HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 102-1983RESOLUTION NO. 102-83 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR BURLINGAME HYATT HOTEL 0 RESOLVED, by the CITY COUNCIL of the City of Burlingame, California, and this Council does hereby FIND, ORDER and DETERMINE as follows: 1. The public interest and convenience require execution of the agreement cited in the title above. 2. The City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Burlingame. 3. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and instructed to attest such signature. May I, EVELYN H. HILL, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, ..do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of December 19 81 and was adopted thereafter by the following) vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: AMSTRUP, BARTON, MANGINI, MARTIN, PAGLIARO NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE City Clerk nRTrTNAI AGREEMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT BURLINGAME HYATT HOTEL THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 5th day of December, 1983 , by and between the CITY OF BURLINGAME, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Environmental Science Associates, Tnr _ ' hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"; W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, application has been submitted to the City of Burlingame for a project which has been determined to be subject to the California Environmental Quality Control Act; and WHEREAS, the City is desirous of employing a consultant for the preparation of an appropriate environmental impact report, and Consultant has submitted a proposal to City whereby it repre- sents that it is qualified and competent to prepare such a report, and City proposes to employ Consultant to perform such services pursuant to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY'AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Employment City employs Consultant to perform the services, make the studies and submit the report set forth in the proposal of Consultant dated received November 29, 1983 , and Consultant .accepts such employment and agrees to make such studies and to submit such reports. Said proposal is attached hereto as EXHIBIT A, and by this reference is incorporated herein. 1 2. Term of Agreement Said proposal shall be completed within the schedule set forth in said proposal. 3. Compensation For the services hereinabove mentioned City shall pay to Consultant a sum not to exceed Twenty three thousand nine hundred forty dollars ($23,940). Payment shall be made on the basis of the charges set forth in said proposal. Payment shall be made according to the schedule set forth in EXHIBIT "A" 4. Termination (a) City shall have the right to terminate this agree- ment at any time upon written notice to Consultant. (b) In the event of such termination, City shall pay to Consultant as full payment for all services performed under this agreement to date of termination, its salaries and costs then paid or incurred. (c) In the event that Consultant shall fail or become unable for any reason to perform and complete the services re- quired to be performed by it hereunder, City may forthwith terminate this agreement by written notice. In the event of such termination, City shall pay Consultant its compensation for all services there- tofore performed in accordance with the salaries actually paid by Consultant. City may deduct therefrom any excess in cost of the performance as may be required by other consultants over and above the amounts agreed to be paid herein as fees. (d) Consultant agrees that in the event of any termination of this agreement it will make its books and records relative to 2 the performance of this agreement available for inspection by City, its agents, servants, employees or independent accountants for the specific purpose of verifying the amount of compensation to be paid to Consultant. 5. Delays Consultant shall not be responsible for any delays in the performance of its services hereunder caused by strikes, action of the elements, acts of any government, civil disturbances or any other cause beyond its reasonable control, or for the expenses or consequences arising from such delays. 6. Reliance on Professional Skill of Consultant It is mutually understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that Consultant is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the work agreed to be done by it under this agreement and that the City, not being skilled in such matters, relies upon the skill of Consultant to do and perform its work in the most skillful manner, and Consultant :guarantees to thus perform its work. 7. Relationship of Parties It is understood that the contractual relationship of the Consultant to the City is that of independent contractor, and all persons working for or under the direction of Consultant are its agents, servants and employees, and not agents, servants or employees of City. B. Representatives of City The City Planner, or his designee, shall act for, and be responsible to, City in all matters hereunder. 9. Assignment Neither City nor Consultant shall assign, sublet or 3 transfer its interests in this agreement without the written consent of the other. 10. Amendment This agreement may be amended or modified by written agreement signed by both parties, and failure on the part of either party to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of the right to compel enforcement of such provision or provisions. 