HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1940.06.27Minutes of the :,ta-lad i:seeting of the s len .ing :;ommission of the ;;i ;y of nurlingame, held in the ity Tall on Thursday evening dune `:7, 1940. The -business session convened at 8:30 P. �..., delayed on account insufficient number of members on hand to con- stitute a quor.un. _:_ambers present: )as. Ii. i,_itchell, chairman, ueo. Drown, Dr. w. ::41ade v._acomt)er and jhas ��c�►*�-C macdonald. ,bsent: mayor sxicuonald, A. 0. :app, colas, L. i,ongson and j, -3.s. =-atson. T' A communicatio = was raci­ved from __r. a. Griffiths, reea,ltor in purl ink; �e , re pr : senting uvine r of lots iv os . 5 and 6, in b1oc1} X=9, Burlin, ame ,trove .subdivision, ` re;u3sti_1g perinissicn to res -ab ivide same so as to face on c rove _ivenue instead of on ;alifornia, Drive. Ae- companing this cot:i;utuiication was a letter vrom .;'r. H. B. Parkerson, Owner of lot ;`4, which would be kal ed if granted, stating he had no objeetior. to the proposed change in front.. e provided no buildings are place'. nearer than 15 feet of his property. P; -:r. Griffiths has since been ask;d to secure: a written statement frorl the Owner of lots 5 and o that this would be complied with, that no buildin; or buildings would be arected closer than 15 feat to the property line of lot 4, as specified by ._r. Parker - son. With this understanding, the application was approved. iir. Grove Pederson, 117 Anita 'toad, paraonally appeared before the om:session and askad that he be r)ermitted to front lots r -o:. 1 a_ ­Is 2, in block ,`lb, I�urlingables Sub- division, on Lexington Avenue instead of on Dwight itoad a& at present. It was the recommendation of the 3ommission that the request to resubdivide the property be granted, provided, however, tiiat pie first obtain a• written statement from the Owner of lot iA9 in the same block, and which would be keyed, that he has no objection to the proposed change. mr. Pedersen promised to send such a report to the City Council. Both Applicants ware reminded that maps of the lots as subdivided be filed for record purposes. Owing to the summer vacation period it was voted to dispense with the July stated meeting, and that the next meeting would be on August 29. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:1�-) P. Vii. Ghas tLacdonald, Secretary