HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1944.10.26MINUTES CITY PLANIU VG_ C�SIO d Burlingame, California. October 26, 1944 The Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the City Hall at 7:45 p.m., Thursday, October 26, 1944. 2MBERS PRESEIrT: Mitchell OTTERS PUSENT: Building Inspector Watson Coles Rapp Macomber Brown Stivers Chairman Mitchell presiding. A delegation was present from the Burlingame Gardens Improvement Club. They v:ere informed by the Chairman that their petition, bearing forty-nine signatures, to change the remaining unimproved lots fronting on Bayshore Highway, between Toyon Drive and Morrell Avenue from "light industriall'to "first or second residential" has been re- ceived, and that the subject is being studied by the Planning Commission. They were Ldvised that the necessary steps will be taken to send notices to the adjoining property owners and the matter will be put on the agenda for public Jaearing at the next meeting of the Planning Commission. A representative of the Technical Fisheries Company appeared by request to answer questions regarding the recent expansion of the plant facilities opposite the Eroadway Railroad Depot. The representative of the company stated that his company has found it necessary to enclose the loading platform and to erect three additional storage tanks somewhat smaller than the two already on the premises„ All of this work, he stated, has been done on a temporary wartime basis, which included placing the new tanks on removable blocks instead of a concrete foundation, so that they may readily be disman- tled after the war emergency. Building Inspector Watson was present and reported that he end the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau have inspected the installation; that sam- Fles of the oil were taken for examination, and that nothing; objectionable was found as long as proper fire protection measures are taken. The company representative stated that fire extinguishers have been installed on the premises. The Building Inspector re- I:orted only a temporary permit has been issued for this plant. Chairman Kitchell reported that he, as a. committee of one appointed at the last r,eeting of the Planning Commission, has met with Mr. Abbott, Miss Shirley Smith, and Mr. Frank Anderson to discuss changes in the master plan for Washington Park, referred to in f communication from the.Recreation Department dated September 26, and that he made cer- taih suggestions which he believes were favored by the Recreation Department. Commissioner Brown informed the Commission that he favors a more adequate park ind playground development in the North Broadway section of the city. In the discussion Y.hich ensued, Commissioner Coles recommended grading and seeding of the city land areas in Burlingame Village and the Ray Park Subdivision. After discussion, it was decided that Superintendent of Parks Anderson will be asked to determine how much of this work could be done in the near future. Commissioner Coles proposed that the Planning Commission should ask City Engi- r.eer Longson for a progress report on public works planning and what projects are schedule - for first attention when labor and material become available. After discussion it was concluded that this subject will be taken up at an early date in a special meeting with Superintendent of Public works, Mr. Longson. Commissioner Macomber presented for review by the members of the Planning Com- nission a preliminary, colored drawing of a plan for the development of the recently ac- cuired waterfront property by the city, which plan will be studied by the members of the Commission and discussed at the following meeting of the Commission. There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. D. A. STIVERS