HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 102-1988RESOLUTION NO. 102-88 RESOLUTION APPROVING VARI8UCr AND FIVE SPECIAL PERMITS RESOLVED by the CITY COUNCIL of the City of Burlingame that: WHEREAS, application has been made for a variance and five special permits for construction of an addition to the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 600 Airport Boulevard (APN 026-363-490 1 and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said application on September 26 1988, at which time said application was approved; WHEREAS, this matter was called up by Council and a hearing thereon held on November 7 , 1988, at which time it reviewed and considered the staff report and all other written materials and testimony presented at said hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby RESOLVED and DETERMINED by this permits are Council that said variance and Special approved, subject to the conditions set .forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. It is further directed that a certified copy of this resolution be recorded in the official reco f the Count of San Mateo. I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI Cit Cler the' City of the City of Burlingame do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 7th day of November 1988, and adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE City Cie Conditions of approval, variance and five special permits, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 600 Airport Boulevard (effective November 8, 1988) Property owner: HVHI-Anza Joint Venture c/o Holiday Inn -Prop. TD #722 1023 Cherry Road Memphis, TN 38177 EXHIBIT "A" Harbor View Hotels, Inc. 645 Harrison St., Ste. 100 San Francisco, CA 94107 1. that the conditions of the original 1979 use permit as outlined in the action letter dated September 5, 1979 shall be adhered to except as more restrictive conditions are approved in the 1988 action on the proposed addition; 2. that the project as built shall not exceed a height of 134.171, an FAR for the entire site of 1.88, lot coverage of 42.4%, or a view corridor obstruction of more than 67% and landscaped area outside of BCDC jurisdiction shall not be less than 14.4% and 12% landscaping will be provided on the top deck of the parking structure and planter boxes will be placed along the front, interior side and rear of each deck of the proposed parking structure; 3. that the project as built shall be within the dimensions and limits shown in the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped August 12, 1988, and the conditions in the Public Works Director's memo of August 23, 1988 shall be met; 4. that this planning action shall be valid for one year or until a building permit is issued for at least the foundation of the addition and shall expire if the building permit expires prior to commencement of completion of construction; 5. that the hotel operator shall be allowed to provide valet parking free of charge to the hotel and restaurant patrons and to visitors officially using the site so long as the valet parking does not affect more than 55 of the parking stalls provided in the garage structure for self parking, all below grade parking shall be retained for self parking at all times; 6. the hotel operator or property owner shall provide shuttle bus service on at least a regular daily schedule for hotel patrons and guests to and from San Francisco International Airport; 7. that if on-site parking becomes a serious problem impacting adjacent properties and/or trips generated from this site exceed those anticipated in the Traffic Analyzer, the property owner shall provide an east -west shuttle connection to the Southern Pacific terminal at convenient times for employees or shall contribute an amount of money to be determined by the city to be his proportional share of the fare box subsidy required to have SamTrans extend bus service through the Anza Area; 8. the applicantfs traffic engineer shall review all access points, turning lanes, visibility lines and landscape heights and provide a written report on the project's plans with recommendations to the city, final plans shall clearly incorporate these requirements as reviewed and possibly adjusted by the city; 9. that the applicant shall obtain permits from all other agencies as required by law and the city including CalTrans Aviation Division, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Bay Conservation and Development Commission and San Francisco Regional Air Quality Control Board; 10. that the applicant shall pay required city and school district fees including sewer connection fee, water connection fee and bayfront development fee; 11. that during construction the work shall conform to city established— limitations on hours of construction, dust regulation, etc. as set out in the Uniform Building Code as amended by the City of Burlingame except that the City Engineer may place special conditions on the hours of pile driving; 12. that preconstruction plans shall provide a plan for construction staging and construction workers, parking during the course of construction which shall be approved by the City Engineer; 13. that the hotel operator shall provide private on-site security patrol to patrol buildings, parking areas, public access areas and the site on a full time, 24 hour basis; 14. that area lighting for the parking structure shall be confined within the walls of that structure and lighting fixtures shall be screened from view outside the structure, lighting in the rooftop parking area shall be directed toward the surface and be the lowest levels possible for public safety; _ 2, 15. that final landscape plans shall be submitted to the Parks Department and approved prior to issuance of a building permit, all landscape and public improvements shall be installed and maintained by the property owner, if any existing landscaping is damaged during construction it shall be replaced before a final occupancy permit is issued; 16. that no room in the hotel shall be rented or leased to a single person or corporate entity for more than 29 days and the room shall not be used for permanent residential purposes; 17. that fire hydrants shall be installed to meet the requirements of the city; 18. that the structures shall be built so that they conform to the standards of the Uniform Building and Uniform Fire Codes as amended by the City of Burlingame including the provisions of Title 24 and Title 25; 19. that interior noise levels shall be maintained at the standards established in the noise element of the general plan including that the noise level in a sleeping room shall