HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1361ORDINANCE NO. 1361 ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1985 EDITION, THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1985 EDITION, THE UNIFORM CODE FOR ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1985 EDITION, UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1985 EDITION, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1987 EDITION; AND AMENDING, ADDING AND REPEALING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA does ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Chapters 18.07 and 18.10 of the Burlingame Municipal Code are hereby repealed. Section 2. Section 18.08.010 is amended to read as follows: "18.08.010 Adoption of Uniform Building Code. The rules, regulations and standards printed in two volumes and published by the International Conference of Building Officials under the title Uniform Building code, 1985 Edition, including appendix 32, 35, 38, 49, 51, 55 and 70, Uniform Building Code, 1985 Standards and all supplements to said.code,hereinafter collectively called 'building code=,are adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this City as to all matters therein contained except as hereinafter provided. The mandatory requirements of the appendix to the Building Code shall be enforceable to the same extent as if contained in the body of the Building Code." Section 3. Section 18.08.020 is amended to read as follows: "18.08.020 Building Inspector to File Monthly Report. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to file with the City Council on the first day of each calendar month a report of all buildings inspected by him during the preceding month and of all fees received by him as Building Inspector." Section 4. Section 18.08 is amended to read as follows; "18.08.030 Building Inspector's Duties. It shall be the duty, among others, of the Building Inspector to issue permits for buildings, to file in his office the plans and specifications thereof, to inspect the work progressing on buildings at all times and to enforce a strict compliance by the builder or contractor with the plans and specifications, and all provisions of the ordinances or Ordinance Code of the City relating to or governing the construction of buildings or structures. He is to perform the duties of and have the powers and authority imposed or conferred upon the electrical inspector by any provision of this code. He is to perform and execute all the duties of and have the powers and authority imposed or conferred upon the mechanical inspector and upon the plumbing inspector by the ordinances or ordinance code of the City." Section 5. Section 18.08.032 is added to read as follows: "18.08.032 Major Additions, Alterations or Repairs. When additions, alterations, or repairs within any 12 -month period exceed 50 percent of the value of an existing building or structure, such building or structure shall be made in its entirety to conform with the requirements for new buildings or structures." Section 6. 18.08.034 is added to read as follows: "18.08.034 Section 204 amended - Appeal. Section 204 is amended to read as follows: An appeal may be taken to the Planning Commission from a denial of or a refusal to issue a building permit or from any other decision or determination of the building official (1) in order to determine the suitability of alternate materials and types of construction, and (2) to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this Building Code. The decisions of the Planning Commission shall be written and shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal. Copies of the decisions shall be furnished to the building official and to the appellant. "The Planning Commission may conduct investigations of the suitability of alternate materials and types of construction. It shall adopt reasonable rules regulating the conduct of such investigations and of the appeals herein provided for and may recommend to the City Council any new legislation deemed desirable. Section 7. Section 18.08.040 is amended to read as follows: "18.08.040 Section 301(a) amended - Permits Required. Section 301(a) is amended to read as follows: '(a) Permits Required. No person, firm, corporation, or public body shall commence or proceed to erect, construct, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish any building or structure, either public or private, municipal, county or state in the City of Burlingame without first obtaining a building permit from the building official. A single permit may be issued to -2- include all buildings to be constructed under one contract on a single property." Section 8. Section 18.08.045 is added to read as follows: "18.08.045 Section 302(a) amended - Plot Plan - Section 302(a) is amended by adding item 8 to read as follows: '8. Submit a plot plan showing location of the proposed building with respect to property lines; lot, block and sub -division of the property; any existing building or buildings that will remain on the property; existing and proposed driveways, utilities, fire