HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1250ORDINANCE N0, 1250 AfJ ORDINANCE AMEfJDI11 CHAPTERS 15.08 and 15.10 of THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE EFFECTING SEWER RENTAL PROCEDURES AND ESTABLISHING WASTE DISCHARGE REGULATIONS The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BURLINGAME does ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Chapter 15.08 of the Burlingame Municipal Code, establis ing sanitary sewer connections and discharges is amended to read as follows: "Chapter 15.08 Sanitary Sewer Connections and Charges 15.08.010 Application for Sewer Connection. Whenever sewer laterals fare to be laid and connected with the sewer mains of the City, the person, firm or corporation desiring to lay and connect the same shall apply in writing to the City Engineer stating the location of the premises to which the connection is to be made. Such application will signify the customer's willingness and intention to comply with this and other ordinances or regulations relating to the regular sewer service and to make payment for sewer service required. An application will not be honored unless payment in full has been made for sewer 'Lllservice previously rendered to the applicant by such inspection fees as may be established by Council from time to time. 15.08.030 Number of laterals per lot. Every lot, piece and parcel of land in the City as originally subdivided and shown on the official subdivision map recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Mateo shall be entitled to at least one sewer service lateral connecting from the 'Imain sewer to the particular piece or parcel of land, capable of being used for building purposes when the piece or parcel of land has a street or alley frontage of fifty feet or more and when the street or alley frontage is less than fifty feet as shown on the original subdivision record as herein mentioned and the piece or parcel of land is capable of being used for building purposes, then only one service lateral will be granted to the piece or parcel of land; nd when the particular piece or parcel of land is on a corner and frontage on the street or alley9 the lateral service will be on the basis only of the the City. Upon receipt of the application, the City Engineer shall issue the necessary permits and collect such inspection fees as may be established by Council from time to time. 15.08.030 Number of laterals per lot. Every lot, piece and parcel of land in the City as originally subdivided and shown on the official subdivision map recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Mateo shall be entitled to at least one sewer service lateral connecting from the 'Imain sewer to the particular piece or parcel of land, capable of being used for building purposes when the piece or parcel of land has a street or alley frontage of fifty feet or more and when the street or alley frontage is less than fifty feet as shown on the original subdivision record as herein mentioned and the piece or parcel of land is capable of being used for building purposes, then only one service lateral will be granted to the piece or parcel of land; nd when the particular piece or parcel of land is on a corner and frontage on the street or alley9 the lateral service will be on the basis only of the official width of the property as appears on the original subdivision record in the office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County as herein mentioned. 15.08.040 Application for lateral rearrangement of lot frontage. Glhenever any person, firm or corporation has made or is to make a rearrangement of his, her or its property on the street or alley frontage, it shall be necessary, before any sewer lateral service is given to any property, piece or parcel of land so rearranged, that such person, firm or corporation shall apply in writing to the City Council for the desired sewer service latera - and attached to the application shall be a drawing of the piece or parcel of land as rearranged. It shall be within the discretion at all times of the City Council to grant or deny the application as required in this section and under such times and conditions as it deems proper. 15.08.050 No sublaterals permitted. All sewer lateral connections from the street or alley mains shall be made on a direct connection thereto and shall be a separate and distinct connection, no sublateral being permitted. 15.08.060 Sewer rental - Definitions. As used in Sections 15.08.070 through 15.08.110, the following words shall have the meanings given in this section: (a) "Person" means and includes individuals, partnerships, associat- ions and corporation. (b) "Sewage" is defined as water or a combination of water and waterborne wastes conducted from residences, commercial buildings and institut ions and which is known as domestic sewage; also the liquid or water -carried waste resulting from commercial manufacturing or industrial operation or process, which water or waterborne wastes enter the system of sewerage, or any part thereof, of the City from any premises having a connection therewith or thereto. (c) "Premises" refers to and includes a'lot, parcel of land, bulding or establishment. (d) "Industrial" refers to a user which may be subject to any pre-treatment program established by