HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1372ORDINANCE N0. 1372 URGENCY INTERIM ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING DECLINING HEIGHT ENVELOPE FOR R-1 AND R-2 ZONES The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BURLINGAME does hereby ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Section 25.08.212 of the Burlingame Municipal Code is added to read as follows: 1125.08.212 Declining Height Envelope. The declining height envelope is an inclined plane beginning at a stated height above grade at a side property line, and extending toward the center of the site at a stated upward angle; the declining height envelope line shall control all habitable portions of the structure ten feet or more above grade.* *See supplemental illustration at end of this chapter." Section 2. Section 25.08.340 is added to said code to read as follows: 1125.08.340 Habitable Area. Any area within a structure defined as habitable area by the Uniform Building Code." Section 3. Section 25.08.600 is amended to read as follows: 1125.08.600 Story. A story is that portion of any building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it, and if there is no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling next above it." Section 4. Section 25.28.075 of said code is added to read as follows: 1125.28.075 Declining Height Envelope. There shall be a declining height envelope in this district departing from a height of ten ( 10 ) feet above existing grade at each side property line set at an angle of forty-five (45) degrees toward the center of the lot to a maximum of thirty ( 30 ) feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories. except: No structure shall extend above or beyond said envelope fl a. television and radio antennas and chimneys or flues, eaves and architectural features which do not create habitable area and do not extend within the first story side setback; b. window enclosures which create no more than one hundred (100) square feet of habitable area within the structure; c. where the slope on a lot along the front property line varies one (1) foot or more from corner to corner; in such cases the measurement of the declining height envelope point of departure shall be increased by the height at the midpoint on the front property line; d. where the slope on a lot between the front setback and rear setback lines on either side property line varies by two (2) feet or more; in such cases the measurement of the declining height envelope point of departure shall be increased by the average elevation at the two setback lines; e. where the finished first floor of a house is more than three (3) feet above finished grade and the area below or basement is not habitable area; in such cases the measurement of declining height envelope shall be twelve (12) feet above property line." Section 5. Section 25.30.070 is added to said code to read as follows: "25.30.070 Declining Height Envelope. There shall be a declining height envelope in this district departing from a height of ten ( 10 ) feet above existing grade at each side property line set at an angle of forty-five (45) degrees toward the center of the lot. No structure shall extend above or beyond said envelope except: a. television and radio antennas and chimneys or flues, eaves and architectural features which do not create habitable area and do not extend within the first story side setback; b. window enclosures which create no more than one hundred (100) square feet of habitable area within the structure; c. where the slope on a lot along the front property line varies one (1) foot or more from corner to corner; in such cases E the measurement of the declining height envelope point of departure shall be increased by the height at the midpoint on the front property line; d. where the slope on a lot between the front setback and rear setback lines on either side property line varies by two (2) feet or more, in such cases the measurement of the declining height envelope point of departure shall be increased by the average elevation at the two setback lines; e. where the finished first floor of a house is more than three (3) feet above finished grade and the area below or basement is not habitable area; in such cases the measurement of declining height envelope shall be twelve (12) feet above property line." Section 6. Section 25.66.050 of said code is amended to read as follows: 1125.66.050 Measurement of side yards and rear yards. All buildings, structures, improvements or portions thereof, which are used or hereafter erected for dwelling purposes in any portion of the city shall provide side yards and rear yards in accordance with the following table, except as herein provided. SIDE YARD (in feet) Lots 42' Wide Lots Over 42' and Lots 51' Wide and or Under Less Than 51' Less Than 54' 3 4 5 Lots 54' Wide and Lots 61' Wide Less Than 61' and Over 0 7 REAR YARD (in feet) 1 and 2 Story More Than Two Stories 15 20 The side yard requirements set forth are the minimum requirements for single story buildings and in the R-3 and R-4 districts shall be increased one foot for each additional story above the first story. Multiple story buildings in the R-1 and R-2 03 districts are subject to the declining height envelope regulations." Section 7. Section 25.66.060 of said code is amended to read as follows: "25.66.060 Exceptions. a. Fireplace chimneys may project into the side yard to a distance not to exceed two feet provided that there shall be a minimum distance of two feet six inches between the chimney and the side lot line. b. Cornice or eave projections may extend into the side yard area but may not extend a greater distance than fifty percent of such required side yard. c. A detached garage or other permitted one-story accessory building located within the rear thirty percent of the lot may be built to the rear or side lot lines, disregarding the requirements of this chapter, but subject to the requirements of Chapter 25.60. This exception shall not be construed to allow additional coverage or to permit construction over or upon easements deeded or dedicated for other purposes. d. Where fire escapes are required by law as an additional means of egress, suspended metal fire escapes may be constructed in the side yard area but not to exceed three feet in width. Such fire escapes shall be so constructed as to leave a clear area of at least seven (7) feet between the ground and the lowest point of the fire escape." Section 8. Uaency. It is hereby declared that this ordinance is an ordinance for public peace, safety, health measure as provided by law, adoption. the immediate preservation of the and welfare, and is an emergency and shall take effect upon its The facts constituting such urgency are as follows: Second story residential additions and new home construction in the last several years are being built to the maximum dimensions of existing ordinances, resulting in buildings of great mass and bulk. The results are reduction of air and light to adjacent properties and change in the character of neighborhoods. Because existing ordinances do not address such health, safety and compatibility issues it is necessary that an interim ordinance be adopted at once, thereby allowing such construction on a limited basis, while permanent regulations are considered. Section 9. Duration. This ordinance is intended to be an interim urgency ordinance. Unless this ordinance is extended as provided by Government Code Section 65858 or superseded by any other ordinance it shall automatically cease to have force and effect forty-five (45) days from its date of adoption. Section 10. This ordinance shall be published as required I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing URGENCY INTERIM ORDINANCE was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of September, 1988 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE �,'� CITY CLERK