hydrants, trees, power poles or any other fixed object between property lines and curb; and an indication of the finish grades at various points about the building and at property lines relative to an established datum such as curb or sidewalk."" Section 9. Section 18.08.050 is amended to read as follows: "18.08.050 Section 302 (d) added - Submission of building permit application to other departments. Section 302(d) is amended by adding the following. '(d) Before issuing any building permit the building official shall first submit the application, with the plans and specifications to every other department whose endorsement is required.'" Section 10. Section 18.08.055 is amended to read as follows: "18.08.055 Section 303 (d) amended - Expiration of building permits - Failure to complete. Section 303 (d) of the Building Code is amended to read as follows: '(d) All work to be performed under a building permit shall be completed within the maximum time allowed for the construction as set forth herein. Failure to complete the work within the time allowed, unless an extension of time has been specifically approved Dy the Building Inspector will cause the permit for the work to become null and void. A new permit requiring compliance with all current codes and payment of all fees shall be required to re- commence work. The request for an extension of the time must be submitted in writing prior to the expiration of the time allowed. The fees for the first extension shall be the amount required for the original permit. If no changes in plans or specifications have been made, no additional plan checking fee will be required. The fee for the second and any subsequent extension shall be double the original permit fee or $300.00, whichever is greater. -3- Total Estimated Cost Total Time Allowed $300 or less. . a 9 . . . a V . . . . . . . . .3 months Over $300 to and including $1000. . . . . . .3 months Over $1000 to and including $10,000 . . . . .6 months Over $10,000 to and including $50,000 . . . . 12 months Over $50,000 to and including $1,000,000. . . 18 months Over $1,000,000 to and including $2,000,000 . 24 months Over $2,000,000 to and including $10,000,000. 30 months Over $10,000,000 . . . . . . . . W. . . . . . 36 months Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, if a building permit was issued for all or part of a project or building which was required to obtain a special permit, variance or traffic allocation, the building permit shall expire and such special permit, variance or traffic allocation shall be null and void if substantial progress has not occurred within one year from the issuance of the building permit Substantial progress shall be when the total basic foundation has been formed, poured and inspected. The Council may grant an extension of a permit upon the showing by the permittee of hardship or unforseen circumstances.'" Section 11. Section 18.08.056 is added to read as follows: "18.08.056 Section 304(b) amended - additional fees. The first sentence of Section 304(b) is amended to read as follows: '(b) Permit Fees. The fee for each permit shall be as set forth in Table No. 3-A, and any additional fees which may be established or mandated by state or federal law.'" Section 12. Section 18.08.058 is added to read as follows: "18.08.058 Section 304(e) amended - Investigation Fees. Section 304 (e) is amended to read as follows: '(e) Investigation Fees. whenever any construction or work for which a permit is required by this Code, or any other code incorporated by reference and made a part of this code, is started or commenced without the prescribed permit having first been obtained, an investigation fee shall be added to the permit fee, and shall be collected at the time the permit is issued. Such investigation fee shall be collected for each separate and distinct permit required for a specific project. Where a permit has been previously obtained, but construction or work is commenced which goes beyond the scope of the permit or is in violation of the terms of the permit, including the performance of work without required inspections, the above-described investigation fee shall be assessed for such portion of the construction or work done beyond the scope of, or in violation of, the permit. -4- Investigation fees shall be assessed on the following schedule: Total estimated cost $1 to $2000 Twice permit fees Over $2000 Ten times permit fees The maximum investigation fee which may be assessed and collected as to any individual permit shall be ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Any person assessed such fee may file an appeal with the City Clerk within ten (10) days after written notice to such person of the assessment. A hearing upon such appeal shall there- after be held by the City Council; its decisions thereon shall be final. Nothing in this section shall relieve any persons from fully complying with the requirements of this code, or with any codes incorporated by reference and made a part of this code in the execution of the work, or from any other fees or penalties