HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 098-1984RESOLUTION NO. 98-84 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADrIEND14ENT TO ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR AIRPORT BOULEVARD PROJECT #x328 RESOLVED, by the CITY COUNCIL of the City of Burlingame, California and this Council does hereby FIND, ORDER and DETERMINE as follows: 1. The public interest and convenience require execution of the agreement cited in the title above. 2. The City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Burlingame. 3. The City Clerk is hereby ordered.and--instructed.to attest such signature. I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 3rd day of December thereafter by the following vote: ,1984 , and was adopted AYES: COUNCILMEN: AMSTRUP, BARTON, MANGINI, MARTIN, PAGLIARO NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE City Clerk SAN MATEO COUNTY CITY HALL -501 PRIMROSE ROAD SURLINGAM E, CALIFORNIA 94010 December 6, 1984 Thomas H. Meeks, P.E. THM & Associates 182 Second Street, Suite 201 San Francisco CA 94105 Dear Mr. Meeks: Enclosed is a copy of your letter of November 27 signed by the City Manager as approved by the City Council at its meeting of December 3, 1984. Sincerely, ,'Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk TEL:(415) 342-8931 Z4.0 6ffya of SAN MATEO COUNTY CITY HALL -501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94010 TEL:(415) 342-8931 December 6, 1984 Peter Callander Callander Associates 311 Seventh Avenue San Mateo CA 94401 Dear Mr. Callander: Enclosed is a copy of your letter of November 27 signed by City Manager as approved by the City Council at its regular meeting of December 3, 1984. Sincerely, i dith A. Malfatti City Clerk THM & Associates Consulting Engineering and Planning IB2 Second Street, Suite 201 ❑ San Francisco, California 94105 ❑ 415/777-2846 November 27, 1984 8001-72 Mr. Frank C. Erbacher City Engineer ` City of Burlingame I4A44. 501 Primrose Road 1fri Burlingame, California 94010 Subject: Airport Boulevard Rehabilitation! Dear Frank: As requested during our telephone conversation on November 26, we have prepared this proposal for supplemental surveying and engineering services to develop additional conceptual and preliminary design plans for the ultimate four -lane Airport Boulevard improvement project, in addition to the work included in our January 16, 1984 Agreement for the subject project. Background During preparation of the Scope of Services for this project last fall, it was deemed advisable to design the Airport Boulevard Rehabilitation improvements to be compatible, insofar as feasible, with the planned future widening of Airport Boulevard. Since the most probable widening alternative appeared to be Alternative 10 (two-lane westbound roadway opposite the Wastewater Treatment Plant), our Scope of Services and bud- get were based on this assumption, as noted on page A-3 of the Scope of Services in our January 16, 1984 Agreement. Accordingly, our Conceptual Improvement Plan prepared March 29 and re- vised June 25, 1984 was based on this assumption. We were subsequently requested (by you on June 26 and by Ralph on July 27) to prepare another Conceptual Improvement Plan for this project based on the assumption that the future Airport Boulevard Widening im- provements would involve removal of a portion of the existing sludge loading building and construction of a four -lane roadway opposite the Wastewater Treatment Plant -- an alternative not previously investi- gated. Since preparation of this additional Conceptual Improvement Plan based on an assumed four -lane roadway opposite the Wastewater Treatment Plant was not contemplated when our Scope of Services and budget were prepared THM & Associates Consulting Engineering and Planning 182 Second Street, Suite 201 ❑ San Francisco, California 94105 ❑ 415/777-2846 A P P E N D I X A- 2 SCOPE OF SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES AIRPORT BOULEVARD REHABILITATION, BURLINGAME November 27, 1984 PHASE A: FIELD SURVEYS AND CONCEPTUAL DESIGN. The objective of this phase will be to conduct field surveys and prepare conceptual design plans for the ultimate four -lane improvement of Air- port Boulevard. This phase will include the following tasks: 1. Perform additional field surveys to cover the enlarged project area affected by a four -lane roadway (including the southerly [inboard] side of Airport Boulevard from the westerly side of the Wastewater Treatment Plant to the easterly side of the sanitary landfill, and on both sides of Airport Boulevard from the Bayshore Highway intersection to the easterly side of Bayside Park.) A. Revise map showing limits of field surveys required to cover enlarged area. B. Obtain topographic information and ties to Bayside Park, Wastewater Treatment Plant, sanitary landfill and utilities. 2. Prepare additional cross sections to cover the enlarged project area affected by a four -lane roadway, as described above. A. Prepare additional cross section sheets. B. Digitize sanitary landfill elevation contours shown on topo base map to facilitate plotting. C. Plot cross section data obtained from field surveys and topo base map. A-1 D. Check cross sections and resolve discrepancies between field surveys and topo base map along sanitary landfill. 3. Prepare conceptual improvement plan showing: A. Approximate alignment of the ultimate four -lane roadway, bikepath and public access improvements. B. The Wastewater Treatment Plant modifications required to accommodate this ultimate four -lane roadway, and the resulting sludge truck turning paths to and from Airport Boulevard. 