not exceed 45 dBA whatever direction and source that noise comes from; 20. that no occupied area of the structure -shall be below elevation 10' MSL; 21. that the applicant shall abide by a construction schedule including the following dates of completion: submitting final plans, picking up building permit, final foundation inspection, final framing inspection, occupancy permit completion; compliance with this schedule is necessary to retain traffic allocation, change to this schedule requires Council review; the schedule is as follows: Submit final plans June 1989 Pick up building permit September 1989 Foundation inspection January 1990 Final framing inspection May 1990 Occupancy permit March 1991 22. that the applicant shall pay the projects proportional share of a new water main under 101 or agree to join an assessment district established to make these local or systemwide improvements; 23. that an FAA "no hazard" determination shall be obtained before a building permit is issued; 24. that the hotel operator shall provide employees and guests with regional transportation information, carpool and van matching, and shall provide access to regional transit modes, schedule work shifts so that they do not occur at peak traffic times and give priority in employment to closer residents; 25. that during construction deliveries and hauling to and from the construction site shall be scheduled during nonpeak commute hours and shall not interfere with the day to day operation of the hotel; 26. that during construction temporary pathways and overhead protective coverings shall be provided to ensure the safety of hotel guests and employees; 27. that the parking structure shall be screened from view as much as possible by providing landscaping in planters on the face of the walls on the front, rear and side facing the hotel using landscaping species that can cascade over the side to soften the appearance of the structure; 28. that earth tone dryvit, similar to that of the existing hotel structure, shall be used on the hotel tower addition and parking structure to enhance the blending of the structures and to minimize the visual impact of these proposed additions; 29. that during construction activities dust control measures shall be implemented on the site proper to reduce suspended particulate emissions; demolition areas shall be continuously sprinkled; stockpiled and construction materials shall be covered; and streets in the construction area shall be swept once a day as determined by the city; 30. that construction vehicles shall be properly tuned and unnecessary idling of trucks and other equipment during construction shall be avoided; 31. that during construction measures approved by the City Engineer shall be followed to protect adjacent bodies of water from siltation and other pollutants; 32. that on-site pretreatment shall be provided for all wastewater from areas of the buildings where food is prepared; 33. that as necessary as determined by the City Engineer the developer shall install a solid fence around the construction site to reduce noise levels by 5 dBA; and 34. that a public access sign be placed at the sidewalk on Airport Boulevard indicating pedestrian access across the site to the lagoon and bay. —y_ RF 8815"l73;2 RECORDING REQUESTED BY .o RE00,RCEDATREQUE8TgF LN �t MF CITY CLERK CITY OF BURLINGAME AF NO t� 2 �? 501 PRIMROSE ROAD T { U%INGAME CA 94010 yAio>.- . Si.O a;M OECORDER RESOLUTION NO 109 AA RESOLUTION APPROVING Vo r CZ) - - AND FIVE SPECIAL PERMITS U'l - RESOLVED by the CITY COUNCIL of the City of Burlingame that i WHEREAS, application has been made for a variance and five - special permits for construction of an addition to the Crowne Plaza Hotel - at 600 Airport Boulevard IAPN 026-363-490 and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said application on September 26 1988, at which time said --,-•--- - - - - application was approved; WHEREAS, this matter was called up by Council and a hearing thereon held on November 7 , 1988, at which time it reviewed and considered the staff report and all other written materials and testimony presented at said hearing; v n NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby RESpermits and by this Council that said variance and special approved, subject to the conditions set .forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. It is further directed that a certified copy of this resolution be recorded in the official reco —Of the Coun` of San Mateo. / n I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, Cit Cler `� y of the City of Burlingame do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 7th day of November , 1988, and adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE v City Clery Conditions of approval, variance and five special permits, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 600 Airport Boulevard (effective November 8, 1988) Property owner: HVHI-Anza Joint Venture C/o Holiday Inn -Prop. TD #722 1023 Cherry Road Memphis, TN 38177 EXHIBIT "A" Harbor View Hotels, Inc. 645 Harrison St., Ste. 100 San Francisco, CA 94107 1. that the conditions of the original 1979 use permit as outlined in the action letter dated September 5, 1979 shall be adhered to except as more restrictive conditions are approved in the 1988 action on the proposed addition; 2. that the project as built shall not exceed a height of 134.171, an FAR for the entire site of 1.88, lot coverage of 42.4%, or a view corridor obstruction of more than 67% and landscaped area outside of BCDC jurisdiction shall not be less than 14.4% and 12% landscaping will be provided on the top deck of the parking structure and planter boxes will be placed along the front, interior side and rear of each deck of the proposed parking structure; 3. that the project as built shall be within the dimensions and limits shown in the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped August 12, 1988, and the conditions in the Public Works Director's memo of August 23, 1988 shall be met; 4. that this planning action shall be valid for one year or until a building permit is issued for at least the foundation of the addition and shall expire if the building permit expires prior to commencement of completion of construction; 5. that the hotel operator shall be allowed to provide valet parking free of charge to the hotel and restaurant patrons and to visitors officially using the site so long as the valet parking does not affect more than 55 of the parking stalls provided in the garage structure for self parking, all below grade parking shall be retained for self parking at all times; 6. the hotel operator