HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1936.12.10December.10th,1936 City Planning Commission The Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame held meeting in the City Hall, Burlingame, on Thursadepevening ,D-6" December.10th,1936. Meeting called to order`at 7:30 PM, Jas.H.Mitbhell presiding. Other members present,g.A.Buek Dr.H.Vlade Maoomber-H.P.Tollmer-Kiss Janet P.,Rogers- Mo.F. DavisTF.D.Anddrson-Jas Watson and C.Macdonald. The minutes of the moetings of October,29th.4nd November,5th 1936 were read and approved as read. Communications From the Lang Realty Corporation on the prpposed p1wnting of trees on hte Bayshore Bouvelard,fr`m Burlingame avenue to Oakgrove Avenue,on both sides,and offering to purchase all trees,shrubs and stakes,provided the City would take care of the planting and maintenance. There was also attached a letter from the Division of Highways,under whose supervision the work would have to be done,in which it was suggestedthat upon approval,the Division would do all the work at a cost of 02.25 per tree,to include cost of the tree,planting and first year's maintenance. It was the unanimous opinion of the Commission that the offer of the Highway Commission would be the cheaper and better way, and irWhich Mr Anderson ,Superintendent of narks,conourred. The Secretary was instructed to writer to the City Council, recommending that it,in conjunction with the Lang Realty Corp.,, give the matter earnest consideration,beleiving that the completion of this,as a first unit,would fulfil a purposp/nuch desired. Cdincerning the communication received from the Broadway Development Association regarding conditions existing at the foot of Broadway as a result of the garbage disposal plant. the Secretary was asked to advise that body some progress had already begun by planting trees where suitable soil was available. The request of Mr.Linval H.Castle to install two gasoline pumps on acertain busines lot on Lorton avenue -was held over to allow the petitioner further time to prepare revised. plans,whieh the petitioner wished to do. A request from Mr.Dean Mitchell to rezone from Resedential to Apartments lot26,block8 ,Easton Addition was denied. A communication from the Signal Oil Co,for a permit to operate a gas service station on Broadway at Chula Vista was approved Sheet i12 Meeting December.10th,1936-continued. for recommendation to the City Council. A Rentleman in the i Audience addressed the meeting to the effect objection to granting a permit was contemplated by members of the Broadway Development Association. The Chair advised him that any such objections could be presented when the matter came up before the City Council. Notation by the Secretary: Later on the Chairman,Mr.A&itchell, thought it advisable -o investigate this feature further,bafore submitting the recommendation to the City Counoil,and instructed the Secretary to communicate with the Broadway -bevelppmer_t Associ- ation to ascertain the attitude of its members;, also to write to Mr.Neilson informing him of this action. In the case of Mr.Carl,Torello=.requesting permission to construct a gasoline service station on Primrose action was witheld pending furlker investigation as the Commission wis.hed`to ascertain the a;ttitu. af.Pfoperty Owners in the immediate neighborhood toward the proposed project. Mr.A.Stanley Moore applied for a permit to add a Kitchen and bath room to a Garage on property at 2508 Easton Drive ,located in the resedential district,which the Commission refused to finnotion. Mr.W.R.Hoag submitted for final approval subdivision map of the undeveloped portion ,Burlingame Shore band Co -which was approved by a. -majority vote of 4 to 1,Dr.Maacomber voting in the negative. The Chairman and Secretary were authorised to attach their respective signature thereto. The layout is so arranged as to allow the extension of Linden Ave through a vacant lot in block N0.6 in Villa Park. This provision was arranged by Mr.Hoag at the request of the Commission,beleiving that the street should be out through to provide proper access to this property. It is the recommendation of the commission that the Council take steps to investigate the project with view of securing the empty lot mentioned for street purposes. Action on the application of Mrs.Harris to rezone property it the corner of Burlingame Ave and Myrtle to permit the ereotion of a store was deferred at the request of the petitioner. No action was taken on the application of Mr.L.lalanne to improve or build small Apartments,panding preparation of revised plans. A temporary was recommende4 to allow Mr.Reulfs to build garages on a vacant lot,he to iurnihh satisfactory proof that a new Apartment unit would be commenced within a reasonable time limit. Communication received from the Chamber of Commerce relative to tree planting on Burlingame Ave and Broadway was ofldernd acknowledged. There being no further business transacted the meeting adjourned at 10;55,PM. Chas Macdonald, Secretary.