11. Notices All notices shall be in writing and delivered in person or transmitted by certified mail, return receipt, postage pre- paid. Notices recuired to be given to City shall be addressed: CITY PLANNER Burlingame City Hall 501 Primrose Road Burlingame, California 94010 Notices required to be given Consultant shall be addressed: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1291 Hillsdale Boulevard Foster City, CA 94404 12. Interpretation As used herein any gender includes each other gender, the singular includes the plural, and vice versa. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF BURLINGAME, a municipal corpora zon By City Mana er ATTEST: City Clerk 4 Y/G� �/j�ST OFNP` Consultant Nov .j., 1963, CITY OF BURLiNGAIAE INTRdb�&I0V'* EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE PROPOSED BURLINGAME HYATT HOTEL EIR This Scope of Work is for a focused EIR on the proposed Burlingame Hyatt Hotel project as generally described in the initial study and project plans transmitted to ESA on November 10, 1983. The proposed environmental impact analyses will concentrate on issues determined to be of greatest importance to the agencies, groups and individuals interested in the project. Where significant adverse impacts are likely to occur, appropriate mitigation measures to avoid or reduce these impacts will be identified. The Scope of Work reflects a preliminary analysis of the project's potential for environmental impact. The Scope is based on a review of the initial study, a site visit, previous experience in preparing environmental documentation for projects in the Anza and Bayfront areas, and conversations with City staff and the project architect. ESA understands that a public forum will be held early in the work period. Issues raised at this forum and in any responses to the Notice of Preparation, but not discussed below, may be addressed in the EIR under a contract modification. Should detailed engineering analyses of airport noise, aeronautic safety, or flood control be required, they would also be included under contract modifications or separate contracts. SCOPE OF STUDY Land Use, Planning, and Regulatory Compliance Principal Investigator Tasks: Michael Rice, AICP - Describe existing and projected land use in the project area. - Evaluate and describe the project's conformance to the Burlingame Bayfront Specific Plan, City zoning, and other applicable local planning policies. Identify cause and nature of any special use permits required. - Describe City design guidelines applicable to the project, and discuss the project's conformance to them. - Identify any responsible federal, state, regional, and local agencies and required permits and approvals. (Note that this task assumes interactions with BCDC and the Corps of Engineers will not be required, because the site is outside their jurisdictions; and that any interactions with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or Hyatt Hotel EIR Scope of Work Page 1 San Francisco International Airport authorities related to permits or approvals will be conducted by others.) - Discuss the growth -inducing aspects of the project considering its implications for increasing local employment and population, and its implications for impeding other future commercial development in the Anza and Bayfront areas by preempting remaining traffic allocation. - Identify mitigation measures that would increase the project's conformance to applicable plans and respond to agency concerns. Population and Housing Principal Investigator: Brian Woodworth Tasks: - Generally discuss the current and projected population and housing growth in the Burlingame/San Mateo County area. - Discuss the primary and secondary jobs which would be created by the project and cumulative development approved and proposed in the Anza and Bayfront areas. - Discuss possible residential distributions of project employees; and relate to transportation analysis. Identify any appropriate mitigation measures. Visual Factors Principal Investigator: Michael Rice, AICP Tasks: - Using on-site reconnaissance and photographs of the site from surrounding viewpoints, briefly describe the visual character of the site and immediate area. - Determine the most visually sensitive viewpoints of the site and show the location of the proposed development on two photographs of views from short-range viewpoints and one photograph from a viewpoint in the Burlingame hills. This task will not include preparation of architectural renderings, but may include montage graphics prepared by project architects. - Assess the visual impact of the project as seen from key vantage points in the hills, in adjacent buildings and on Bayshore Highway. - Prepare graphics showing shadows from the proposed project at two different times of the year (mid -winter, and mid -summer), each at three times of day, and assess shadow impacts. Hyatt Hotel EIR Scope of Work Page 2 - Identify any impacts due to increased light and glare from the proposed project. Identify mitigation measures to aid in the protection of the visual environment. Community Services and Utilities Principal Investigator: Brian Woodworth Tasks: - With the guidance of the City Planner, identify and contact fire, police, water, storm and sanitary sewer departments and agencies that would provide service to the project. - Identify