the Police and Fire Departments for their prompt and -effective response when the fire occurred. The Planning Commission unanimously and earnestly recommends to the City Council that all possible steps be taken to learn of the existence of any other dwellings maintained in violation of the building code and the zoning ordinance, and take such measures as may help to pre- vent a recurrence of such violation. Chairman Miten'ell presented the following proposed communications to the City Council: 1.) "The Planning Commission has been advised, informally, of the intention to erect a fire drill tower on city property on the basis of cost and use being shared by the three cities. Concern arises as to the advisability of proceeding with such a project without the same analytical study being directed to it by our body that is in process on other postwar developments. May we, therefore, suggest being furnished with the facts in this matter with a request for our report upon it. It is rather dismaying that any proposal affecting the aspect or livability of a neighborhood should be seriously projected before it is reviewed by the Planning Commission. Our function as planners is clearly set forth to include the study of all physical matters having an influence on the city plan." 2.) "As a reminder of earlier joint discussions, it is our understanding that the Capital Outlay Reserve Fund was initiated by an allotment of 150 per $100 assessment of the tax rate to which there was to be added during the past year $35,000 out of Water Department reserves and the accumulating war bonds now totaling $60,010. It will be of assistance in programming the postwar projects if the City Clerk may be directed to furnish the Commission an accounting of this fund and a statement of any policy that has been established to regularly enlarge it." On discussion of the subjects of the above communications, the commissioners unanimously agreed that they should be transmitted from the Planning Commission to the City Council and the Secretary was directed to do so. On the agenda carried over from the regular meeting May 24, 1945 was the sub- ject of the Petition to Rezone Park Road. After a brief discussion it was suggested that the Petition to Rezone Park Road should be continued to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission in September, as this is related to the plan which is being studied by the sub -committee. This was duly made as a motion, seconded with all members present voting "Aye" and so ordered by the Chairman. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. S, Secretary.