prescribed bN7 law." Section 13. Section 18.08.160 is added to read as follows: "Section 18.08.160 Section 513 amended - Premises Ident- ification. Section 513 is amended to read as follows: 'Section 513. Approved numbers or addresses shall be provided for all new buildings. Numbers or addresses shall be plainly visible and legible from the street fronting the property, and shall be illuminated upon all new buildings and all buildings having interior or exterior alterations, repairs or additions in excess of $10,000 in value.'" Section 14, Table 7-A is amended to delete Type II - 1 -hour and Type II -N construction. Section 15. Section 18.08.186 is repealed. Section 16. Section 18.08.245 is amended to read as follows: "18.08.245 Section 1701.1 added - Commercial and Industrial Districts. Section 1701.1 is added to read as follows: 'All new buildings hereafter constructed within, or buildings moved within, and all additions, alterations or repairs to existing buildings, within the limits of the Commercial (C-1) district shall be a minimum of Type III 1 -hour construction as required by Chapter 20 and Table 017-A of this code with the following exception: non-bearing exterior walls which front on a street having a width of at least forty feet may have combustible frame work as approved for one-hour construction provided the structural frame is protected as required by this code. This exception only applies to group B occupancies when the height of such construction does not exceed 15 feet above grade. All new -5- buildings hereafter constructed within, or buildings moved within or into C-2, C-3, C-4 or M-1 districts shall have exterior walls of one(1) hour minimum fire resistive construction and fire retardant roofs.'" Section 17. Section 18. 08.248 is amended to read as follows: "18.08.248 Section 2305(f) amended - Water Accumulation. Section 2305(£) is amended to read as follows: 'All portions of roof shall be designed with a minimum slope or camber of a minimum of one quarter inch (1/4") per foot to ensure adequate drainage after a long time deflection from dead load. Roof shall be designed to support maximum loads, including possible ponding of water due to deflection. See Section 2307 for deflection criteria.'" Section 17.5 Section 18.08.350 is amended to read as follows: "18.08.250 Section 2308(b) amended - Retaining Walls. Section 2308(b) is amended by adding a second paragraph to read as follows: ' When a wall of wood or masonry is designed to retain a lateral or vertical load it must be designed by a licensed architect or engineer and approved by the City Engineer. A fence structure may not be substituted for a required retaining wall. The following types of retaining walls shall be of concrete or other engineered material: Supporting on engineered surcharge, supporting a structure at the toe of a slope, or more than three feet in height. Retaining walls of engineered material shall have a minimum service life of seventy-five (75) years for all major support systems and fifty (50) years for all replaceable support systems.'" Section 18. Section 18.09.010 is amended to read as follows: "18.09.010 Adoption of Uniform Mechanical Code. The rules, regulations and standards printed in one volume and published by the International Conference of Building Officials under the title 'Uniform Mechanical Code, 1985 Edition,' including the appendixes and supplements thereto, is adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this City as to all matters therein contained, except as herein otherwise provided. The append- ixes to said code shall be enforceable to the same extent as if contained in the body of the code." Section 19. Section 18.09.020 is amended to read as follows: 1118.09.020 Table 3-A amended Fee Schedule. The fee schedule set forth in Table 3-A of the Uniform Mechanical Code is amended to read as follows: -6- SCHEDULE OF FEES For Issuing Each Permit $1.5.00 Furnace, Blower/Gray. 100m BTU 7.50 Over 100m BTU 10.00 For each Outlet 6.00 Furnace: Floor, Wall, Suspended 7.50 Repair Alteration Addition to Heating, Appliances, Refrigeration and Locking Unit, Evaporative Cooling 7.50 System Exhaust Hood (Non -Res) 10.00 Exhaust Hood (Comm) 20.00 Boiler, Compressor or Assumption Unit 0-3 H.P. - 100m BTU 7.50 4-15 H.P. 500m BTU 10.00 16-30 H.P. 1000m BTU 15.00 31-50 H.P. 1750m BTU 20.00 Over 50 H.P. - Over 1750m BTU 25.00 Each Outlet or Register 1.00 Fan Unit lm - 10 Cfm 7.50 Over 10m Cfm 10.00 Evaporative Cooler 10.00 Comm. Incinerator 30.00 Domestic Incinerator 15.00 Appliance Vent or Fan 17.50 Ventilation System 7.50 Other Appliances not mentioned 10.00 NOTE: Plan Checking Fees shall be Charged at a Rate Not to Exceed 650 of the Valuation or Contract Bid, whichever is Greater."' Section 20. Section 18.09.030 is hereby added to read as follows: "18.09.030 Section 203 amended- Appeal. Section 203 is amended to read as follows: 'Section 203. An appeal may be taken to the Planning Commission from a denial of or a refusal to issue a permit, or from any other decision or determination of the building official (1) in order to determine the suitability of alternate materials and types of construction, and (2) to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this code. 