the agencies' existing and projected capabilities to serve the project. - Identify methods of mitigating any adverse impacts identified.. Fiscal Factors Principal Investigator: Brian Woodworth Tasks: - Estimate gross and incremental, initial and on-going, City revenues, including hotel tax revenues, and any lost revenues due to the project. Compare estimated revenues with the probable initial and on-going costs to the City. The revenue estimates will consider the implications of Assembly Bill 8 and Proposition 13. - Identify mitigation measures, as necessary or feasible. Transportation and Circulation Principal Investigator: Richard K. Hopper, P.E. Tasks: - Using the Burlingame Traffic Analyzer, other standard analytic techniques as necessary, and available data, determine existing a.m. and p.m. peak -hour traffic conditions and levels of service at the Broadway/Bayshore Freeway interchange, the Airport Boulevard/Bayshore Highway intersection, and the adjacent segment of U.S. Highway 101. - Determine the a.m. and p.m. peak -hour traffic impact of the proposed developmgnt at the locations identified above, taking into account the impacts of the project alone and the cumulative impacts of other approved developments in the Bayfront and Anza areas. Hyatt Hotel EIR Scope of Work Page 3 Analyze the adequacy of proposed auto and service access, circulation and parking for the project. Analyze proposed circulation and access in relation to other accesses to Bayshore Highway by adjoining properties and properties across the Highway. In particular, consider separation of service access from the proposed relocated U.S. 101 on-ramp, safety of turning movements to and from site, storage capacity of left -turn lanes for site access from Bayshore Highway, and related, proposed roadway or signalization improvements in the vicinity of the site. Consider impacts on pedestrian and bicycle circulation as well as motor vehicle circulation. Develop mitigation measures appropriate for any identified adverse impacts in the U.S. 101 corridor, the local roadways and interchange system, and in circulation patterns on the site and in its immediate vicinity. Include consideration of improved transit service to airport, Caltrain, and transit service systems west of U.S. 101. Energy Principal Investigator: Richard Grassetti Tasks: - Estimate the energy required for project construction, operation, and maintenance using published data and information to be supplied by the applicant. - Determine adequacy of energy supplies and delivery infrastructure to serve the project (to be coordinated with Community Services task). - Review project energy use forecasts for compliance with State energy standards. - Identify feasible energy conservation measures not included in the project as proposed. Geology, Soils and Seismology Principal Investigator: Richard Grassetti Task: - Review site survey and geotechnical report to be provided by applicant, and other available information, for accuracy and adequacy to evaluate the geotechnical and groundwater aspects of the project. - Describe regional geologic and seismic characteristics as they relate to the project. - Conduct a site reconnaissance to describe the surface features of the s i te. Hyatt Hotel EIR Scope of Work Page 4 Discuss characteristics and types of soil and fill materials on the project site. On the basis of project plans, the geotechnical report and any other engineering reports related to structural and foundation engineering, evaluate the liquefaction potential, seismic hazards, and possible subsidence of fill materials on the site. Discuss mitigation measures to avoid geotechnical hazards, including incorporation of seismic safety features into building design, need for additional fill, and special foundation requirements. Hydrology and Water Quality Principal Investigator: Richard Grassetti Tasks: - Describe existing run-off quality, quantity, and drainage patterns based upon a site reconnaissance and existing data. In particular, characterize existing flooding patterns on the project site and eastward along Easton Creek. - Evaluate changes in drainage patterns and local run-off rates due to increased impervious surface, compaction of on-site soils, proposed flood control improvements, and any other relevant design features. - Discuss the adequacy of existing and proposed flood protection measures, and susceptibility of the site to inundation from flooding and tsunamis. Address in particular the regulatory, safety and design implications of any habitable levels of the project proposed to be constructed below an elevation nine feet above mean sea level. - Review relevant available data on water quality and assess the effects of project runoff on local water quality. - Identify mitigation measures such as storm drainage system requirements, retention basins, and channelization improvements and evaluate their effectiveness. Assess the water quality effects of mitigation measures with respect to requirements of the Bay Area Regional Water Quality Control Board. Noise Principal Investigator: Richard Grassetti Tasks: Characterize current ambient noise levels on the project site using available data and on-site measurements. Use existing vehicular traffic data and published reports to determine contributions of vehicle noise to the ambient levels. Hyatt Hotel EIR Scope of Work Page 5 Discuss noise levels associated with project construction