HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 110-1991RESOLUTION N0, 110-91 REVISING WATER EMERGENCY RULES AND REGULATIONS RESOLVED, by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BURLINGAME, that: WHEREAS, the City has previously declared a water shortage emergency and established appropriate rules and regulations; and WHEREAS, extraordinary conservation by the residents and businesses of the City have resulted in overall water usage substantially below the City's allocation from the San Francisco Water System; and WHEREAS, in view of such conservation efforts it is appropriate that said rules and regulations be revised to allow a landscaping allocation for all billing periods, reduced usage cutbacks for multifamily residences, and additional landscaping allocations for very large properties: NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council hereby adopts the revised water rationing plan set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, effective December 3, 1991. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED_k�a-t�Resolution 46-91 is hereby repealed. I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 2nd day of December 1991, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARRISON, KNIGHT, LEMBI, O'MAHONY, PAGLIARO NOES; COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT; COUNCILMEMBERS: NON CY�IY CLERK EXHIBIT A WATER RATIONING PLAN RESOLUTION NO. I. ALLOCATIONS A. Allocations of water during the water shortage emergency will be a per capita allocation for residential accounts and a percentage reduction of 1987 usage for commercial accounts and multifamily dwellings. Single Family and Duplex First Person 100 gallons/day 2nd -4th Persons 70 gallons/day for each person 5 or more persons 50 gallons/day for each person Landscape Allocation Lot Size Extra Allocation Less than 10,000 Sq -Ft. 50 gallons/day 10,000+ sq. ft. 150 gallons/day 3/4 Acre + up to 300 gal./day* *If water conservation measures implemented Jun 1 - Nov 30 Dec 1 - Mav 31 Multi -Family 15% Reduction 7% Reduction Food Related 20% " 10% " Commercial, Industry & Hotels w/food 25% " 15% Irrigation/Parks 50% " 50% Government, schools, hospitals, churches 25% of 25% B. Allocations for new accounts will be based on the number of occupants of residential units and by considering similar use data for commercial/industrial accounts. C. A change in use will be reason to adjust the existing allocation. D. Limited banking is permitted. Accounts with existing unused allocation may retain up to 10,000 gallons from the 1990-91 rationing program. Beginning with meter readings on or after June 1, 1991, an additional 10,000 gallons may be banked, up to a maximum bank of 20,000 gallons. E. Residents who have not previously notified the City regarding the number of residents in the dwelling unit will receive an allocation for one person until the information is received. All landscape allocations will be established at less than 10,000 square feet lot size for City residents and 10,000+ square feet for Burlingame Hills (unincorporated) area. II. WATER USE REGULATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS A. Water waste, flooding or runoff into the street or gutters is prohibited. B. Hoses cannot be used to clean hard surface areas (sidewalks, driveways, roofs, awnings, etc.) C. Hoses used for any purpose must have positive shutoff valves. D. Restaurants or hotel banquets can serve water only upon request. E. Potable water cannot be used to clean, fill or maintain levels in decorative fountains. The use of groundwater is permitted. F. Additional water allocations will not be allowed for new landscaping or expansion of existing landscaping. Low water use landscaping designs and irrigation systems -must be employed for new or renovated landscaping. G. Water service connections for new construction will only be granted if water -saving fixtures or devices are incorporated into the plumbing system. H. Use of potable water for consolidation of backfill, dust control or other non-essential construction purposes is prohibited. The use of groundwater and/or reclaimed water is permitted when approved by the Department of Health. I. Verified water waste as determined by the City will serve as prima facie evidence that the allocation assigned to the water account is excessive. The allocation will then be subject to review and possible reduction, including termination of service. J. Water used for all cooling purposes must be recycled. K. The use of groundwater and/or reclaimed water is strongly encouraged when approved by the Department of Health for the following uses: 1. Irrigation of turf areas. 2. Irrigation of median strips. 3. Street or parking lot sweepers/washers. L. Use of reduced water flow equipment for the washing of fleet or dealer vehicles is strongly encouraged. Positive shutoff valves must be used. M. Broken or defective plumbing, sprinklers, or irrigation systems which permit the escape or leakage of water must be immediately repaired. III. WATER USE IN EXCESS OF ALLOCATION A. Penalties. 1) Excess water consumption is all billing units over allocation. 2) Charges for excess water use shall be two times the regular unit charge for each unit in excess of allocation up to 110% of allocation. The charge for excess water use shall be three times the regular unit charge for each unit over 110% of allocation up to 120% of allocation. The charge for excess water use shall be five times the regular unit charge for each unit over 120% of allocation. 3) No excess use charge shall be applied to any customer using less than 7,500 gallons per month. B. Flow Restricting Devices. The City Manager may, direct the installation of a flow - restricting device under the following conditions: 1) The customer has been mailed or personally served at least one written warning of being fifty percent (50%) or more over allocation for a billing period or has had at least two (2) written warnings of violations of the use restrictions. 2) The restricting device shall be removed only after a minimum 3 -day period has elapsed and only upon payment of the appropriate installation and removal charges. 3) After one removal of a restricting device, if the customer is again fifty percent (50%) or more over allocation for a billing period or receives another violation notice of the use restrictions, the City may install a flow -restricting device which shall remain in place until this water rationing plan shall terminate and the appropriate charge for removal is paid. 4) No restrictor shall be placed on a customer using less than 7,500 gallons per month. 5) Restriction devices may be installed or water service discontinued if a customer fails to repair broken or defective plumbing within five (5) days after receipt of notice of the need for repairs. C. Discontinuance of Water Service. The City Manager may direct that water service be discontinued for repeated violations of water use restrictions under the following circumstances: 1) Notice of intention to terminate service shall be delivered by certified mail or personal service. It shall state that a hearing will be held before the City Manager and shall direct the customer to show cause why his service should not be terminated. The notice shall be served at least five (5) days before said hearing. 2) At the hearing the City Manager shall determine whether or not the customer's service shall be restricted, terminated or such other remedy as may be appropriate. His decision may be appealed to the City Council which may affirm, reverse or modify his decision. D. Charges for installation and removal of flow -restricting devices are as follows: Meter Size Installation Cost Removal Cost 5/8" to 1" $ 50.00 $25.00 1-1/2" to 2" 100.00 50.00 3" and larger Actual Cost Actual Cost First installation to be a minimum of three days; second and last installation ten days minimum. Actual cost shall include all material, labor, equipment and overhead charges. The charge for discontinuance of water services shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and shall be paid prior to reactivating the service. IV. EXCEPTIONS A. When considering exceptions for allocations based on 1987 usage, the Director of Finance may use the Calendar Year 1986 if the water use records show that the customer clearly conserved water in 1987 compared to 1986. B. If a customer does not have a 1987 record, then the amount of the allocation shall be established by considering similar uses and/or standard usage data for commercial usage, and a per capita standard shall be used for residential accounts. C. For special circumstances, the Director of Finance may use comparable usage data from water records or publications. V. IMPLEMENTATION A. This plan shall become effective upon adoption by the City Council.