HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1939.12.081-Tinutas of the Special Msetin.' of the Pla.nninc-,, Commission h31d in the City Hall, Burlin,_Ime, on Dacimber 8, i939. Megtbers pr3sent: Allan F. Hunt, Mayor, I. Karmel, Gjty Attorney, :1a. J. Rapp, G. W. Goleman, Miss Roger, Jas 'Matson, and s. Miodonald; absent: J: H. Mitchell, Dr. Macomb3r an: C. L. Lont.son. ' In the a -:.sense of Mr. Mitchell, Mr. G. W. Coleman %as appoint3d ;hairm.an, pro -tern. The minut3s of the previous meating vias read and ap- proved as r ad. The meatinL was particularly called to consider the re- quest of AIr G. =1. Lenoir for a permit to operate a Ni_rsery on a lot at the intars3;tinn of i'rimros3 Road, Bayswater avenue and 21 Gamino Reel, owned by Mrs Riumer. It was the consensus of opinion_ of the members that the location ,,,as suitable for a Nursery and would result ire a much needed improvement. However b3fori a permit, could be issued, it was found imi, erative that Cr$inanee „-227, Section b, b3 amended to include Nurseries. It appears that the term `iNurs3riss" was Omitted from th esidsntial seotion of the Ordinance wh n it was rewritten in 19.3o, as prior to -,hat time it , a._ embodied therein. This chanS 3 in th) Ord- inanc 3 was not r-3f 3rr3d to nor recomm3nd-1 by th, :Tannin: '3ommissi.on as customary in such matters. The followin,.,-esolation .�: ,s introduced .and passed by un*n- ious vote: - Resolved to r;coiniand to the ;ity ouicil: 'hat Zoning Ordinan ; 3 „227, ::action 6a be _mend �d to include Nurseries therein, 3,nd furth,r that it be made subject to the control of tr:e Tannins; Gommis:=iori and th? City• Council - For tlia otion w :�r-3 Re ;, hoE;a,: s . ;ols!man and Kaodoiiald. .gainst: 17,one. ,fir. Bgyce 1-duir, 3,gain expressed a d=;sire to have lot „4, and possibly lot e5, both in blook ,�5, Ea: --ton ;, 1, rezoned for busin3ss uses. Cbje ­tion was --lairied by �r. R3i-hart, S*tlne, 'as-;ae claimed, for the i"ropertz Owners association of Broadway. Ifir. BoB Levy, Prasid3nt of the Broadway Developmant lssoeiation, said that he had no objection to offer. Mr. Karmel stAted--,the Commission v�s justified. in r3zor_ing I r. Ke zel7s lot on Capuchiyw avenue in ord-�r to straighten out the line, as otherwise it woilld be cisorimination :and would be so conbtrued by any Court of Law. -2- Mr. 11uir intimated that he would have an application filed at the next me Sting of the Commission. An application was r)ceivgd from the :;rosways Development Company, by Mr. W .0. sang, to rezone from first to s �co:id Residential lots 1, 2, 31 49 6., 7, B, 9 and 10, in block "18, Burlingables., .k similar application k�,as received from ". IT. Bassett: lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 21 and 22, i:. block 14, Oak Grove Manor. Thd Meeting adjourned at 10:00 F. M. ,has Macdonald, acretary