traffic, grading and pile driving, and other construction activities. - Estimate future on-site noise levels based on available projections of traffic on U.S. 101, Bayshore Highway, and the proposed relocated U.S. 101 on-ramp, and projections of airport traffic. Assess the effects of projected noise levels on the indoor and outdoor noise environment of the project. - Evaluate noise level impacts based on noise -land use compatibility guidelines established by local, state, and federal agencies. Recommend feasible mitigation measures to minimize noise impacts. Air Quality Principal Investigator: Richard Grassetti Tasks: Evaluate and summarize existing air quality data from published sources. Estimate the air pollutant emissions resulting from on-site demolition and construction activities and off-site truck traffic. Based on the traffic analysis, project the impact of the proposed project on roadside concentrations of carbon monoxide at up to four selected locations along affected roadways. - Discuss projected emissions from construction and operation of the project with respect to ambient air quality standards and plans. - Discuss feasible measures and construction techniques to alleviate or minimize possible adverse impacts on ambient air quality. Alternatives A qualitative discussion of as many as four of the following alternatives to the proposed development will be presented: - No project - The conditions expected in the general area in the future in the event that the project were not constructed and the existing project remained in operation. - A hotel alternative with approximately 25 percent more rooms proposed project. - A hotel alternative with approxima ely perc nt fewer rooms the proposed project. Z�- - An office alternative of approximately 300,000 gross sq. ft. Hyatt Hotel EIR Scope of Work Page 6 than the than % The relative impacts of the proposed project and the alternatives will be summarized comparatively by impact category in a table and described at a general level of detail in the text. SCHEDULE AND WORK PRODUCTS EIR work products will be delivered according to the following schedule: Five (5) copies of an Administrative Draft EIR (ADEIR) Sixty (60) copies of the Draft EIR (DEIR) Fifty (50) copies of the Final EIR Addendum No later than eight weeks after receipt of written authorization to proceed. No later than three weeks after receipt of all comments on ADEIR. No later than three weeks after receipt of all comments on Draft EIR. ESA is prepared to begin work immediately upon receipt of authorization to proceed. This schedule is contingent on timely receipt by ESA of plans, data and reports pertinent to the project, as shown under Deliverables to Consultant, below. PUBLIC MEETINGS ESA's project manager and/or associate -in -charge will attend an initial public forum, and as many as four additional public meetings and hearings at which the EIR is an agenda item, at the request of the City. PROJECT TEAM ESA's proposed project team consists of Marty Abell, AICP, Associate -in -Charge; Michael Rice, AICP, Project Manager; and Brian Woodworth and Richard Grassetti, technical specialists. Resumes of each team member are attached. Also participating on the project team will be a transportation subconsultant with experience in the Burlingame Bayfront and Anza areas, Richard K. Hopper, P.E. DELIVERABLES TO CONSULTANT Item - Final site plans, sections and elevations showing relocated U.S. 101 on-ramp, service and auto access to site, parking and on-site circulation, schematic creek channelization improvements, floor and grade levels with respect to MSL. Hyatt Hotel EIR Scope of Work Page 7 Required No Later Than End o ontract Week: I Final gross square footage estimates by proposed use. 2 Site survey 3 - Geotechnical report 3 Landscaping and grading plan(s) 4 Flood control/channelization plan/report 4 Photomontage graphics prepared by project architects 5 - Schematic site plans and/or axonometrics of alternatives 5 suitable for inclusion in EIR Site plans, elevations, sections and other project- 5 descriptive graphics suitable for inclusion in EIR SUMMARY OF MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS - Information required from City, Applicant, architect, and other contractors to applicant will be available in a timely manner. - Work will not be stopped or significantly slowed by others. - The EIR will not address differential impacts due to any project phasing. - Noise and traffic impacts will be analyzed assuming northbound U.S. 101 on-ramp is relocated adjacent to project site. (Traffic impacts if ramp were not relocated will also be qualitatively addressed.) - The site is outside the jurisdictions of BCDC and COE, and therefore no interactions with those agencies will be required. - No definitive study of the U.S. 101 transportation corridor, no primary data collection, and no extraordinary transportation analyses not previously required of other local EIRs will be required. - The project architects will provide graphics depicting the project and alternatives that will be suitable for paste-up and inclusion in the EIR. - The applicant, the architects, or other agents of the applicant will conduct any discussions or negotiations necessary with the Federal Aviation Administration and others related to air safety, and any discussions or negotiations with the City concerning required improvements to the Easton Creek Channel, adjacent roadways and