HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1939.06.29Minutes of the "itated Meeting of the 'tanning ,ommiss6ion hold June 2:&-, 19u9 29 Xambers present were: J. H. Mitchell, Chairman, Layor Hunt, Y. Karmel, Acting amity Ittorney, C. L. Longsson, City Snginear, Muse Rogers, Rapp, Coleman, .acdonAd. .Absent were: JvTacor_.ber and Watson. The minut s of the meeting of June 2b, .were rand and approved as r-2ad. IVI E. Simpson caked that action on the application, calling for a change in the cl-,sssification on property at the corner of Oak Grove Avenue -nd Bayshore Highway, be deferred for A pariod of three months. The request was granted. On account of summer vac:.tion the Com,'iisrion voted that the newt meeting would be held on August 31, 1939. Mr. Donald 11cidillan, representing Mrs L. M. BlurAer and B. L. iiott, submitted - petition c—Illing for the re- zoning of lot -k, block j 2, Town of Bu:rlingame°�n1 for the purpose of erecting a gasoline service station thereon. The: demensionE of the flortion c.f ti o property intended to be used are Apl roximately -]Ls follows: Coamencing with a point at the intersection of Primrose Roxd with BayE- rater Avenue', tnenc,�) ILorth-*24 t erly along 1 Camino Real 158 feet, tn_:nci at ii _trigle 1, ol"th-easterly 95 fWat, thence South-easterly Mont -Fri,.-rose .oad 150 fe i t to the point of beginning.. gent5.tiv h)_iring to be held August 31, ss t . Chairman litshell remarked that the Recreation Gommittee intended to sheet 'with the Planning Commission ssoom, then to -gather meet with the ,pity Council. Mr. ,jay Ilelzel, submitted a petition to rj­.one lot ;,=3, block 1 `5, Easton Addition, frog. Iparts:ent to Businessproperty. The Coruais ,_ion advised tentative hearing would be held at the me e t i rig on iugub t 31. Mr. Edmund '-"--App asked permi lion to rearrange a lot on Gabrillo Avenue so that it.would face on kdelins Drive instead. fir. Kapp advised that some years- ago a house was built facing on Cabrillo but through error takes in and covers portionz of two lots; namely lots ;t6 and _7 in block -2 - Thi Commission raec­,qu-ndsd that parmi.Usion to -,ivan to rearrjn -) the riar portions into one lot and to face on Adelini Drive, provided a Mjp is filed with the City Engine'r shoving the change. ' The City Council reported the reappointment of 1-Iiss Janet P. Rogers and Mr. A. J. Rapp as members of the Planning Commission to sxpir� on June 30, 1944 and 1945 respect- ively. Jae. 11. Mitchell and Chq.s 11acdonald•were sls,tetl ChaIrmIn and Secretary resp9 tively for the ensuing; term. Mr. Dauterman-,ddrewsed the meeting in regard to rezoning property for 1partment douse uss, but no petition was filed. The Secr�itary was instructed to ask the Building Inspector, Mr. Watson, to investigate status of :imprpvements being rude in the Light Industrial istrict in rsgards to sanitary and watar facilities � ate., and to report at the next meeting. s reet alignment There being no further business, th!3 raewtin -adjourned at 9:30 P. j11. CIT3.s i,,Ilz,cdonald, aeor>t-iry