HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 043-1994RESOLUTION NO. 43-94 RESOLUTION APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, CONDOMINIUM PERMIT,NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND SUBDIVISION MAP - 1128 CHULA VISTA AVEM E that: RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame WHEREAS, application was made to the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame for a residential condominium permit at 1128 Chula Vista Avenue (APN 026-191-190); and WHEREAS, said application, a general plan amendment, the negative declaration and the subdivision map were heard by the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame on June 13, 1994, said -hearing being properly noticed as required by law; and WHEREAS, the condominium permit was approved, and the general plan amendment, negative declaration and subdivision map were recommended by the Planning Commission and a hearing thereon was held by the City Council on July 5, 1994: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DETERMINED by the City Council of.the City of Burlingame: 1: All notices required to be given and hearings required to be held by the Government Code have been given and held in the form and at the time and manner prescribed by law. 2. The decision of the Planning Commission granting the condominium permit for 1128 Chula Vista Avenue is hereby approved with the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A", and the subdivision map for said project is also approved. 1 3. The proposed amendment to the General Plan set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto are hereby approved and adopted. 4. On the basis of the Initial Study, the documents submitted and reviewed, and comments received and addressed by the Planning Commission and this Council, it is hereby found that this project will not have significant effects on the environment. Negative Declaration ND -471-P, Exhibit "C" hereto, is therefore approved. 5. That the following findings of fact are made regarding said project: (a) The approved project is for a 4 unit condominium at 1128 Chula Vista Avenue, as more fully set forth in said application dated March 23 , 1994, and by plans date stamped March 23, 1994; (b) The condominium as described in the staff report, said plans and in the testimony at the hearing meets the condominium standards of the Burlingame Municipal Code (c) The granting of the condominium permit would be in the interests of the health and welfare of the persons using said property, of the City of Burlingame, and in conformity with reasonable and orderly use of the property. 6. The City Clerk of the City Council be and hereby is ordered to transmit to the Planning Commission.of the County of San Mateo a certified copy of this Resolution. MAYOR 5 I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, coo hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of July, 1994, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARRISON, KNIGHT, 0-MAHONY, PAGLIARO, SPINELLI NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NON V CITY CLERK 3 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of approval Condominium Permit 1128 Chula vista Avenue effective July 5, 1994 1) that the project shall be built as shown on the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped March 23, 1994, Sheets SD1 and SD2 and Tentative Map dated April 15, 1994; 2) that the conditions set forth in the City Engineer's memo dated April 19, 1994, the Fire Marshal's memo dated March 28, 1994, the Park Director's memo dated April 14, 1994 shall be met; 3) that the final inspection shall be completed and a certificate of occupancy issued before the close of escrow on the sale of each unit; 4) that the developer shall provide the initial purchaser of each unit and to the board of directors of the condominium association, an owner/purchaser manual which shall contain the name and address of all warranties and guarantees of appliances and fixtures and the estimated life expectancy of all depreciable component parts of the property, including but not limited to the roof, painting, common area carpets, drapes and furniture; 5) that the project shall meet: all federal access standards, all other requirements of the Burlingame Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Codes and Uniform Fire Codes as amended by the City of Burlingame; 6)that the parking garage shall be designed to city standards and shall be managed and maintained by the condominium association to provide parking at no additional fee, solely for the condominium owners and their guests, and no portion of the parking area and aisles shall be converted to any other use than parking or used for any support activity such as storage units, utilities or other non - parking uses; and 7) that for the protection of pedestrians a silent auto warning system shall be installed at the access/egress to the parking area at a location approved by the City Engineer. EXHIBIT "B" 1128 CHULA VISTA - APN:026-191-190 LAND USE DESIGNATION CHANGED FROM SHOPPING AND SERVICE COMMERCIAL TO MEDIUM HIGH-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CALIFORNIA C • C/TY & COUNTY (SA/ G4' _ gp.474<1 .