ramps, and other required off-site improvements. - Issues to be addressed in the EIR will be limited to those checked "yes" or "maybe" in the initial study, those discussed on pages 6 and 6a of the initial study, and those discussed under Scope of Study, above. Hyatt Hotel EIR Scope of Work Page 8 COST The proposed fixed fee for services described herein, subject to the assumptions stated above, is $23,940. The proposed payment schedule is as follows: - 40 percent upon submission of the Administrative Draft EIR - 30 percent upon submission of the Draft EIR - 20 percent upon submission of the Final EIR - 10 percent upon final certification of the EIR and satisfactory project completion, as determined by the City Planner. Hyatt Hotel EIR Scope of Work Page 9 MARTY ABELL, AICP, Managing Associate M.C.P., City and Regional Planning M. Arch., Architecture A.B., History Mr. Abell's responsibilities include project direction, project management, human resources management, marketing and client liaison. His recent projects include environmental impact reports (EIRs) for the Crocker National Bank 'Northern California Headquarters, 101 Montgomery Street, 101 California Street, 333 Bush Street, 222 Kearny Street, 123 Mission Street, Pine and Kearny Street, and Five Fremont Center highrise office buildings in San Francisco, the Biltmore Hotel expansion in Santa Barbara, the Federal Reserve Bank Building in San Francisco, a controversial coastal residential project in Santa Barbara, and several office and hotel projects on the San Francisco Peninsula. Mr. Abell is currently managing the preparation of the San Francisco Downtown EIR, a study which will examine and compare five alternative growth scenarios for future downtown development in the City. He has managed or supervised the preparation of more than 50 environmental impact reports, statements and assessments, and has prepared the socioeconomic and planning components of about 50 additional environmental studies. These projects have included a logistics study of construction labor in Saudi Arabia, environmental baseline studies of the northern and coastal counties of California for the California Department of Food and Agriculture and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and a number of EIRs for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and mixed-use developments, primarily in the San Francisco Bay region. As a Research Specialist Mr. Abell managed the travel environments evaluation for the BART Environmental Impact Study. Mr. Abell completed his A.B. Degree at Stanford University in 1964. In 1968, he entered the graduate program in architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned both the M. Arch. and M.C.P. Degrees and received the AIA Certificate of Merit for Scholastic Excellence and an R.K. Mellon fellowship in City and Regional Planning. Mr. Abell is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, the American Planning Association, and the Association of Environmental Professionals. Environmental Science Associates, Inc. s MICHAEL F. RICE, AICP, Supervisory Associate M.U.P., Urban Planning B.A., Art History Mr. Rice is Deputy Manager of the Urban and Regional Planning Division at ESA, and serves as Associate -in -Charge and Project Manager for major environmental assessment projects. His technical responsibilities also include preparation of land use, planning, urban design and visual components for environmental impact reports (EIRs). He is currently managing environmental impact report (EIR) preparation for the Vallejo Northeast Quadrant, a 1,500 -acre mixed-use development, and for 222 Kearny Street building and the Russ Tower, high-rise projects in downtown San Francisco. Mr. Rice serves as Associate -in -Charge for EIRs emphasizing community planning issues, including condominium projects in Daly City, Concord and Sunnyvale, and mixed-use projects in Mountain View and Fairfield. He has directed EIRs for the proposed Bank of Canton headquarters EIR in San Francisco, which will incorporate the Old Sub -Treasury Building, a designated City landmark as part of the project. He is involved with the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed Federal Office Building in downtown San Francisco. Mr. Rice completed the EIR on an 800 -acre "new town" development in Fremont. Other work directed by Mr. Rice includes the Draft Environmental Resources Management Element of the General Plan for Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County, and a major annexation in Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo County. He has managed EIS or EIR preparation for the expansion of the San Francisco Veterans Administration Hospital, motel developments in San Luis Obisbo County, a Piper Aircraft Corporation Plant in Santa Maria, and major general plan amendments in the City of Sunnyvale to increase potential housing stock. Mr. Rice has participated in a multi -firm study of social and economic impacts of outer continental shelf (OCS) oil and gas development in Alaska. He conducted field studies of Alaskan communities to determine the abilities of the communities to accommodate effects off -shore oil development. From 1970 to 1972, Mr. Rice was a Senior Planner with the Department of Planning and Urban Development in Providence, Rhode Island. In 1968, Mr. Rice received a Bachelors Degree in Art History from Bowdoin College, and his Masters Degree in Urban Planning was