'The decisions of the Planning Commission shall be written, shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal. Copies of its decisions shall be furnished to the building official and to the appellant. -7- 'The commission may conduct investigations of the suit- ability of alternate materials and types of construction. It shall not adopt reasonable rules regulating the conduct of such investigations and of the appeals herein provided for and may recommend to the City Council any new legislation deemed desirable after any such investigation or appeal.'" Section 21. Section 18.11.010 is hereby amended to read as follows: "18.11.010 Adoption of Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. The rules,regulations and standards printed in one volume and published by the International Conference of Building officials under the title 'Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1985 Edition,' is adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this City as to all matters therein contained, except as herein otherwise provided." Section 22. Section 18.12.010 is amended to read as follows: "18.12.010 Adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code. The rules, regulations and standards printed in one volume and published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical officials under the title 'Uniform Plumbing Code, 1985 Edition,' including the appendixes thereto, hereinafter called plumbing code, is adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this city as to all matters therein contained, except as herein otherwise provided. The appendixes to the plumbing code shall be enforceable to the same extent as if contained in the body of the plumbing code." Section 23. Section 18.12.011 is amended to read as follows: "18.12.011 Section 20.7 amended - Fee Schedule. The fee schedule set forth in Section 20.7 of the Uniform Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: 'SCHEDULE OF FEES For issuing each permit Swimming Pools - Public Swimming Pools - Private Fixture of Trap (inc. water piping) Sewer Water Heater and/or vent Gas Piping - Plus $1.00 for each outlet Industrial Waste Interceptor Repair Water/Waste/Vent (each fixture) -8- $15.00 30.00 20.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 Vacuum Breakers or Backflow Devices (each 5.00 Private Sewage Disposal Systems 50.00 18.12.015 Lawn Sprinkler System (each) 10.00 amended - Interior Roof Drains (each) 5.0011' Section 24. Section 18.12.012 is amended to read as follows: of Section 401 of "18.12.012 Section 20.14 -- amended - Appeal. Section as follows: 2014 is amended to read as follows: 'An appeal may be taken to the Planning Commission from a denial of or a refusal to issue a permit or from any other decision or determination of the building official (1) in order to determine the suitability of alternate materials and types of construction, and (2) to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this code. 'The decisions of the Planning Commission shall be written and shall be final and not be subject to appeal. Copies of its decisions shall be furnished to the building official and to the appellant. 'The Planning Commission may conduct investigations of the suitability of alternate materials and types of construction. It shall adopt reasonable rules regulating the conduct of such invest- igations and of the appeals herein provided for and may recommend to the City Council any new legislation deemed desirable after any such investigation or appeal.'" Section 25. Section 18.12.013 is amended to read as follows: "18.12.013 Section 315(f) amended - Exterior pipes prohibited. Subsection (f) of Section 315 is amended to read as follows: '(f) No water, soil; waste, gas or plumbing vent pipe shall be installed or attached to the exterior wall of a residential building without the written permission of the Chief Building Inspector, and such installation shall be enclosed in such a way as to be obscured from view.'" Section 26. Section 18.12.015 is added to read as follows: 11 -9- 18.12.015 Section 401(a)(2) amended - ABS and PVC Pipe. Subsection (a)(2) of Section 401 of said code is amended to read as follows: 'ABS. and PVC piping installatior, shall be li.,, u single family dwellings, not more than two (2) stories in height.'" -9- Section 28M Section 18.12.120 is amended to read as follows: "18.12.120 Amendment to Section 1107 - Main Sewer Cleanout. Section 1107 is amended by adding subsection (h) to read as follows: '(h) When a main sewer is located in the street, alley or easement, there must be provided a cleanout brought up flush with sidewalk level next to curb, and, if no curb or sidewalk exist, then the cleanout must be located outside of the lot line. Riser shall be of cast iron or vitrified clay pipe, the same size as the drain it serves, brought up to the level of the ground by a wye, and the top of same to be provided with a