HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1937.11.23Planning Commission ,Burlingame. November. 23rd ,1937 The stated meeting of the Planning commission for the month of November,1937 was held in the City Hall .urlingame,on Tuesday evening hovember,23rd,instead of November 25th,dus to latter date falling falling on Thanksgiving day. The meeting oonvened at 7:30 F.M. Chairman Jas.H.Mitoheil presiding. Other members present:Miss Janet P.Rogers-H.P.Vollmer- G.W.Coleman-John F.Davis-Jas.Watson and C.Maodonald. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A letter was received from Mrs.Blumer asking that the olassification.of lot No.13,blook No.12 and lotNo.14 block No.11,both in Easton No.fbe ohanged 'to make them available for the erection of duplexes; that the lots are located on Majillo Avenue ,directly to the rear of a laundry establishment,making them unde- sirable for first olass family dwellings. The Chairman advised the matter would receive careful consideration. A petition was received from five property owners requesting that their properties located on the west side of Primrose Road,between Howard and Rayswater Avenues, be zoned for business use,olaiming taht these are the only lotson the west side of Primrose Road that are not now in the business section. Action was delayed pending a general study. Mr.Fred Lisak,San Franoisco,submitted a rough sketch of a.proposed erection of an Apartment Court on the west 'bide of Bayshore Boulevard,near Winchester Drive, lots 3-4-and 5,blook No6,to cost approximately 20,000.00;but suggested to Kr.haak first to ascertain the attitude of the Council before proodediitg to make any detailed plans. Shoot 0 Planning commission ilov.23rd,1937 A petition was read signed by 71 property owners protesting against granting the request of Bar E.J. Millerto zone for business purposes certain property on the corner of Oak Grove Avenue and Linden Avenue. In view of there being no apparent need to increase the business area at this point,also owing to the large number of objectors signing the petition the Commission tentatively denied the request'of the petitioner. A letter was received from the Pastor of St Catherine's Catholic Church suggesting that the zoning ordinance be amended to provide that set -bank requirements for residential districts shall not apply to Public Buildings It was the opinion of the Commission that by making slight changes in the plans the Buildings could be erected within the meaning of the existing ordinanoe,and expressed a desire to have the Arohiteet preseAt at a special meeting to be held Dea,9th,1937. Mr. Mitchell to extend an invitation. The commission tentatively approved the Hpoification of the fire restriotions,providing for a No.2 class to be applied to certain isolated districts as proposed by the Fire Chief and the Building Inspector. A special Meeting was ordered to be held on Thursday evening Bedember,9th. Meeting adjourne.1 at 10:20 PM. ha�.Macdonald , . Secretary.