HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1945.10.26CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California. October 26, 1945 The Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the City Hall at 7:45 p.m. Thursday, October 25, 1945• MEMBERS PRESENT: Mitchell Coles Macomber Brown Stivers Shattuck This was a joint meeting and Goetze presiding, to discuss a referred to the Planning Commission OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Dahl City Attorney Karmel City Clerk Dwan Councilmen Roth,Harris, Coleman Fire Chief Ed. Leis Building Inspector Watson Abbott ) Goetze ) Recreation Mrs. Mildred Grens) Commission Miss Shirley Smith ) with the Recreation Commission - Chairman Mitchell master plan of the Recreation Commission which was by the City Council. After discussion it was agreed that the plan in general is recommended with exception of the proposal of Recreation Commission to sell the Paloma Avenue and Edgehill Drive area. It was jointly agreed that this should be retained. After further discussion, Planning Commissioner Coles stated that as an engineer he questioned the ad- visability of covering over the creek in Ray Park, and Recreation Commissioner Abbott said that he believed the plan should be altered in this respect. In conclusion there was a joint unanimous resolution that the master plan is recommended in principle and that Ray Park be made a subject of study by a landscape architect. The joint meeting with the Recreation Commission was concluded at this point. Commissioner Coles made a motion that if the two lots formerly used by the Water Department in North Burlingame are now surplus property that they be sold and the proceeds be allocated to the Park Department to be used for the improvement of the recreational areas in Ray Park and Burlingame Village. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shattuck followed by unanimous vote. Chairman Kitchell called on Fire Chief Leis to inform the Commission regarding the proposed fire tower. Chief Leis in responding said that he first wished to say that the Bernal Avenue lot might be desirable for a fire station and the Fire Commission may recommend this to the City Council before the property is disposed of. Chairman Mitchell stated that the Planning Commission is concerned about the use of the area on California Drive for -&-fire drill tower and the noise and congestion which might be created if such facilities are to be used by other city fire departments and inquired if it would not be possible to locate a fire drill tower in the corporation yard. Fire Chief Leis stated that it may be arranged that only the Burlingame Fire Department will. use the drill tower and in any case he expressed the belief that it would not be objectionable on California Drive as it will be a brick -faced structure which will always be kept clean and sightly. Commissioner Coles asked if it is essential that the tower be located next to the fire house, and Fire Chief Leis responded tha-t it would be much more conveniently located there than anywhere else; that it is not intended that the water will be turned on from the tower more often than once a month, and that it will not do damage to any surrounding property. Mayor Dahl suggested that the Planning Commission meet with the Fire Commis- sion for a more detailed discussion of this project. The Secretary read a protest addressed to the Planning Commission signed by fourteen residents in the vicinity of Hale Drive and Castillo Avenue relating to an KINUTES - Regular Meeting - October 25, 1945 Page 2 apartment house maintained in that first residential area. Building Inspector Matson reported that his department, the Fire Department, and the Health Department already have inspected the premises and have made their recommendations that the violation be abated. City Attorney Karmel stated he already has communicated with the owners of the property and that the matter is being followed up. There was a general discussion of the proposed restricted commercial area in the vicinity of Park Road and Howard Avenue. City Attorney Karmel, in response to a query from the Planning Commission, said that he had looked up the statute relating to such proposed zoning and that the following appertains to the subject: "Chapter 398, Statutes of 1929 Amends Statute of 1917 - Zoning Act. "Sec. 1. For the public interest the City Council may by ordinance create or divide the city into districts within some, all or none of which it shall be lawful, and within some, all or none of which it shall be unlawful to erect, construct, alter, or maintain certain buildings, or to carry on certain trades or callings or within which ,the heibht and bulk of future buildings shall be limited." Commissioner Brown recommended that -the proposed plan be drafted by a sub -committee for consideration and discussion by the Planning Commission at a special meeting November 8. Chairman Mitchell brought up the subject of having an annual election of Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Commission. General discussion followed; and Commissioner Macomber expressed the thought that the Commission has a good Chairman and he should continue to serve for another year. Commissioner Brown placed in nomination for Chairman, Commissioner Coles. This was seconded by Commissioner Shattuck. Commis- sioner Coles states he would be complimented to be elected Chairman, but he would with- draw his name from the nomination on account of pressure of other business. He suggested Dr. Macomber, who said that while he would be glad to serve, he should not accept for the reason that he is not always able to arrive in time to open the meetings. By unanimous ballot, Chairman Mitchell was elected to serve for the balance of the fiscal year until June 30, 1946. Commissioner Coles nominated Commissioner Brown as Vice -Chairman, which was seconded by Commissioner Shattuck, and by unanimous ballot, Commissioner Brown was elected Vice -Chairman for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1946; followed by the same proceeding that Commissioner Stivers shall serve as Secretary for the term ending with 14p4iscal year, June 30, 1946. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a duplex apartment proposed to be constructed at the Northwest corner Oak Grove Avenue and Laurel Avenue, which after in- spection by .the members of the Planning Commission, Were duly approved. Building Inspector Watson also presented plans for an apartment house proposed to be erected With 351 set -back on Lot 12, Block 17, Burlingame Grove, with a total floor area of approximately 3,200 square feet with approximately 25% lot coverage. The property fronts on El Camino Real. After inspection by members of the Planning Commission, the plans were referred back to the Building Inspector to request the owner and the architect to re -submit the,exterior plan. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. D. A. STIVERS, Secretary.