regulation cleanout. If the side- walk space mentioned is entirely concrete, then a cast iron sidewalk box with loose cover fitting with brass screws, shall be installed. The minimum size for a cleanout shall be four inches.'" Section 29. Section 18.12.130 is amended to read as follows: "18.12.130 Amendment to Section 1310 - Water Heater Safety Pans. Section 13.10 is amended by adding subsection (e) to read as follows: '(c) Water heater safety pans. Water heaters shall have safety pans with drains when located in living area or when leakage would do damage to the building or its contents. The pans shall be of metal and be of such dimension as to provide a minimum of two inch clearance between the pan and the outside diameter of the heater with a depth of three inches. The drain shall not be less than three-quarters of an inch. The drain shall be taken to the exterior of the building.'" Section 30. Section 18.12.401 is amended to read as follows: "18.12.401 Disposal of Rainwater Drainage. Rainwater from roof or other approved areas exposed to rainwater may be drained into the storm drainage system, but shall not drain into any sewer intended for sanitary sewage." Section 31. Section 18.12.403 is amended to read as follows: "18.12.403 Rainwater to Public Gutters No rainwater from roofs, or other rainwater drainage of premises, shall discharge upon MM 1�. a public sidewalk. When it is desired to conduct rainwater from a building or premises to a public street gutter, the outside under- ground drainage piping shall be vitrified clay pipe, A.B.S. P.V.C., galvanized wrought iron pipe, galvanized steel pipe, approved concrete Ape, asbestos cement sewer pipe or cast iron pipe. When clay pipe, A.B.S., P.V.C., asbestos cement sewer pipe or approved concrete pipe is used, such pipe shall be two feet from the building and one foot below the official grade. Water leaders connected to such background drainage pipe which are on the outside of the building wall that abuts on a public thoroughfare, shall be constructed of galvanized wrought iron pipe, galvanized steel pipe, or cast iron pipe for a distance of not less than five feet vertically above the official grade. See Section 18.08.360 for exception for drainage from R-1 properties." Section 32. Section 18.12.407 is amended to read as follows: "18.12.407 Nonconforming Rainwater Drainage. Every existing drainage of rainwater into a sanitary sewer in violation of the prov- isions of this chapter shall be altered or terminated or replaced so as to conform to the provisions of this chapter." Section 33. Section 18.16.010 is hereby amended to read as follows: "18.16.010 Adoption of National Electrical Code. There is hereby adopted for the purpose of prescribing regulations safeguarding persons and buildings and their contents from the hazards arising from the use of electricity for light, heat, power, radio, signaling, and for other purposes, that certain code known as the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, and the same is here incorporated in this chapter by reference as fully as if set forth at length herein." Section 34. Section 18.16.020 of said code is amended_to read as follows: Permit Fee "18.16.020 Fees. Each application for a permit under this chapter shall pay to the Building Inspector prior to obtaining said permit the following fees. living units per .02 Permit Fee $15.00 Supplemental Permit 5.00 New Residential. Buildings Multi -family - three or more living units per .02 square foot Single and two-family - per square foot .025 All others and Alterations & Additions and modifications - use unit fee schedule Swimming Pools $25.00 Carnivals or other travalling shows or 5.00 Exibitions; electronic generators and electrically driven rides Mechanical rides and other attractions with 5.00 lighting -11- System, area or booth lighting 5.00 Permanently installed rides, displays and attractions - use unit fee schedule 600 volts or Temporary power service 15.00 15.00 Temporary distribution system and lighting 10.00 Unit Fee Schedule Each receptacle, switch, lighting or other outlet .50 amperes to Lighting Fixtures - each .50 1,000 amperes Power Apparatus (Rating in Horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt, amperes, or Kilovolt amperes -reactive) Over 600 volts or over 1,000 One 5.00 Over one and not over 10,each 10.00 and Over 10 and not over 50,each 15.00 Over 50 and not over 100, each 25.00 Over 100, each 35.00 Busways, each 100 feet or fraction thereof 4.00 (Not including fixture and appliances connected to trolley and plug-in busways) Signs, outline lighting and marquees Initial Circuit 15.00 Each Additional Circuit 4.00 Services 600 volts or less, not over 200 amperes 15.00 rating, each 600 volts or less, over 200 amperes to 30.00 1,000 amperes rating, each Over 600 volts or over 1,000 rating 50.00 DZiscellaneous apparatus, conduits and 10.00 conduction Inspection outside business hours (minimum charge two hours) and for which no fee is indicated, per hour 30.00 Section 35. Section 18.16.030 is amended to read as follows: 18.16.030 Appeal