HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1944.07.27AlWUTES CITY PLLiNigG CO3iWISSIOA Burlingame, California. July 27, 1944 The Regular meeting of the Planning Commission eras held in the City Hall at 7:45 p.m. Thursday, July 27, 19". U&MERS PRESENT. Mitchell OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Dahl Coles Councilman Roth Rapp City Attorney Karmel Macomber City Engineer Longson Brown Stivers Chairman Mitchell presiding. The Secretary read a communication from the Technical Fisheries Company ad- dressed to the Burlingame City Council and referred by the Council to the City Planning Commission, as follows: "We, the Tefco Poultry Oil Division plan to establish a Poultry Feeding Oil storage depot and laboratory. Our manager has searched the entire Bay Area for a suitable location. The only one available is the former Shell Oil Company gasoline bulk station on the East -side of the Southern Pacific tracks at Broadway. "This plant is idle at the present time. The equipment there is ideal for our needs. In order to duplicate the tanks and buildings at this location, many critical materials and important man-hours would have to be used. Also, there is a spur track available for incoming and outgoing shipments. In this time of shortages, it does not seem right to have these facilities unused. "We plan to occupy these premises only for the duration. The set-up under discussion is not large enough for future expansion. However, we expect to establish our plant in the North part of San Mateo County after the war. "With the critical situation on manpower and materials, we are endeavoring to minimize our use of these essential items. If we are able to use this idle equipment and the buildings, the manpower and materials saved can be used for other necessary projects. "You may be interested in the importance of our products to the war effort. Poultry feeding oils are incorporated into chicken and turkey feeds as sources of Vitamin A and'Vitamin D. Ample amounts of these two vitamins in- sure maximum growth, egg production, and hatchability of the resulting eggs. Our products, therefore, play a very important part in the production of Food for both military and civilian needs. "The proposed plant will be used as a storage and drumming depot for the oils. There will be'no processing or manufacturing. An office and labora- tory will be established in conjunction. You may be assured that there is no odor at all from this type of operation. "The Farallone Division of the Borden Company has a poultry feeding oil plant across the street from residences in Oakland. The manager of our Poultry Oil Division was Chief Chemist and Plant Superintendent at this location for three years. During this period, there were no complaints whatsoever regarding odors or any operations of the plant. "We hereby request permission to establish the above -described plant on the site of the former Shell Oil Company gasoline depot at Broadway. If you desire any further information, please feel free to contact us." MINUTES - Meeting July -27, 1944 Continued Page 2 J. C. Whipple, Representative of the Technical Fisheries Company, was present and stated definitely that there is no odor or any other objectionable feature about their proposed operation and that there will be no manufacturing but only the blending and shipping of oil from this plant on which there will be no sign erected, as this will be a temporary wartime location. After considerable discussion motion was duly made and carried that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that a revocable permit be.granted to the Tefco Poultry Oil Division of the Technical Fisheries Company to conduct a blending and shipping operation only, and that there should be no processing and no signs erected on the premises, - the permit to run not longer than the duration of the war, plus a reasonable time thereafter, not exceeding six_ months. Attention was called to the sign on the municipal waste -fill at' the foot of Broadway which reads "City Dump." The members of the Planning Commission expressed the thought that this is an undesirable and unattractive type of sign, especially so in its location at the gateway to the city. This was called to the attention of City Engineer Longson, who said that the sign will be appropriately changed. Councilman Roth brought up the absence of sidewalks in front of two lots on Bayshore Highway, which in the Wintertime causes inconvenience to the residents of the neighborhood. The Planning Commission expressed the view that it is unfortunate that this work has not been done, but it is no doubt involved in the set -back and pro- jected plans for widening the Bayshore Highway, but definitely this is something for the attention of the.City Engineer. City Engineer Longson being present at the meeting, the matter Was referred to him. Chairman Mitchell spoke of a plan which has been handed to him for the con- struction of a small warehouse on Bayshore Highway. After a brief discussion this was referred back to be presented in the form of a regular application to be considered when such regular application is presented. City Attorney Karmel read a communication from the City Attorney of Redwood City addressed to the City Attorneys of San Mateo County relative to a proposed ordi- nance requiring registration of all premises sublet for human habitation, providing for investigation thereof, requiring permits for alterations, and fixing penalties for violation thereof. On motion duly made and carried, the commission asked the City At- torney to study the subject with the object of cooperating with the other city attorneys in the country to bring about better control of sub -letting of sub -standard residential facilities which apparently have been brought about by present congested conditions during the war. Councilman Harris was present at the meeting and inquired what is being done relative to the proposed rezoning of California. Drive and the North Broadway District. City Attorney Karmel responded that this is being worked on by him in collaboration with the City Attorney who has been requested to prepare the necessary maps. City Engineer Longson stated he would endeavor to have the maps ready for the next meeting of the Planning Commission. Chairman Mitchell expressed the appreciation of the Planning Commission to the City Council for their cooperation in this and other matters;which have recently been commended to the council. Mayor Dahl proposed that the Planning Commission give study to forming a plan for the creation and the location of a war memorial to commemorate those in the service. Commissioner Coles suggested that this might take the form of a plaque or possiUly bet- ter still a memorial grove in one of the city parks. There was general discussion on MINUTES - Meeting July 27, 1944 Continued Page 3 this subject. Mr. Manwell of the Chamber of Commerce said that this subject has been discussed by the Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and the principal problem to be solved is what type memorial should be adopted. It was agreed by those present that more thought must be given to this matter and that it will be brought up again at the next meeting of the Planning Commission. There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. D. A. STIVERS, Secretary.