the City. 15.08.070 Sewer rental - Service charges. -2- Every person whose premises: in the City are served by a connection with the system of sewerage of the City, whereby the sewerage or industrial wastes, or either or both, are disposed of by the City, shall pay a bi-monthly sewer charge based upon the quantity of metered water per bi-monthly billing period as set forth in the following rate schedule and quantity of water derived from a source other than the City water supply. The Director of Public Works shall determine the class- ification of uses not specifically listed and the method of measuring unmetered water sources. (1) Single-family/duplex/ institutional (schools, churches and government buildings) (2) Multi -family residential (3) Restaurants, caterers, supermarkets, bakeries and other commercial food processing and food related commercial (4) Moderate strength commercial, including manufacturing, commercial or industrial laundries, hotels with restaurants '(5) Light strength commercial, including office -warehouse, office buildings, cocktail lounges, auto related, car wash, laundromats, convalescent homes, hotels without restaur- ants and hospitals $0.72 per thousand gallons of water consumption for the billing periods December through May; and $0.38 per thousand gallons of water consumption for the billing periods of June through November. $0.67 per thousand gallons of water consumption. $2.04 per thousand gallons of water consumption. -monthly. The sewer $1.48 per .thousand gallons of water consumption. $1.04 per thousand gallons of water consumption. 15.08.090 - Sewer rental - Industrial sampling. Every premises ,determined to be within the industrial class shall provide a facility for the sampling of its effluent at a location approved by the City Engineer. 15.08.100- Sewer rental - Charges payable Di manner, at the time and by the same persons as are the charges for water furnished by the City, and the amount thereof shall be included in the total amount due for water. All provisions of this code applicable to the charge, collection and enforcement of rates for water furnished by the City are made -3- -monthly. The sewer rental specified in this chapter shall be charged, collected and enforced in the same manner, at the time and by the same persons as are the charges for water furnished by the City, and the amount thereof shall be included in the total amount due for water. All provisions of this code applicable to the charge, collection and enforcement of rates for water furnished by the City are made -3- applicable to the provisions of Sections 15.08.060 through 15.08.110. 15.08.110 Sewer rental - Fund All monies received from the collection of the sewer rental charges as authorized shall be deposited with the City Treasurer who shall keep a separate and distinct fund and account to be known as "the sewer rental fund." This fund shall be used, when appropriated by the Council, for the management, maintenance, operation and repair of the sewage system, sewage pumping, treatment and disposal works and for the planning, extension and enlargement of the works." Section 2. Chapter 15.10 of the Burlingame Municipal Code, establishing sanitary sewer regulations, is amended to read as follows: "Chapter 15.10 Sanitary Sewer Use Regulations 15.10.010 Purpose and Policy. These Sanitary Sewer Use Rules and Regulations set uniform requirements for discharges into the wastewater collection and treatment system and enable the City of Burlingame to comply with the administrative provisions of the Clean Water Grant Regulations, the water quality requirements set by the applicable effluent limitations, national standards of performance, toxic and pretreatment effluent standards, and all other discharge criteria which are required or authorized by State or Federal law, and to derive the maximum public benefit by regulating the quality and quantity of wastewater discharged into the City of Burlingame's sewer system. These Rules and Regulations provide a means for determining wastewater volumes, constituents and characteristics, the setting of charges and fees, and the issuance of permits to certain users. Revenues derived from the application of these Rules and Regulations shall be used to defray the City's cost of operating and maintaining adequate wastewater collection and treatment systems and to provide sufficient funds for capital outlay, bond service costs, capital improvements, and depreciation. Charges and fees, as hereinafter referred to, are and have been established pursuant to the City of Burlingame ordinances. These Rules and Regulations are not intended to be inconsistent with or repeal any provisions of said ordinances or any amendments thereto, and in the event that ahy provision of these Rules and Regulations is found to be inconsistent with any provision of said ordinances, the provisions of said ordinances shall apply. 15.10.011 Violation Unlawful Following the effective date of this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to connect to, construct or install or provide, maintain or use any other means of sewage disposal from any building except by connection. to a public sewer in the manner as provided in this chapter. 