An appeal may be taken to the Planning Commission from a denial of or a refusal to issue a permit or from any other decision or determination of the building official (1) in order to determine the suitability of alternate materials and types of construction, and (2) to provide for reasonable inter- pretations of the provisions of this code. "The decisions of the Planning Commission shall be written and shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal. Copies of its decisions shall be furnished to the building official and to the appellant. "The Planning Commission may conduct investigations of the -12- suitability of alternate materials and types of construction. It shall adopt reasonable rules regulating the conduct of such invest- igations and of the appeals herein provided for." Section 36. Section 18.16.040 is amended to read as follows: "18.16.040 Services (a) Overhead Services. Raceways for overhead services shall be galvanized rigid steel conduit one and one-fourth inches (1-1/4") minimum size or aluminum rigid conduit two inches (2") minimum size for the entire length of the service. (b) Underground Services. Raceways for underground services shall not be less than one and one half inches (1-1/2") minimum size and rigid galvanized steel or aluminum rigid conduit shall be used above grade. (c) Meter Box. All electric meters and main service switches (except rain type) located in residences must be in a weather- proof cabinet at least 20" X 32" X 11" built of three-fourths inch (3/4") material. Doors of meter boxes must be hinged at the side and shall be weatherproof. The main switch and meter locations must be readily accessible from the outside. Rain tight electrical service equipment shall not be flush mounted in such a manner as to require structural alterations for future expansions. (d) Height of Meter Box. No fuse cabinet or meter box shall be more than seven feet (7') from the floor or finish grade to the top of the box, and the bottom of the box shall not be less than thirty inches (30") from the floor or finish grade. (e) Number of Services per Piece of Property. Not more than one set of service entrance conductors shall be installed on one piece of property, except when written permission is obtained from the Building Inspector. (f) Location of Overhead Service Connection of Building. Service for overhead service connection shall be located at the nearest accessible outlet point on the building from the utility pole. On residences service outlets may be located on the side of the building%, provided they are not more than eighteen (18) inches from the side of the building most accessible to the utility pole. When other conditions exist, the location of the service outlet shall be determined by the Building Inspector. (g) Bare Neutral Conductors. Bare neutral conductors may only be used with underground services." Section 37. Section 18.16.045 is added to read as follows: "Section 230-70(a) of said code is amended to read as follows: '(a) Main Switch Location. The main switch location shall be made accessible to the outside. If due to structural or arch- -13- itectural conditions it is not possible to place the main switch accessible to the outside, special permission must be received from the Building Inspector to place such equipment inside the building."' Section 38. Section 18.16.060 is hereby amended to read as follows: "18.16.060 Raceways. Except as provided in Section 18.16.074 and 18.16.075, all feeders, subfeeders, branch circuits and all service conductors regulated by this code shall be in approved raceways." Section 39. Section 18.16.070 is hereby added to read as follows: "18.16.070 Deleted Articles and Sections. The following articles and sections of the National Electrical Code shall not be a part of this chapter: 320-10; 321; 325; 330 through 334; 338; 339; 342; 344; 352-B." Section 40. Section 18.16.074 is hereby added to read as follows: "18.16.074 Permitted Uses of Concealed Knob -and -Tube r74 rinQ. Section 324-3 is amended to read as follows: '324-3 Uses Permitted. Concealed knob -and -tube wiring shall be permitted to be used only in R -III (single-family dwelling and duplex occupancies)." Section 41. Section 18.16.075 is hereby added to read as follows: "18.16.075 Permitted Uses of Non -metallic -sheathed Cable. The first paragraph of Section 336-3 is amended to read as follows: "Uses Permitted. Type NM and Type NMC Cable shall be limited to copper conductors only and shall be permitted to be used only in the following occupancies: M (detached accessory structures), R -III (single-family dwellings and duplexes), and R-1 (apartments and hotels Df type V wood frame construction).'" Section 42. Section 18.16.076 is hereby added to read as follows: "18.16.076 Permitted Uses of Shielded Non-metallic Sheathed Cable. A second paragraph is added to Section 337-3 to read as follows: "Type SNM cable shall be limited to copper conductors only and shall be permitted to be used only in the following occupancies: N (detached accessory structures), R -III (single-family dwellings