HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 029-1982that RESOLUTION NO. 29-82 RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIAL PERMITS AND DENYING VARIANCES - MARRIOTT HOTEL PROJECT. 1800 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY RESOLVED, by the CITY COUNCIL of the City of Burlingame, California, WHEREAS, there has been proposed a project known as the Marriott Hotel Project located at 1800 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, which project involves the construction of a hotel and convention center and WHEREAS, said project was the subject of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR-54P), which Environmental Impact Report was certified by this Council on April 5, 1982,and WHEREAS, the project proposed by the applicant and property owner, John Bjorner required variances for the number of parking spaces and a compact parking space ratio and required special permits for height, floor area ratio and lot coverage;the variances andoermits were reviewed by the Planning Comm- ission on April 12, 1982,and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at said date held a full hearing and approved all of said special permits and variances and WHEREAS, the action of the Planning Commission was appealed to this Council and a full public hearing was held by the Council on May 5, 1982. All persons wishing to speak being heard and all written documents including the EIR were submitted to the Council for it's consideration,and WHEREAS, on May 12, 1982 the Council voted to deny the parking variances and to approve the special permits as more specifically set forth hereafter. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby RESOLVED and DETERMINED by this City Council of the City of Burlingame that, 1. The variances for the subject project from the required number of parking spaces and from the standard to compact car parking space ratio are denied. 2. The special permit to allow buildings and structure in excess of thirty five (35) feet in height is granted to a height not to exceed 100 feet from the top of curb. This Council finds that the special permit- should be allowed based on the evidence for the following reasons! -1- a. Clustering of buildingsas proposed by the applicant rather than a series of low buildings protects views of San Francisco Bay. b. There is a need to raise all occupied areas of the structure above the flood line in this area. c. There is a need to raise the site itself above the flood line in this area. d. The subject parcel is very unusually shaped being 260 by 1550 feet and therefore requires particular adaptations of building heights to allow its economical development. 3. The special permit to allow a floor area ratio of more than one (1.0) is granted to a maximum floor area ratio of 1.94. This Council finds that the special permit should be allowed based on the evidence for the following reasons! A. Clustering of buildings to protect view corridors results in some decks of the parking being counted in the floor area ratio which might not otherwise occur. permit. b. The unusual shape of the lot as noted in the condition to the height d. The particular property is located adjacent to intensely used light industrial area and the higher floor ratio is therefore consistent with nearby development. lof it. d. The cost of construction on the site justifies a more intensive use 4. The special permit for lot coverage in excess 25% of the site is Igranted,not to exceed a lot coverage of 28%. This Council finds that this Ispecial permit should be allowed based on the evidence and for the following Ireasons° a. The amount of extra lot coverage is insignificant when compared to the entire project. b. The proximity of the site to open undevelopable bay water lands reduces the significance of increased lot coverage, the site being open to the water on at least two sides. -2- 5. All of the above special permits granted by this Council are subject to those conditions set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. Mayor I, EVELYN H. HILL, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 12th day of May, 1982 and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: AMSTRUP, CROSBY, MANGINI, MARTIN NOES: COUNCILMEN: BARTON ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: C VY Clerk FXHTRTT A 1. compliance with the conditions of the City Engineer's memo of April 5, 1982 and the Zoning Aide's memo of April 5, 1982; 2. contribute 12.2 percent to the modifications to the signalization of the Millbrae/Bayshore Highway intersection necessary when traffic generated from the project causes a worsening in the level of service at the intersection of one level; 3. maintenance of catch basins and grease trap serving the project; 4. development of final landscape plan which meets BCDC public access concerns and approval by the Burlingame Park Director; planting and ongoing requirement to maintain whatever landscaping is approved; 5. contribution, as required by the City and depending upon receipt of Federal grants, to the improvement of the City's Sewage Treatment plant, secondary treatment solids improvement; 6. pay cost of independent review of the Jefferson Associates' Traffic Assignment study for the project; 7. approval of Phases II and III of the project is subject to an origin - destination study of actual traffic generation and distribution from previously completed phases of the project; 8. provide signalization at the Malcolm Road intersection if traffic studies required by the City for Phases II and III show it to be necessary; 9. provision of the following during construction of all phases of the hotel: adequate off-street all weather parking for construction workers and physical protection to the marsh habitat along E1 Portal Creek; 10. during construction of all phases require erosion control to include limiting construction as determined necessary by the City during the wet season, hydro seeding at the onset of the wet season, developing a specific plan for sedimentation control approved as necessary by the San Francisco Water Quality Control Board and the City of Burlingame; 11. as part of the Title 24 survey, the feasibility of solar energy and other conservation devices should be considered; 12. submit excavation procedures to protect public and private property and final grading and drainage plans acceptable to the City; 13. all excavated material, acceptable to the City, shall be treated and placed in the City's sanitary land fill as directed by the City; 14. receipt of permits from all necessary regulatory agencies included BCDC and the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board; 15. compliance with Mr. Edward Hope's letter of March 19, 1982; 16. the project shall include a 14,000 square foot ballroom/convention center in its first phase; 17. the "footprint" as submitted by the developer shall be followed; and 18. the project shall generally follow those plans date stamped March 31, 1982 and submitted to the Council.