HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1938.05.26City Plaxxing Commissiox Burlixgame,Galiforiia May 26, 1938 The regular meeting of the Plixxiag wommission of the €lity of Burlingame was held on 'Thursday evening, tray 26, 1938. The meeting was called to order at 7:50 P. M., Jas. H. Mitchsll, pre- siding. tither Members present ware: 'Uiss Janet P. Rogers, G. W. Colemax, A. J. Rapp, G. L. Loxgsox, J. F. Davis, James Watson, Dr. Macomber, (app arixg later) , and Chas Macdonald. Absent was::Mayor A. J. Ward. The minut 3a of the Special meeting held on may 5, were r;ad and approvedias read. The Petition of or. U. J. Lally, of 22 rsarper Street, was discussed. mr. Kelly, and the Architect who designed the two-family structure which he wished to glace ox lots "l and "2, block Q2, located at Juanita and California Drive, stated that no changes.had been made and did not see any necessity for any. Strong opposition was encountered from W. C. Richards, 1241 California give, E. B. ?,oMillax, llo9 Juanita Avenue, As C. Neate, 1112 Juanita Avenue, and others, who claimed to be owners of property in the immediate vicinity, stating that a two story building with garages underneath would not .be in harmony with the class of houses in the district; that in fact, they were opposed to axything other than single family dwellings. Ix wiew of this, the commission voted by majority of 3 to 2 that the application be denied. dyes: Mitahell, nogers, and jolemax; noes: F:app and Macdonald. The application of or. L. M. Macdonald, uwxer of two lots on Benito Avenue, with a total frontage of 160 feet, appearad before the Gommission stating that he resides in the house at 1424 Benito Avexue, which occupies a portion of the adjoiAing lot re- ducing its frontage to 39 feet only, and making it about 250 feet short of the required area. In order to be permitted to build a house, Mr. aacdonald agreed to increase tie area to not less than 5000 square feet by creating a jog in the lot on which the old house now stands; which will make it 6.1 -2 - asoissary to re -subdivide the property. :with this understanding, The Commission recommended that a permit be granted, provided a map of such sub- divisioia is filed with the (Jity Engineer. A Communication was read from Mr. 1)*$XL Mitchell, 1044 Yaloma Avenue in which he wished to change the classification o�` lot 1126, block "8,,, 3aston Addition, so that he might be able to build another house on the vacant portion of the lot. The Gommission voted to deny the request. The Secretary was requested to ask thel ,City Council to most with the Uommission in joint session at a date convenient to A,embers of the jouxLeil, to dis- cuss matters concerning the approaeJ6 to Broadway at B1 :;amino steal. Mr. Carl v. Homer, 172 Elm Avenue, submitted a map of a proposed subdivision of lots "19 and "20, block "1, Burlingame Park "3. They Property involved, having sufficient area, the Commission recommended that permissioxi to resubdivide, as indicated on map be granted, provided a map of such subdivision be filed with the Jity Engineer. A resolution was approved recommending; the passage of the Imerginey Urdinance of the City of burlingame regulating Apartment house Districts, Apartment Houses, and uses. For the Resolution, .uitchell, Coleman„ uapp, uogers, Macdonald, and Macomber. noes, none. Copy of the xesolutio a and emergency Ordinanc3 refer - ad to herewith attached. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10: 00 P . ta. Chas Macdonald, Secretary