and duplexes)a7'3R-I (apartments and hotels of Type V wood frame con- struction).'" Section 43. Section 18.16.077 is hereby added to read as follows: 18.16.077 Permitted Uses of Riaid Non-metallic Conduit. Section 347-2 is amended to read as follows: -14- 347-2 Uses Permitted. The use of rigid non-metallic conduit and fittings shall be permitted only for underground installation, under or in concrete slabs on grade, or in masonary walls. The conduit shall have a green ground wire installed as required by Table 250-95. Section 44. Section 18.16.078 is hereby added to read as follows: "18.16.078 Electrical Metallic Tubing. The following sentence shall be added to Section 348-1: 'Such tubing shall not be buried in earth or placed in slabs on grade. "' follows: Section 45. Section 18.16.079 is hereby added to read as "18.16.078 Flexible Metal Conduit. The following paragraph shall be added to Section 350-2: "The use of such conduit shall be permitted only in the following occupancies: M (detached accessory structures), R -III (single-family dwellings and duplexes), R -I (apartments and hotels of Type V wood frame construction), and B-2 occupancies limited to 5,000 square feet and two stories in height. It shall have a green ground wire installed as required by Table 250-95."' Section 46. Section 18.16.080 is hereby amended to read as follows: "18.16.080 Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit. Subparagraph (c) is added to Section 351-5 to read: '(c) Maximum length. The maximum length of any installation shall be six (6) feet."" Section 47. Section 18.16.081 is hereby added to read as follows: "18.16.081 Surface Metal Raceway Ground Wire. The following sentence shall be added to Section 352-8: 'A green ground wire shall be installed as required by Table 250-95. ' " Section 48. Section 18.16.082 is hereby added to read as follows: "18.16.082 Hydromassage bathtubs - Other Equipment. Section 680-71 is amended to read as follows: '680-71. Other Electrical Equipment. Beginning at floor level, electrical outlets, switches, dimmers, timers and similar devices are prohibited within three feet horizontally and 8 feet vertically of the edge of the water in the tub at flood level. Exposed portions of all other electrical devices within this area shall be non-conductive. Lights, fans and similar types of devices shall be rated and labelled for damp locations. In addition to the above and to requirements elsewhere in -15- this code, all electrical devices within five feet horizontally and twelve feet vertically of the edge of the water in the tub at flood level shall be GFCI protected.'" Section 49. Section 18.16.083 is hereby added to read as follows: "18.16.083. Non -power -limited Fire Protective Signalinq Circuits. - Wiring Methods. Section 760-14 is amended to read as follows: 'Section 760-14 Wiring Method. Fire protective signal circuits shall be installed as provided for in Article 346, Rigid Metal Conduit, and/or Article 348, Electrical Metallic Tubing.'" Section 50. Section 18.16.084 is hereby added to read as follows: "18.16.084 Power Limited Fire. Protective Signaling Circuits - Wiring Methods and Materials on Load Side. Section 760-28(b) is amended to read as follows: '760-28(b) Power -Limited Wiring Methods. Power -limited circuits shall be installed as provided for in Article 346, Rigid Metal Conduit, and Article 348, Electrical Metallic Tubing.'" Section 51. This ordinance shall be published as required by law. I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the lst day of February ,1988, and was adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 16th day of Fehruary 1988, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: BARYON, LEMBI, MANGINI NONE AMSTRUP, PAGLIARO _ Deputy/'city Clerk CITY OF BURLTNGAME SUMMARY OF ADOPTED ORDINANCE ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1985 EDITION, THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1985 EDITION, THE UNIFORM CODE FOR ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1985 EDITION, UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1985 EDITION, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1987 EDITION; AND AMENDING, ADDING AND REPEALING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE Pursuant to Government Code Section 36933'(c)(1) the following is a summary of Ordinance No. 1361 adopted February 16, 1988. Adopts 1985 Uniform Building; Dangerous Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes, and 1987 National Electrical Code. Includes increases in fees, increased penalties for permit extensions. Said ordinance was introduced on February 1, 1988; a public hearing thereon was held on February 16, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California. Dated February 18, 1988. AYES: COUNCILMEN: BARYON, LEMBI, MANGINI NOES: COUNCILMEN NONE ABSENT: @OUNCILMEN AMSTRUP, PAGLIARO A certified copy of said adopted ordinance is posted in the City Clerk's office, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California Dated: FPr„-„ars, iQ X988 Prepa±wed-_Dy F. COLEtI AN City Attorney