HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 106-1987RESOLUTION NO. 106-87 RESOLUTION FIXING AND ESTABLISHING WATER RATES, CHARGES AND RELATED PROCEDURES WHEREAS, the existing water rates and connection fees were es- tablished by Resolution 93-86 adopted August 18, 1986, and WHEREAS, the City Council, after due study and deliberation, has determined that the price of water to consumers supplied through the City's distributing system, both within and without the City's corporate limits, must be increased to balance increased costs and that certain fees must be increased to balance increased costs to the City: NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED and it is hereby ORDERED AND DIRECTED that: 1. The schedule of rates for water consumed within the City effective for all meter readings on and after November 1, 1987 shall be as follows: PRICE PER THOUSAND GALLON GALLONS $ 1.20 MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE 5/8" and 3/4" meters $ 1.50 1" meters 2.50 1-1/2" meters 4.00 2" meters 6.00 4" meters 15.00 6" meters 25.00 8" meters 40.00 The schedule of rates for water consumed outside of the City effective for all meter readings on and after November 1, 1987 shall be as follows, provided the monthly service charge is additional to the actual rate and is not a minimum charge: SP aOTnzas eq4 ;o azTs au} 04 BUTPz000p A4TO aq} 04 Pled eq 4szT4 TTPgs 984 P 'zawo4sno P Aq pa4sanbaa sT 4sa4 Moi3 P uagM E AOuabzawa TTPO azT� e uT Pasn za4eM zoj e5ae14o ou eq TTegs az9g4 4eg4 4deoxe 'aOTnsas OT4sewop zog sa4ua zpTnbaz ego 4P paBaegO eq TTPgs 90Tnzes e=T3 p 4P paagATTeP ae4eM •9Bzeg3 wnwTuTw g4uow sad 00•Z$ p g4TM 'uoT4oauuoO 80TAsas eq4 zo; z94ewerp edrd ;o BOUT aed q}uow sad 00'i$ aq Tiegs wa}sds uoT4094 -ozd 9aTJ P uT a94eM 6uTUTP4UTpw aog aBaPgO 90Tna9s azTg Z •sawT} z6g40 TTP sog 00'OE$ Pup 'smog BuTNaom Tewzou aq4 BuTznp 80TAaas ao3 00'OT$ ag TTPgs TeMauea zo; aa; aqy *pied ase sTTTq burpue4s4nO TTe Pup aoTAaas TPMauea zog a9J P ssaTun PaMauea eq 40u TTTM pup panuT4uoosTp aq dew aOTAzas aq4 'PaiTTq goTgM uo a4ep aq4 ae4gp SAP p (OZ) �4uaM4 uTg4TM pled }ou TT 'puP 'g4TMg4zo; aPew aq 4snw A4TO eq4 3o 4uaw4zPdaa za4eM TPdTOTunW eq} Aq pagsruznj za4PM zog S9BsPgO TTP go 4uawAPd 68' $ SNOuuvo aNVSnoHI Had 30IHd •anoge 95zeg0 eOTAzas ATq}uow 9144 puP 94PJ TPwzou aq4 04 UOT4TPPe uT 's4U9WeAOzdwT MoT; azTj butpun; zo; abzegOzns P apnTOuT TTPgs 'L86T 'i aegw9AON 2a4je zo uo sbuTPeez z94aw TTP a03 9AT40agge ease Pa4Pzodzoourun siTTH aweBuTT=ng ago uT A4TO aq4 OPTS4no za4pM z0g sa4Pz ;o 9Tnpegos aq, 00'Ob 00'SZ J:a49w „g 00'ST 1:94aw „g 00'9 ae4aw OS'E ae4ew ..Z 00'Z z940w ,Z/T-1 OS'T S z049w „T za4ew „D,/E HOHVHO 3OIAH3S AZHZNOW EE'T $ SNOZZVO aNVSnOHs Had 30IHd - Z - follows: 5/8" through 1" 1-1/2" and 2" Over 2" - 3 - $25 $40 $50 Min. In the event that the meter was recording higher than actual flow, the City shall refund the testing fee and make adjustments in the billing for water consumed