>.160. .. h I y�_ Ilo' 90 O I V O O 90' 20 O 27 .PARCEL A I 100' •.. W 0100'- e rI tt� r 12 5 6 1 7 8 9 /0 I/ 5•. I mQ 13 14 ^2' ' I 6 7 n�40 9 /0 // /2 /3 ' 4749' 92.52$ ��I 49 5o'. la 40' 50' H 59.994' 60' " 50 40 �L, 123 22 I 2/ 20 /9 /8 /7 /6 /5 /4 m I I /8 /7 ai G4' C-1 C -I 14 R..3 R-3 It -3 R-5 PL -3 70.226 60' 5o" 101 40" 50' cmCHULA VISTA- R mw3 NG2'25'W - - SDOG. 50' -_ -25 125' 50' I - n ,0 r m 17 1 25 24 23 '22 2/ 20 /9 18 /7 /6 h __I n 50.226 I 50' L AG///Vd /3 // 0 /2 50' 50' /3 /2 I C I I /2 I /3 /5 1 /4 GSGS' 14495 'I 4a Gs' O I - 01 50 100' •.. W 0100'- I 13 14 ^2' 5 6 7 8 9 /0 // /2 /3 ' 4749' 92.52$ ��I 49 60• 50 40 a 50 "I93 60, /8 /7 /6 /5 30 /4 b m 127 26N 25 r 24 23 22 2/ 20 N _ :l:i•l � 793 N _ _n aa4a /3 50 PAL OMA EXHIBIT "C" CITY OF BURLINGAME NEGATIVE DECLARATION File No. ND- 471 P. 1128 Chula Vista Avenue The City of Burlingame by Marctaret Monroe on April 18, 1994, completed a review of the proposed project and determined that: (XX) It will not have a significant effect on the environment (XX) No Environmental Impact Report is required. Proiect Description: The proposed three story, four unit multiple family residential project requires a General Plan Amendment for the rezoning of a single parcel from the existing commercial, C-1 zoning designation to the neighboring multifamily, R-3 zoning designation. The condominium consists of parking on the ground floor for eight vehicles -to correct code dimensions; kitchen., living/dining room, deck and balcony on the second floor and two bedrooms and two bathrooms on the third floor. The project meets all of the landscaping and open space requirements as provided in Chapter 26 Condominium Subdivisions.of the Municipal Code. The rezoning request requires a General Plan Amendment since the general plan, land use map and zoning must be consistent. In this case the medium high density land use designation must be extended one lot to the north on the east side of the street. The land use element does not need to be amended because the proposed change is a single lot and in a transitional location. Change in use is consistent with. current policies of the -land use element. Reasons for Conclusion: This development, as proposed with a rezoning request, is in -fill development consistent with the intended land use and zoning of the area and does not present any danger to human health, established aesthetics, recreation or cultural resources. This proposal will not create any hazardous effects on the existing neighborhood or surrounding environment. As proposed this project will be adequately served and will not negatively impact the existing water, sewer or electrical facilities already in place or present any need to alter existing public services or traffic circulation. The proposed three story, four unit condominium project at 1128 Chula Vista Avenue will not negatively impact the environment as proposed. Because the property has been developed for many years as a single family dwelling (the lot is now vacant) there will be no impacts on the native plant life. The attached initial study includes reasons supporting the findings that, based on the initial study, there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. �V1 �1Fz� Slgna'ture of Processing Official e�:P�—z. ,zc�s � Title Date Signed Unless appealed within 10 days hereof the date posted, the determination shall be final. Date posted: Declaration of Posting I declare under penalty of perjury that I am City Clerk of the City of Burlingame and that I posted a true copy of the above Negative Declaration at the City Hall of said City near the doors to the Council Chambers. Executed at Burlingame, California on 13 1994. Appealed: ( ) Yes ( ) No A _ CITY CLERK, 11PTY OF BURLINGAME Four Unit Condominium - 1128 Chula Vista Avenue, Burlingame, CA. General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Condominium Permit INITIAL STUDY SLTNUMMY 4-20-94 This project, as proposed, will NOT result in the following environmental impacts: 1. EARTH: Unstable earth conditions, displacements or compaction of soil, destruction of unique geological features, increased water or wind erosion of soil, changes in a beach ecosystem, exposure of people to hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, or ground failure. • Site is located in an urban setting and had been developed for over 40 years as a single family dwelling. The site is currently vacant. • Site is flat and no underground construction is proposed for this project. There will be no grading associated with this project. 2. AIR: Deterioration of ambient air quality, creation of objectionable odors, or alteration of climate, locally or regionally. • Site developed as a residential use for over 40 years. • Site has been zoned commercial since the 1940's, proposed use will generate less traffic than a commercial use. 3. WATER: Changes in directional course of marine or fresh waters, changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns or rate of surface run-off or alter the course of flood waters, alter the direction or flow or ground waters, changes in quantities of ground waters by any means, changes in the amount and availability of water to the public, exposure of people to water related hazard. • Site developed in residential use for over 40 years with about the same lot coverage of impervious surfaces. • There will be no grading associated with this development. • Site tied into existing water distribution lines with adequate capacity in the system. • Water conservation required to compensate increased density. 4. PLANT LIFE: Changes in diversity or number of any species of plants including endangered species, introduction of new species of plantsinto the area, or reduction in the acreage of any agricultural crop. • No native plant life exists on site. • Condominium project will comply with city reforestation ordinance. 5.- ANIMAL LIFE: Changes in diversity or number of any species of animals including endangered species, introduction of new species of animals into the area or result in the barrier of normal migration of any species of animals or deterioration of existing fish or wildlife habitat. • No native animals exist on site. • Residential site may include domesticated animals. 6. NOISE: Increases in existing noise or exposure of people to severe noise levels. • Site developed as single family residential for over 40 years. • The condominium design is consistent with the General Plan Noise Element. 7. LIGHT & GLARE: Extreme increases in the amount of light and glare in the environment. • Existing zoning allows commercial development which potentially could - have a larger Sight and glare impact than multiple family residential use. 8. LAND USE: Substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of the area. • The zoning change from C-1 to R-3 does not need a land use element amendment because the proposed change is a single lot in a transitional location. Change in use is consistent with the current land use element. 9. NATURAL RESOURCES: Any increase in rate of use of any natural resources. • Development will meet all current conservation requirements. 10. RISK O_FUUPSET: Any risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances or materials ( including but not limited to, oil pesticides, chemicals or radiation ) in the event of an accident or upset situation, possible interference in an emergency response or evacuation plan. • Structure will meet all Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Codes as amended by the City of Burlingame, as well as, plumbing and seismic construction standards. - 11. POPULATION: The alteration in location, distribution, density or growth rate of the human population. • The past residential use was an under use of the commercially zoned property. • The proposed development will allow for a minor increase in population by the addition of 3 more living units. 12. HOUSING: Displacement of any residents or create a demand for additional housing. • The existing lot is vacant. No dwellings are being demolished for the purposes of this proposal. • The proposed use will create four additional housing units which will reduce demand for housing. 13. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION: Generation of substantial increase in vehicular traffic, strains on existing parking facilities or new parking, substantial impact on existingtransportation systems, alterations in present patterns of circulation or movement of people or goods, increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicycles or pedestrians. • All required parking is provided on site for this development. • All existing roads and highways serving this area are operating at service level C or less and have adequate capacity for the minor increase in trips generated by the addition of four dwelling units. 14. PUBLIC SERVICES: The need for new or altered governmental services, such as, fire protection, police protection, schools, parks or recreational facilities, maintenance of public facilities, including roads and/or any other -type of governmental services. • All established public services serving this site are properly sized to accommodate. an increase from a past single family residence to the proposed four unit condominium. 15. ENERGY: The use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy, substantial increases in demand upon existing sources of energy, the need to develop new sources of energy. • There will be no need to develop new energy sources since this lot has been developed for over 40 years and the change in number of units is minor. - 16. UTILITIES: The need for new systems or substantial alterations to the following utilities (not including initial hook-ups to existing systems) power or natural-gas, communication systems, water, sewer or septic tanks, storm drainage, solid waste disposal. • All existing utilities have adequate capacity for this project and no new sources or services will be required. 17. HUMAN HEALTH: .Creation of health hazards or potential health hazards or the exposure of people to potential health hazards. • Since this site has been developed in an urban setting for over 40 years and will meet current UBC and UFC requirements there are no known existing health hazards and no known potential health hazards at this site. , 18. AESTHETICS: The obstruction of any scenic view or vista open to the public, or the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to the public. • The mass of the proposed development on this site will change from the past single family dwelling to multiple family residential. With the zoning change and general plan amendment the proposed project will,be within design allowances of the Zoning ordinance and will therefore, be compatible with both the adjacent existing commercial uses and multiple family residential uses. 19. RSCRSATION: Any negative impact on the quantity or quality of existing recreational opportunities. • No recreational uses will be affected. There will be a slight increase in demand created by the residents of the three new units. The capacity in existing facilities is adequate to accommodate the increase in demand. 20. CULTURAL RSSOURCEs: The destruction of prehistoric or historic archaeological sites, the destruction of any unique ethnic or cultural values or restrict any existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area. • Site has been developed with a single family home for over 40 years. Redeveloping this site will not destroy any historic, ethnic, cultural or religious uses. :ivrsmsfr FM ('F..rhsm ss.p ) r