HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1940.10.24The stated meatin of t -_e _Pl"a,nninL: jom- mis;;ion of the ,ity of bu.rlin- am.e was held in l ae ;ity !,all, burlin6,a,me , on ;:hurs'{ay avenue_;, uctober 24, 1940. Tho meetine., -,as -alled to order at 7:50 rri., all of t_.9 r embers ti;ere rrasent. revised tentative -tap of" Burlingam Villa` -e was submitted b� °.r. i ob art , arshall, ;o-C;n3r of the subdivision, for further study. r,temb3rs of the ;om fission recommended that ,,iroadmoor o: -ad from iufferir_ _venue to Rosedale ,vanue, be thirty feet from curb faca�� inst=ia,d of twenty-six i�et• ,The follcxwins- :.esoiution vias carried b-,11unanimous vo t9 : That the tentative r.; a,p be a, -;rove,-L .o-i-...iie ._ lan_.ing ;urnriission or the -jity of burl in,_,ame, exce, t" tl��t Lroad- m or road, :atvaean Duf"erin. Avenue and ttoseda.la ivenuo, be thirty feet between .curb fadesinstead !of twenty-six feet, as appears on th<,- tentative _tap. ii3,nF,-s application to clos, ;;hanninE noad at the rayshore intersection, i,nd also tO provid,3 for a pedestrian a,th, was approved. the petition to razona as :'a_ond eside.itia,l cart_,,in pro_:: rty in valla �'_aa'k i;ubdivision, Mocks 4 and 6, was zbrou`-_ht up z°or tent ttive he iri_l,_ . his h, a,rinL was first to be held Ort 3pt9_a; 9r 261 but due to t_.3 Lateness of ti -e :lour, actio -_ ,�jas post oned until thio n -'3.-.t regular maatir` on Gcto-er 24, �' {fit,-' s a s r.� t' e c� 1U �,.. t!:�. CO:. 11SZS 0�' Ot:'lnl(��1 uflil__�, n�� :.:,8:11".�']:'� the t_iere is suffi::18'it arca now ,on.'d for dt1;)l,,)_:9s to take C"'vr9 Of t' a Ci3Il ilci for i8 e �; t' _ t ti.,:1. �v l__„ and a ClO �l U:l U0 deny tentati _,ly vias Carried. Final hoarinL to --oma up i- ov i,lb 'r 1Vr. poles r'i-0ort d. that !''_r. rlat�g wr.js 0b.1`.3(3tinp to dividii.- a lot on va.nccuv3r _ve:iue b;C::-.us he ",.as not no i71 ;ritin7 inst_I-Id of _,3rbal., aruu r--�--o�rua3nded tirv,t th ;cunCil b .is l_3 to res-_ind til. .yCtiO,_ in EI. pro�,i 6 .),a.perujs ap lica tics - lett ,r :`; r:,ceived prom1 _r. `;:am 1 .;wartz, mat a. pi`Y'tiG=_ U=.. lot 19, ✓lc , L 6, i'_ 3i o'. ' knell. -)z _- :3nue be r?7Oned Ior as Lacdon-ald, ecr l.ry