HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1939.12.21Minutes of the stated meeting of the Planning Commission held in the City HAll,Burlingame,on Thursday evening, Deoember,21,1939. Yebting called to order 7;40,PM,Jas.H.Mitchell in the oh -.Another members present: Mayor Pant,I.Kqrmel, A.J.Rapp,G.w.ColemAn.Miss Roge-rs,Dr MacPmber,J.Wn.tson, C.Maodonsld; absent,C.L.Longson. The Unutes of the previos meeting was read and avprdved as r aA_d . Final hearing was held on the application of Property Owners oonodrned to rezone from afirst residential t.o second residential, blocks , 6-7-8-9-12-:L3-14-15 and 16,a.11 in Easton subdittsion Ro,l. A motion was then m&,de thtt the application be approved, and to so recommend to the City Councilt%vRs oa.rried unanimously. For the motion,Coleman,Ranp,Rogers,Mitohel, Macdonald and Maoomber;age,inst,none.- Tnismeeting was published in the "A_dvance 8tarP a.nd preliminary hearings held in the usual manner. No nrotest3or objections were received by the Commission. Mr Bryce Muir presented an application to have lots 4 and Sin block 5 on Capuchino avenue rezoned for business purposes,the latter to be used as a parking lot in connection with a proposed chain store. Petitions bearing several sign.tures of property owners and business men on Broadway were filed -some in favor of the project and others opposing it. Mr Muir was advised that before potion could be taken it would be necessixy for the owners of lots 4 and 5 to make a direct renuest on the City Douncil who intxLrh' VIII refer such application to the PlAnni.ng Commission Mr J.0 Dawson,owner of lot 6,adjoining lot 5,objeoted to aparking lot next to his apartment house,ola.iming it would be detr#mental to his business. Tentative hearing was held on the application of Mr U.0 Lange jr to have lots 1 to 10 inclusive In block 18. Burlingables,rzoned from first residential to second residential,and tentatively approved. Sheet P Ainutes 12-81-.39. The applioation Of Mr G.H.Bessett Building Go, A-sking that lots 1 tO 10,inolusiveland lots 21 and 22 be rezoned from first to seoond r"esidentia:l,was tentatively approved. These lots are in bloo04 in Oak Grove Manner. Aotion on the applioation o alling for obahge of classifioation to apartments,easterly side of Anita Roid,andalso both sides of Arundel Road was deferre&,,pending further study and information as to the wishes of all the property owners, Partioularly residents in the blooks between Burlingame ave and Howard A_ve,Arundel Road to be rezoned, for second residential to permit duplexes,both sides thereof. In the matter of Mrs Blumerb lot,while it was formally disoussed,no R.otion was take in the absenoe of further data. Ghas Macdonald, Secretary