15.10.020 Sewer Required. The' owner of any building or structure occupied or used by humans is required at his expense to connect said building directly to the sewerage works, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within ninety days from completion. 15.10.021 Occupancy Prohibited. No building, industrial facility nor other structure shall be occupied or used until the owner of the premises has complied with all rules and regulations of this chapter. 15.10.030 Character of Permitted Wastes. Because the concentration or amount of a particular constituent which may be judged to be excessive or unreasonable cannot be forseen but will depend on the results of technical .determinations or the actions of regulatory agencies, when the list of con- Istituents which are to be regulated and their specific limits are reasonably 'known a resolution establishing limits will be adopted by the City Counci 1. Other constituents may be regulated from time to time by resolutions after a public hearing. 15.10.040 Prohibited Wastes PJone of the following wastes shall be ".discharged into the sanitary sewer system or introduced into the wastewater treatment plant: (a) Animal and Vegetable Greases. Animal or vegetable greases or oils ,which will harden or solidify at temperatures below eighty degrees Fahrenheit '!shall not be discharged into the sanitary sewer system. Such materials shall '.be retained and collected in grease traps or by other acceptable devices and 'shall regularly be removed from such traps of devices and otherwise disposed -5- The prohibition in this regulation, shall not apply to usual household wastes processed by domestic garbage disposal installations: (b) Inert Solilds. Settling chambers or other treatment work shall be maintained to prohibit discharge of inert solids such as sand, glass, metal chips and bone. Plastics or plastic treated material shall not be discharged into the sanitary sewer system but shall be screened and removed at a point prior to introduction; by the use of (c) Explosives. Solids, liquids, or gases which by themselves or by interaction with other substances may cause fire or explosion hazards; (d) Noxious or Malodorous Substances. Substances which by themselves or by interaction with other wastes may create a public nuisance or hazard to make human entry into the sewers extraordinarily hazardous; (e) Toxicity. Wastes containing concentration of toxic substances sufficient to inhibit biological processes employed at the wastewater reclamation plant shall not be discharged to the sewer system, Toxic substances include, but are not limited to, salts of the heavy metals, cyanides, chloroform, certain organic solvents, phenols, bacteriocides, antibiotics and insecticides. This restriction is not intended to prohibit the discharge of incidental laboratory quantities or minute carryover quantities of toxic substances. In general, discharges shall be to those quantities set forth by resolution as provided in Section 15.10.030. (f) Storm, surface and underground waters. No storm water, roof or yard drainage, foundation or underdrainage shall be discharged into the sanitary sewer system, nor shall any plumbing or piping be connected in such a manner as to make possible the discharge of storm, surface and underground waters into said system. (g) Grease or Oil. The sanitary sewer shall not be used as a means of disposal of grease or oil. In no case shall the concentration of floatable oil and grease exceed twenty parts per million, nor shall the total oil or grease concentration (dispersed and emulsified, as well as floatable) exceed one hundred parts per million. or vehicles by the Any shop, commercial or industrial establishment which drains or removes greases or oils from machinery, equipment or vehicles by the use of -5- water jet, heated water, steam or other processes shall provide a trap or other device for the collection of such greases or oils. Such traps or devices shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times and greases, oils, or other accumulations shall be removed as frequently as may be necessary to prevent malfunction of the trap or other device. (h) Other.Such other unacceptable wastes as may be limited or prohibited by the Director of Public Works from time to time. 15.10.050 Quantity of Wastes. The rate of discharge of industrial wastes to the sewer system shall be limited to the capacity prevent the of the lateral and main sewers flowing as open -channel conduits. Facilities shall be provided for dampening or equalizing "slug" discharges in order to comply with concen- tration restrictions as defined in Section 15.10.030. 15.10.060 Reoorting of Industrial Waste Discharges. At the time of application for a building permit for construction of facilities producing industrial wastes or at the time any existing building is proposed to be used or remodeled in similar circumstances, the applicant shall submit a detailed analysis or estimate of industrial waste production, treatment and disposal. If, after beginning operation of a new plant or operation, the data submitted are found to be in error by more than twenty percent, a revised industrial waste data sheet shall be submitted to the City Engineer within ninety days. From time to time, the City Engineer may require revision or resubmission of detailed industrial waste information. All waste sampling and/or analyses needed to provide the required data shall be performed by either the industrial waste discharger with certification by a certified laboratory or by the City at discharger's expense. 