HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1939.09.07Stated meeting of the amity Planning Uommission held in the 3ity hall, inrlingame, on Thursday evening, Sept - "amber 7, 1939, [Postponed from Aug- ust 31, 1:39. Members present wer,: iayor A. F Hurst, chairman, J. R. 2itchall, Acting Oity Attorney, 1. KarTal, Liss nogers, A. J. Rapp, Dr. nacomber, j. L. Long - son, das. 4atson, and ;. Macdonald. : ,ibsent was: G. W. Colaman. The minutes of the previous meatin� was read and approved as read. The application of or. ;;lay Helzel, callin, for the rezoning of lot y3, block d-5, racing on the westerly side of :,'apnehino Avenue, near Broadway, was approved tentatively by unanimous vote; final hearing to be conducted at th3 nixt regular meeting., mr. Donald ia. x .ohiillan, repr,senting "rs blumer and Mr. i ott in the petition for a perait to construct a Gasoline Service Otation on the corder of rrimrose and L,;l 3amino Teal, asked tier wommission to make a careful study of the circumstances in its fiindin6s to the jity Council. or. Karmal called attention to a jity urdinanca in force prohibitinE the gr .!iag of a permit within two blocks or 490 feet of an existing station. ro admit of further consideration the matter hald over till the next meeting.. Discussion was had on co2ditions existing in the Light industrial District, that were being constructed thereon without having prop r facilites for sanitation an(, avatar, and it was recommended amendmeht be mad, to the joning urdinanoe that no further permits be issaad in this district axcapt on approval of the z1anning Com- mission and the Uity Jounvil. A petition si6nadisevanteen Yroperty Uwnars in blocks 7 and S. Easton Lqodivision a 1, askin , to chan&a the classification of the properties from first residential to second Tasidential was submitted. Tentativa hearing to core up at the next m sting. A Dom anication was received from °.aycr 'Lngelo a. nossie, suggesting that the Jommission address a lett ,r to the American :society of Planning ufficials urging that organisation to sale ,t -an 'rancisco for its 1940 Uon- vantion. The Secretary was instructed to so arranga. -2 - otification of the California league of Lunioipalites ;onvantion to be held in Uakland, September 18 to 21, was read. The amity 21anners' Department is scheduled for weptamber 20, and members were urged to attend. A VommuoWation was read fron W. 0. .(Jang, that he intended to discuss the future policy of the hayshore highway in the near suture.. The commission approved an application by Mr. Sao. trollam for a permit to erect an ,apartment House on lot 20, block Q, A Camino weal, near Broadway. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 E. L. Chas Macdonald, W acretary