HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1938.11.17Uty j-lanning ;;ommission Eurlingame , calif ornia `ovem -er 1 f . 1- 6-8 The stated meeti-:LL for the a.onth of Fovember, 1938, was held in the ,;ity Hall, burlingame, on Thursday evening, i ovetpber 17, 1938. �:he meetin; was call d to order at 7: bO P. ;�., Jas;. r_. Mitchell, presiding. uther Kemuers present: ;hiss Rogars, oleman, Rapp, Macomber, Watson and �ac- donald. Public heari _g, v,.a held on tie petition to rezonii for .apartments cartair- sectio,. y Est of _P1 Jamino Heal, and otheri, ise bo:_aided, by rcalston ivenue to Occidental Avenue, thence Occidental Avenue to Bellevue Avalue through to �-,1 Camino heal.. All the prop :.r•ty within this triangle is in ;lulled, except such lots as are already otherwise rezoned. Several persons in the Audien ; q took part in the discussio l in response to an invitation from the hairman. it ivas considered essential to provide means to control the class and size of buildings that should be permitt;d so As not to infringe on the privacy of private homes now established in this territory. A Motion of tentative approval was carried, subject to changes as may be deter- miinad later. The next hearing to be held on Dec- ember 29, 1938. The petitions to r,zone lots 14, 1,5, lu an. ir, blo r; ,;1 facing on the �asteriy side of i�d6 ehill Drive, ua'Woeen ;;hula Vista venue and California Drive, from residential was revised to read second residential ix.st,ad of apartments, the term apartments was stricken out at the rjcuest of the Jornrlission. 3 .lotion for tentative approval vaas t een carried urianamously; fenal hearing to be considered on December- 29, 1938. In connactic-n with the rezori-iS of ;hapin Avenue for business use approved by tiie _;onufiission sevaral months ago, T.ir. S. D. 'verk spoke at length opposing the pro.+osition and asked for further hearing on uha, subject, that he had .a petition of some two hundred namas protesting against rezoning ;hapin _:avenue -for business use. o action was ta"-en by the -omr_iission ex. -apt that it would Let in touch witLll the council with the vieV: to .Ter4. the situat:_on if any misunderstandine,, sxisted. Lir. Mork stated that he was representing the 1-urling.amo Avenue -business section. The request of ears mead, 775 weary Street, San Francisco, requesting to resubdiv ide lot ; B-ll in blo ;i_ Z12, corner of niter Road and Lurlingame ivenue into three separate portions was approved. The size of the lot is ,,;b feet by 200f::3et, or three separate lots with an area of 5000 square feet each. The property is in the first residential zone. The request was approved with the und6rstandin6 that a man of such subdivision be first filed in the City Hall. Chas Y-acdonald, Secretary 1