15.10.70 Pretreatment of Industrial Waste. An Industrial wastewater ' pretreatment more system or device may be required by the City to treat industrial flows prior to discharge to the sewer when it is necessary to restrict or prevent the discharge to the sewer of certain waste constituents, to distribute equally over a longer time period any peak discharges of industrial wastewaters or to accomplish any pretreatment result required by tYie City All pretreatment systems or devices shall be approved by the City but such approval shall not absolve the industrial discharger of the responsibility of -7- meeting any industrial effluent limitation required by the City. In special cases, the City may require construction by the owner, of sewer lines by the discharger to convey certain industrial wastes to a specific City trunk sewer. All pre- treatment systems judged by the City to require engineering design shall have plans prepared and signed by an engineer of suitable discipline licensed in the State of California. Normally a gravity separation interceptor, equalizing tank neutral- ization chamber and contrbl manhole will be required respectively to remove prohibited settleable and floatable solids, to equalize wastewater streams varying greatly in quantity and/or quality, to neutralize low or high pH flows and to facilitate inspection, flow measurement and sampling. Floor drains from commercial or manufacturing buildings, warehouses, multi -use structures, areas where any waste requiring pretreatment is involved shall not discharge directly into the sewer, but shall first discharge to a gravity separation interceptor. Where preliminary treatment facilities are provided for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his expense. The City may adopt additional rules and regulations by resolution, -after hearing, for a for administration of this section. Section 15.10.080 Interceptors Required. Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided when in the opinion of the City Engineer they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients; except that such interceptors shall not be required for buildings used for residential purposes. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the City Engineer, and shall be so located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Interceptors will be located upstream of dishwashers or discharges exceeding 1101F. reasonable access for periodic inspection and testing. -8- All grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense in continuously efficient operation at all times. The City shall be granted reasonable access for periodic inspection and testing. -8- 5.10.090 Control Manholes. When required by the City Engineer, the owner of any property served by the side sewer carrying industrial wastes shall install a suitable control manhole in the side sewer to ,facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of wastes. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessibly and safely located, and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the City Engineer. sewer The manhole shall be installed approved by the owner at his expense, and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times. 15.10.100 Disposal of Unacceptable 4Jaste. Waste: not permitted to be '.discharged into the community sewer must be transported to a State approved disposal site. The required "Waste Haulers Report" must be completed and a '.copy furnished within 30 days to the City by the discharger. 15.10.110 Treatment of 4Jaste Required. It is unlawful to discharge 'to any stream or watercourse any sewage, industrial vaastes, or other polluted '.waters. 15.10.120 Illegal Sewer Uses. Any use of any sanitary sewer system which does not conform to the regulations herein established is illegal. Within thirty days following notice by the City Engineer that an illegal use exists, corrective measures to eliminate the illegal use shall be made by the owner or responsible party except that in cases where extensive or exceptional repairs or replacements to existing installations are required, the City Engineer may grant extensions of time or consent to temporary remedial arrangements. 15.10.130 Agreements in Exceptional Cases. Discharge of wastes not meeting the requirements stated in this title may be permitted by special agreement between the discharger and the City. The City shall have the right to disallow exceptional discharges, prescribe pretreatment of some types of industrial wastes, and to establish surcharges based on the cost of handling exceptional wastes in the City's 'sewage collection and treatment system." Section 3. This ordinance shall be published as required by law Mayor � -9- I, EVELYN H. HILL, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame do hereby certify that this foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 16th day of May ,1983, and was adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of June ,1983, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: AMSTRUP, BARYON, CROSBY, ik1ANGINI, MARTIN NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE