HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 018-1994RESOLUTION NO. 18-94 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME ESTABLISHING 199-1-1994rASSESSMENTS FOR THE BROADWAY AREA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code Section 36500 et sea., the Broadway Area Business Improvement District has been established for the purpose of promoting economic revitalization and physical maintenance of said business districts, and WHEREAS, the Broadway Area Business Improvement District Advisory Board has requested the Burlingame City Council to establish 1994-1995 assessments for said improvement district. WHEREAS, a public hearing upon said assessment was duly noticed and held on May 2, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. before the City Council of the City of Burlingame, at the Council's Chambers at 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Burlingame does hereby resolve, determine, and find as follows: 1. Written majority protests to assessments, improvements or activities were not received at said hearing. 2. The City Council does hereby levy an assessment for the 199#-1990' fiscal year on businesses in the District, as said district is described in Ordinance No. 1461, to pay for improvements and activities of the District. 3. The types of improvements and activities to be funded by the levy of assessments on businesses in the District are set forth in Exhibit "A", incorporated herein by reference. Said activities and improvements are without substantial change from those previously established for said district. 4. The method and basis for levying the assessments on all businesses within the District are set forth in Exhibit "B", incorporated herein by reference. 5. New businesses shall not be exempt from assessment. 6. Further information regarding said assessments may be obtained from the City Clerk at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. MAYOR I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council on the_ 2nd day of MAY, 1994 and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARRISON, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, PAGLIARO, SPINELLI NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: CITY CLERK EXHIBIT A 1.) Streetscape Beautification, Seasonal Decorations and Public Arts Programs a. Erect a district sign on E1 Camino Real b. Place kiosks for posting local events, public information, local business information, and for relocation of newspaper racks C. Place benches along Broadway d. Seasonal street plantings of flowers e. Seasonal flags and banners and relocation of City signs f. Sidewalk enhancement and maintenance 2.) Business Recruitment and Retention a. Shopper preference survey to determine most desired new businesses b. Develop strategy to fill commercial vacancies C. Small business assistance workshops 3.) Parking a. Remove parking meters b. Create more effective directional signage to lots C. Sponsor parking maps and/or directories d. Annual contribution to parking facility development and maintenance fund 4.) Commercial Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising a. Create cable T.V. and radio spots b. Produce seasonal direct mail pieces C. organize special events throughout the year 5.) Shuttle Establish a people mover system between the area and the hotel district, to be funded on a cooperative cost sharing basis EXHIBIT B All businesrses, trades and professions located within the District boundaries shall pay a benefit assessment for the 1994-1995 fiscal year in the following amounts: # of Business Types Empl. Assessment Retail & Restaurant 4+ $450 1-3 $300 Service 3+ $250 1-2 $150 Professional 3+ $200 1-2 $150 Financial $500