completed at the University of Michigan in 1970. Mr. Rice is a member of the. American Institute of Certified Planners, and the Association of Environmental Professionals. Environmental Science Associates, Inc. BRIAN WOODWORTH, Associate M.C.R.P., City and Regional Planning, Harvard University B.A., Political Science, Minor Economics, Boston University Mr. Woodworth is a member of the Planning and Economics Division. He was project manager for the recently completed assessment of the proposed 388 Market Street Building, a mixed use (office, retail and residential) project in San Francisco. Currently, Mr. Woodworth is serving as Deputy Project Manager for the assessments of three development proposals in downtown San Francisco. Mr. Woodworth has written technical sections for over 30 reports in five Bay Area Counties, including analysis of the supply and demand for office space and industrial parks; projections of direct and indirect employment due to development; determination of the impacts on local and regional housing markets of commercial and industrial development; and discussions of housing affordability for employees of commercial developments. He has also performed fiscal impact analyses, including such tasks as estimating property tax assessments due to new development and the distribution of that revenue according to AB8 guidelines; computing payroll and sales tax revenues to localities due to employment increases; and projecting the costs of providing increased levels of municipal services. Mr. Woodworth is familar with available sources of data and information for projects with office, retail, hotel, industrial, housing and recreational land uses. Mr. Woodworth earned a Master of City and Regional Planning from Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, in June 1981. As part of his course work, Mr. Woodworth assisted a Community Development Corporation in devising strategies to stimulate economic development in a depressed neighborhood. He presented a report to the Massachusetts Division of Environmental Quality Engineering on the feasibility of refining used lubricating oil, classified as a hazardous waste, and worked with. several community organizations in the formation of a community energy plan. His coursework included fiscal impact analysis, statistics, forecasting and cost/benefit studies. Mr. Woodworth graduated from Boston University magna cum laude with a B.A. in Political Science and a minor in Economics. He is a member of the American Planning Association. Environmental Science Associates, Inc. RICHARD A. GRASSETTI, Associate M.A., Geography B.A., Geography Mr. Grassetti is a member of the Earth Sciences Division. He is a geographer with special interest in geomorphology, hydrology, water resource planning, environmental hazards assessment, and resource policy. Since joining ESA, Mr. Grassetti has prepared geologic, hydrologic, noise, and energy analyses for office development environmental impact reports (EIRs) in San Francisco. He has been the Deputy Project Manager of the Yerba Buena Center and 333 Bush Street EIRs. In addition, he has evaluated the geologic, hydrologic and seismic impacts of a number of residential and mixed use developments proposed for suburban and rural sites in Contra Costa and San Mateo Counties. Mr. Grassetti is currently involved in hydrologic analyses of proposed subdivisions in Contra Costa and Santa Barbara Counties and is directing the . hydrologic evaluation for the Balsam Meadow Hydroelectric Project EIR in Fresno County. Mr. Grassetti was a Graduate Teaching Fellow with the Geography Department at the University of Oregon where he taught courses on map reading and interpretation, and water resource planning problems and assisted in courses on cartography and geomorphology. His research at the University of Oregon, where he received his Masters Degree, included studies of water development in the western U.S., river management problems and methodologies, and geomorphologic analyses of the Oregon Coast. His masters thesis advanced an alternative methodology for the assessment of Wild and Scenic Rivers. In 1978, Mr. Grassetti was employed as an intern with the Californ'a State Division of Mines and Geology in San Francisco where he assisted in Special Study Zone research, EIR review, and mapping projects. Mr. Grassetti received his B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley with an emphasis on physical geography. At Berkeley his studies included an analysis of the changes in water supply and demand for the East Bay Municipal Utility District resulting from the 1975-76 drought. Mr. Grassetti is a member of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers and member and past secretary / treasurer of the Lane County (Oregon) Geographical Society. He is the author of a paper on the assessment of Wild and Scenic Rivers presented at the 1981 meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. Environmental Science Associates, Inc. RICHARD K. HOPPER, P.E. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER 978 DeSoto Lane Foster City, California 94404 (415)572-0978 SERVICES Services in the following areas include initial feasibility studies and design for both public and private sector clients: Street improvements Utility systems: water and sanitary sewer lines Hydrologic studies, hydraulic facilities and storm drain systems Site development engineering Transportation systems Traffic studies Traffic signals Parking facilities Capabilities include site development engineering from the initial planning stages through construction; traffic impact analysis studies for small developments to city—wide circulation systems and freeway inter— changes with an emphasis on providing each client with a quality product, economically, and in a timely, personal manner. BACKGROUND Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, 1964. Member, Chi Epsilon, National Civil Engineering Honor— ary Fraternity. Illinois Division of Highways, 1964. U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps, 1964 to 1967. City of San Mateo, 1967 to 1975; City Traffic Engineer, 1970 to 1975. City Engineer/Director of Public Works, City of Foster City/Estero Municipal Improvement District, 1975 to 1980. Consulting civil engineer, 1980 to present. RICHARD K. HOPPER, P.E. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER 978 DESOTO LANE FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 415572-0978 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Registered Civil Engineer, State of California Member, American Society of Civil Engineers Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Bay Area Section Member, American Public Works Association, South Bay Area Chapter, Chapter Secretary South Bay Transportation Officials Association Peninsula Association of Contractors and Engineers, President CLIENTS PUBLIC City of San Mateo City of Foster City City of San Francisco City of Hercules City of E1 Cerrito City of Fremont City of Burlingame Town of Los Gatos County of San Mateo City of Calistoga 10/83 PRIVATE Bohannon Development Company Lincoln Property Company Vintage Properties Cadillac -Fairview Homes West Redwood Shores, Inc. Hare, Brewer & Kelley, Inc. Kreines & Kreines Callander Associates Edward C. Patton, AIA Tillson-Bliss & Associates David L. Gray, AIA Leonard Michaels Associates California Casualty Co. Hewlett-Packard Company San Mateo Union H. S. Dist. Northland Investments RICHARD K. HOPPER, P.E. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER 978 DESOTO LANE FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 415-572-0978 TRAFFIC STUDIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS DEMONET OFFICE COMPLEX, MARINER'S ISLAND, SAN MATEO, 1983 For the City of San Mateo, California. Computerized traffic impact of 284,000 SF office complex in Mariner's Island and cumulative impact analysis of the build—out of entire Mariner's Island area of San Mateo. ROSEDALE ACRES EIR, 1983 With Kreines & Kreines for the City of Calistoga, California. Traffic impact analysis of a residential development in an agrarian setting. TACO BELL DRIVE—UP WINDOW OPERATION, 1983 For the City of San Mateo. Traffic analysis of the proposed activation of an existing drive—up window at the 20th Ave. and E1 Camino Real Taco Bell Restaurant in San Mateo. THE GOOD GUYS ELECTRONIC MALL, 1983 For the City of San Mateo. Traffic impact analysis of a proposed 29,000 SF retail commercial mall located at 27th Ave. and E1 Camino Real, San Mateo. LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN EIR, 1983 With Kreines & Kreines for the Town of Los Gatos, California. Traffic impact analysis of the town's updated general plan. Analysis was computerized and evaluated the town's circulation network with and without the West Valley Corridor. THIRD AVENUE EXTENSION AND INTERCHANGE, SUPPLEMENTARY EIR, 1983 For the City of Foster City, California. The study was supplementary to the Bridge Landing EIR done in 1981. The traffic impact study looked at the effects upon the existing adjacent residential area as well as relief to the City's circulation system. RICHARD K. HOPPER, P.E. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER 978 DESOTO LANE FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 415-572-0978 TRAFFIC STUDIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS PACIFIC MEADOWS APARTMENTS EIR, 1982 With Planning Analysis and Design for the City of San Mateo, California. Traffic analysis of Section 8 assisted housing in a developed neighborhood. Analysis included alternative land use impacts. BELGATOS HIGHLANDS DEIR, 1982 With Kreines & Kreines for the Town of Los Gatos, California. Traffic analysis of a residential hillside development in southeast Los Gatos. KINGSTON SQUARE, 1982 For the City of San Mateo, California. A mixed use development of 58 condominium/apartments and 6,300 SF of retail commercial use. MILLS MEDICAL ARTS OFFICE BUILDING, 1982 For the City of San Mateo, California. A 75,000 SF medical arts office building located in downtown San Mateo adjacent to Mills Hospital. BOWDITCH SCHOOL SITE EIR, 1982 With Kreines & Kreines for the City of Foster City. Traffic analysis of the development of an 8 acre vacant parcel of school property into either single family dwelling units or condominium units. NEIGHBORHOOD 4 PARK SITE EIR, 1982 With Kreines & Kreines for the City of Foster City. Analysis of developing a vacant park site for residential use. BRIDGE LANDING EIR, 1981 With Kreines & Kreines for the City of Foster City, California. Traffic impact analysis of the restaurant — office complex. Also, analysis of the extension of Third Avenue and of an interchange of Third Avenue with the Route 92 freeway. RICHARD K. HOPPER, P.E. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER 978 DESOTO LANE FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 415.572-0978