or property owner shall provide shuttle bus service on at least a regular daily schedule for hotel patrons and guests to and from San Francisco International Airport; 7. that if on-site parking becomes a serious problem impacting adjacent properties and/or trips generated from this site exceed those anticipated in the Traffic Analyzer, the property owner shall provide an east -west shuttle connection to the Southern Pacific terminal at convenient times for employees or shall contribute an amount of money to be determined by the city to be his proportional share of the fare box subsidy required to have SamTrans extend bus service through the Anza Area; 8. the applicantis traffic engineer shall review all access points, turning lanes, visibility lines and landscape heights and provide a written report on the projectis plans with recommendations to the city, final plans shall clearly incorporate these requirements as reviewed and possibly adjusted by the city; 9. that the applicant shall obtain permits from all other agencies as required by law and the city including CalTrans Aviation Division, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Bay Conservation and Development Commission and San Francisco Regional Air Quality Control Board; 10. that the applicant shall pay required city and school district fees including sewer connection fee, water connection fee and bayfront development fee; 11. that during construction the work shall conform to city established` limitations on hours of construction, dust regulation, etc. as set out in the Uniform Building Code as amended by the City of Burlingame except that the City Engineer may place special conditions on the hours of pile driving; 12. that preconstruction plans shall provide a plan for construction staging and construction workerst parking during the course of construction which shall be approved by the City Engineer; 13. that the hotel operator shall provide private on-site security patrol to patrol buildings, parking areas, public access areas and the site on a full time, 24 hour basis; 14. that area lighting for the parking structure shall be confined within the walls of that structure and lighting fixtures shall be screened from view outside the structure, lighting in the rooftop parking area shall be directed toward the surface and be the lowest levels possible for public safety; GD GD N W N 15. that final landscape plans shall be submitted to the Parks Department and approved prior to issuance of a building permit, all landscape and public improvements shall be installed and maintained by the property owner, if any existing landscaping is damaged during construction it shall be replaced before a final occupancy permit is issued; 16. that no room in the hotel shall be rented or leased to a single person or corporate entity for more than 29 days and the room shall not be used for permanent residential purposes; 17. that fire hydrants shall be installed to meet the requirements of the city; 18. that the structures shall be built so that they conform to the standards of the Uniform Building and Uniform Fire Codes as amended by the City of Burlingame including the provisions of Title 24 and Title 25; 19. that interior noise levels shall be maintained at the standards established in the noise element of the general plan including that the noise level in a sleeping room shall not exceed 45 dBA whatever direction and source that noise comes from; 20. that no occupied area of the structure- shall be below elevation 10, MSL; 21. that the applicant shall abide by a construction schedule including the following dates of completion: submitting final plans, picking up building permit, final foundation inspection, final framing inspection, occupancy permit completion; compliance with this schedule is necessary to retain traffic allocation, change to this schedule requires Council review; the schedule is as follows: Submit final plans June 1989 Pick up building permit September 1989 Foundation inspection January 1990 Final framing inspection May 1990 Occupancy permit March 1991 22. that the applicant shall pay the projects proportional share of a new water main under 101 or agree to join an assessment district established to make these local or systemwide improvements; 23. that an FAA "no hazard" determination shall be obtained before a building permit is issued; 24. that the hotel operator shall provide employees and guests with regional transportation information, carpool and van matching, and shall provide access to regional transit modes, schedule work shifts so that they do not occur at peak traffic times and give priority in employment to closer residents; Go 00 H CA CJ N 25. that during construction deliveries and hauling to and from the construction site shall be scheduled during nonpeak commute hours and shall not interfere with the day to day operation of the hotel; 26. that during construction temporary pathways and overhead protective coverings shall be provided to ensure the safety of hotel guests and employees; 27. that the parking structure shall be screened from view as much as possible by providing landscaping in planters on the face of the walls on the front, rear and side facing the hotel using landscaping species that can cascade over the side to soften the appearance of the structure; on OD 28. that earth tone dryvit, similar to that of the existing P hotel structure, shall be used on the hotel tower addition and parking structure to enhance the blending ofthe Q structures and to minimize the visual impact of these N N additions; 29. that during construction activities dust control measures shall be implemented on the site proper to reduce suspended particulate emissions; demolition areas shall be continuously sprinkled; stockpiled and construction materials shall be covered; and streets in the construction area shall be swept once a day as determined by the city; 30. that construction vehicles shall be properly tuned unnecessary and idling of trucks and other equipment during construction shall be avoided; 31. that during construction measures approved by the City Engineer shall be followed to protect adjacent bodies water from siltation and other pollutants; of 32. that on-site pretreatment shall be provided for wastewater from areas of the buildings where food all is prepared; 33. that as necessary as determined by the City Engineer developer shall install the a solid fence around construction site to reduce noise levels by 5 dBA; the and 34. that a public access sign be placed at the sidewalk Airport Boulevard indicating on pedestrian access across site to the lagoon and bay. the