HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1942.02.26Minutes of the meeting of the City Planning Uommission of the City of Burlingame, held in the City Hall, Thursday evening, ro bruary 26, 1942. The meeting was called to order at 7: 40 P. M. , J. H. Mitchell, presiding. Other aemb•3rs pre- sent: G. A. Buck, n. A. Brown, A. J. Rapp, Dr. Macomber, H. Uoles, d. Watson and C. Macdonald.. Absent: C. L. iongson. A delegation from tha burlingables,-Oak drove manor Organization was on hand protesting against the erection of a proposed -group of Duplexes, facing on the tayshore highway, re- quested by the Lang vealty Corporation. Mr. w. C. ualloway, as chairman of the or- ganization, stated that he had secured a list of names of several hundred Property Owners to a petition opposing this class of buildi:._g, claiming it would depreciata the value of the property in the entire section; that the build- ings would be of a very low class, that they were all out against it, and asked that the pro- perty now zoned for apartments be changed to residential. Several other members s o_ up- holding the remark2 made by gar. ualloway. The ­,ommission asked mr. yang to revise the plans, and suggested that a Plot Plan be made to indicate what the improvements might look like when :--ompleted; and that when the revised plans were completed, a srecial meeting would be called. Thera being no other business the mE,eting ad- journed at 11:00 P. mi. Chas macdonald, Secretary