during the two (2) calendar months preceding the date of the request for a test. In the event the meter was recording accurately, the fee shall be retained. On services over 2 inches, an additional fee shall be billed if the cost of testing plus 15 percent for overhead should exceed the $50 fee. 4. Temporary water service will be provided at a City fire hydrant, after the approval of the location by the City Engineer or his authorized representative, upon deposit as follows: 5/8" meter $150 3/4" meter 175 1" meter 250 2" meter 475 Service charges shall be at the per gallon rates for domestic service with a minimum charge of $10.00 per month. 5. Water service turn -on requests by tenants shall be ac- companied by a deposit in an amount equal to two (2) months estimated consumption, or minimum of $25.00. Estimates shall be made by City personnel based upon previous experience at the location of the service or a similar location in case of a new service. 6. Any work done on the water system of City shall have prior approval and permit from City Engineer. A fee of $50.00 shall be charged for the permit. A bond or deposit of $1500 shall accompany the requests for a permit. The deposit is refundable in full upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the City Engineer or Water Department Superintendent. papun;a= aq TTegs ssaoxa aq; 'papTnoad anogpuTa3aq se UOT4PTTe4SUT ;o 4SOO aq4 spaeoxe pa}Tsodap 4unowe aq} ;I •p86JegO aq TTegs s4SOO gons Led o; ;uaTOT;;ns wns TpuOT4Tppp us 'papTnojd anogeuTeaaq se uOT4eTTe4suT pTps Jo; Led o} quaToT;;nsuT aq o} sanoid uOT4eTTs4suT aq} 6uTxpw ;o 4sOO pa}ewT;sa 8q4 ;pq; ;Uana aq; ui •SeOuawwoo UOT4eTTe4SUT ;o xaoM ag; ajo;aq }uaw;iedea aq4 g4TM pa4Tsodap aq TTegs wns gons pup '4uaw4audea sxsoM oTTgnd aq4 Aq p94=4sa aq TTegs UOT4eTTp4suT gons due so; pTpd aq o4 wns eqy •TeTs94pw pup 3ogeT ;o 4soo paurgwoo aqZ ;o %9T o} Tenba wns a snTd 'TeTsa;ew pue aogpT ;o ;SOO aq} aO; 4TO aq} hq paTTe}suT pup pagsruan; eq dew ,09 upgq za6uoT ao „Z ueg4 J96seT azTS a ;o SUOT4pTTP4sUT aOTnsas aa4eM OT}sawop TTV 096T aa;aw ggTM eDTnsaS „Z 05LT s849w q}TM aoTnias „Z/T-T 056 aa}aw q;TM eOTnzaS „T SL8 3a49w g4TM eOTAJeS „f,/£ 058 $ J94aw gnTM aOTnzas „8/5 :sea; paxT; bUTMOTTo; aq; ao; ,09 ;o xoq aa}aw aq4 oq UOT409UUOD urew a94um wOa; 9ouP4srp Tp404 e 6UTp99Ox9 4ou }nq 14aas4s pa4soTpep upq} z9g4O ASM-90-4g6Ta Jag;O ao AaTTP '}uawaspa up UT UTpw aageM p wOz; panzas 6uTaq A4jadoad eq4 ;o ,y uTg4TM quTod p o4 ao 'auTT gano aq; aprsUT }oo; OUO dTa;ewTxoaddp quTod e o; uTpw J94sm aq; wOJ; A}TO aq} dq paTTe;suT pup pegsTuan; aq Lew 'sagew pup saxoq aa;aw 'au?T eoTnaas 'sx000 gano pup uoT4paodaoo ;0 6uT4srsuO3 'anTsnTOUT '„Z o; „8/5 Sazrs ;O SUOTgpTTpgSUT aOTnJas a94eM OT4sawop TTV 'L - V - c 5 - 8. Resolution No. 93-86 is hereby superceded, null and void. Mayor I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of October 1987 and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE City Clerk 61