4. Meet with City staff, Landscape Architect, and Geotechnical Engin- eer to discuss this conceptual improvement plan. 5. Prepare "order of magnitude" estimate of project cost. 6. Meet with City staff and/or Environmental Consultant to discuss factors affecting environmental documentation for ultimate four - lane project (October 3, 1984 meeting plus a maximum of three additional meetings during preparation of Environmental Document). PHASE B: PRELIMINARY DESIGN The objective of this phase will be to prepare preliminary design plans showing the location, alignment, typical sections and profile of the ultimate four -lane improvement of Airport Boulevard in sufficient detail to: 1) Estimate the approximate construction cost; 2) Ensure that plans for the initial two-lane improvement project can be prepared to be com- patible with, and minimize the future incremental cost of, the ultimate four -lane improvement project; and 3) Support the Application for Permit from the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC). This phase will involve the following tasks: 1. Establish the precise computed alignment of critical control lines for the ultimate four -lane roadway improvement so that the precise alignment of the initial two-lane portion can be computed based thereon. Note: The alignment of the existing Airport Boulevard roadway is quite irregular (particularly between the Bayshore Highway intersection and the east side of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, where the alignment consist of short tangents with angle points or non -circular curves). Therefore, it is important that the ultimate four -lane alignment be carefully established at this time so that the design of the initial two-lane portion can be properly coordinated with the constrained alignment of the ulti- A-2 mate four -lane roadway. This will maximize future utilization of the rehabilitated two-lane roadway, and minimize construction cost, when the initial two-lane facility is widened to create the ultimate four -lane roadway -- particularly in the tightly con- strained areas opposite Bayside Park and the Wastewater Treatment Plant. 2. Investigate the feasibility of increasing the thickness of asphalt concrete overlay on the existing two-lane roadway pavement easterly of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in order to develop the ultimate "undulating" roadway profile required to improve drainage in this segment, and be compatible with the future two-lane east- bound roadway to be constructed along the northerly edge of the sanitary landfill. 3. Prepare preliminary design plans (including typical sections, pro- files and cross sections at 50 -foot intervals) to show the extent of encroachment into Bayside Park and the Wastewater Treatment Plant, and to depict the approximate limits of excavation along the northerly edge of the sanitary landfill required to construct the ultimate four -lane roadway. 4. Prepare a preliminary cost estimate of the ultimate four -lane roadway improvement project. 5. Submit copies of the preliminary design plan and cost estimate to the City, Environmental Consultant, Landscape Architect, and Geo- technical Engineer for review. 6. Meet with City staff, Environmental Consultant, Landscape Archi- tect, and Geotechnical Engineer to discuss preliminary design plan and cost estimate. 7. Revise the preliminary design plan and cost estimate to reflect comments received from City, Environmental Consultant, Landscape Architect, and Geotechnical Engineer. 8. Submit copies of the preliminary design plan for the ultimate four -lane improvement to the Landscape Architect for use in preparing the Application for Permit from the BCDC. 9. Meet with the BCDC Design Review Board to discuss the preliminary design plan for the ultimate four -lane improvement. 10. Revise the preliminary design plan to reflect comments received from the BCDC. 11. Submit the revised preliminary design plan for the ultimate four - lane roadway improvement to the City for approval. 12. Revise the precise computed alignment of critical control lines for the ultimate four -lane roadway improvement as required to correspond to the approved preliminary design plan. A-3 AIRPORT BOULEVARD REHABILITATION, BURLINGAME BUDGET FOR SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES (4 LANES) THM & Associates November 27, 1984 T A S K C 0 S T W N0 DESCRIPTION TIME EXPS. TOTAL ----------------------------------- * PHASE A: FIELD SURVEYS & CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 1 Field surveys 349 3690 4039 2 Cross sections 2054 50 2104 3 Conceptual impr. plan of ult. 4 -lane impr. 2680 50 2730 4 Meet with City/LA/GE re concept. imp. plan 174 20 194 5 "Order of mag." est. of const. cost 298 0 298 6 --------------------------------------------- Meet with City/EC re ED (Oct 3 mtg + 3 ) 696 40 736 > > > TOTALS: PHASE A > > > > > > > ----- 6251 ----- 3850 ----- 10101 -------------------------------------------- PHASE B: PRELIMINARY DESIGN ----- ----- ----- 1 Estab. precise align. of ult. 4 -lane impr. 2004 0 2004 2 Increase AC for ult. impr. east of WWTP ? 348 0 348 3 Prelim. plan, typ. sect., profile, x -sects 2768 50 2818 4 Prelim. cost est. of ult. 4 -lane impr. 834 0 834 5 Prelim. plan, est. to City, EC, LA & GE 149 30 179 6 Meet with City, EC, LA & GE 207 15 222 7 Revise prelim. plan 384 0 384 8 Prelim. plan to LA for BCDC Permit Appl. 58 15 73 9 Meet with BCDC re prel. plan 4 -lane impr. 207 0 207 10 Revise prel. plan to reflect BCDC comments 308 0 308 11 Sub. rev. prel. plan to City for approval 58 15 73 12 --------------------------------------------- Estab. precise align. of ult. 4 -lane impr. 1312 ----- 0 1312 > > > TOTALS: PHASE B > > > > > > > 8637 ----- 125 ----- 8762 > ------------------------- > > TOTALS: PHASES A AND B > > > > > ----- 14888 ----- 3975 ----- 18863 NOTES: LA = Landscape Architect GE = Geotechnical Engineer EC = Environmental Consultant ED = Environmental Document WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant