HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1939.11.30xinutes of the stated meeting 01 the Mannino .;ommission meld ir, the .;ity tali, zurl- in6ame, on Thursday e:sning x,ovember 30, 1939. Memb irs pr sent were Allen ir. Hunt,; luayor, J as H. Mitchell, chairman, jr. aacoriber, *iss Ltogers, G. '.1. ;oleman, vas a-i,son and v. macdoaa-Ld. Absent were karmel, ttapp and Longson. the Uinutas of the prs viou: ilea Ling was read and approv.d as read. It was tentatively recommended ',hat t'FiW ollowinL section be rezoned i:rom first residential to s9cond esidanti�l to Pelmit.-I)uplex -Dwellings. Entire Area bounded by Capuchino Av,snua and ;;hula vista ,vexiue and :armalita :Avenue, -p to, beat niot i:icladin, _�;dge- hill :)rive. This to include all. of the lots is the said section, except su ;h .Ls are now classified otha:v tha:i first residential. An additional list of 1roperty owners in favor of the change was subraitte .i. by _1r. Dean - itchall. it was proposed to hold a fi .al haarin£ at the n ..t me ; ti_ L. r.rs rlumar asked 1'or a parfait to use her lot, loeated at the i .terseof i'rimrosa iLoad, Lays - water 1�ye4ue and S� ;ami�lo•��a�' for Bursars purposes. c A pre imi,iary ske� h subml s by : s. Leno r a- pi,ti_ig the proposed orticultural -Development, re- ei=red favorable coaiaent. The ;ommissio i agreed to hold a �pe-cial beet)-6 on '®camber 6, to consider the,- watt r further wi L the ity attorney, with view to ad justi_ig the Grdina_rice r)lating to Apartm nt and __aside_.tia.l Zone. I1.1r. iLirkbride suc_Qiattaw furthar proposals concernilig developm.nts proposed to tha int-,rsection at Broadway and r�ayshor:a niehway whiali the ornmission took under a,dvi ;amant. This matter pr3viously r3_eriad to the City _ttornay. l petitio i v,as ,olis d era _ to r,zoi e il.°ota i -sidential to se.olid r3sidintial, uuth si,:i.s of .ru._U: l ..oad el tandi-lg i`ro.; �urlL_g ma )venue to Peninsular _"Lvenue, and the asterly side of A _ita Road 'oatwean Burlin�a,me given icy and 1-'3n_ns..Llar 'Lvenua to Apartments; tentative hearing to come up at th, next stated meeting. Mr. Boyce auir appeared Before the UmAission in regard to lot 4block ,5, on Gapuchino Avenue, stating that phAs are being parpared for a business zuilding and parking space in connectioii with mr. helzelis lot rooently razoneo to business at the request of ar. Eelzel who advised at the time that it was solely for his own;use as a Plumbing whop. however Lr. huir stated that he had held in option on mr. Helzelcs property sinoe the rezoning as originally requested,'. The Lang �ealty Oorporation expressed a desire to baild Duplexes close to myshore YigAway and would suomit plans later on. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 r. L. Ghas Macdonald, ilecire terry