HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1994.05.09CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION May 9, 1994 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairperson Deal on Monday, May 9, 1994 at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Deal, Ellis, Galligan, Graham, Jacobs, Kelly and Mink Absent: None Staff Present: Margaret Monroe, City Planner; Jerry Coleman, City Attorney; .Frank Erbacher, City Engineer; Keith Marshall, Fire Marshal MINUTES - The minutes of the April 11, 1994 meeting were unanimously approved. AGENDA - The order of the agenda was approved. Commissioner Graham was presented a Resolution of Commendation and Appreciation. S. Graham thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve the City and stepped down. Commissioner Karen Key was officially seated as a member of the Planning Commission. ELECTION OF OFFICERS C. Ellis nominated C. Galligan for Chairperson for the 1994-95 term; motion was seconded by C. Kelly; nominations were closed and C. Galligan was elected Chairperson on unanimous voice vote. C. Galligan nominated C. Jacobs for Vice Chairperson; motion was seconded by C. Mink; nominations were closed and C. Jacobs was elected Vice Chairperson on unanimous voice vote. C. Jacobs nominated C. Ellis for Secretary; motion was seconded by C. Galligan; nominations were closed and C. Ellis was elected Secretary on unanimous voice vote. The Commission adjourned for a 20 minute break at 7:45 P.M. and reconvened at 8:05 P.M. C. Deal passed the gavel to Chairperson Galligan. FROM THE FLOOR There were no public comments. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 9, 1994 STUDY ITEMS 1. SPECIAL PERMITS TO CONVERT EXISTING ACCESSORY STRUCTURE TO A RECREATION ROOM WITH A HALF BATH AT 301 BAYSWATER AVENUE, ZONED R-1 (GREG AND JENNIFER COHN, PROPERTY OWNER AND APPLICANT). Requests: copy of minutes of previous action, how is the notice given regarding the expiration of planning approval, define recreational use, what is the present condition of the existing building, what facilities exist. Item set for Public Hearing May 23, 1994. 2. SPECIAL PERMITS FOR EXISTING GARAGE AND SIDE SETBACK VARIANCE FOR PROPOSED CARPORT AT 1421 CALIFORNIA DRIVE, ;ZONED R-1 (JOHN Y. CELIKKANAT, PROPERTY OWNER AND APPLICANT). Requests: Does the owner have a business at this site or is this improvement for recreation only, plans show PVC panels for carport roof are these legal improvement, would like plan Ito scale with lot dimensions, is a parking variance required, what are vents for on roof of detached structure, how does the sewer line align on the floor plan, are paintings prepared for sale, where sold (on site/gallery), how long has applicant been at this location, if w/in last 5 years provide copy of real estate disclosure required at time of sale. Item set for Public Hearing May 23, 1994. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO EXPAND FOOD ESTABLISHMENT AT 322 LORTON AVENUE, ZONED C-2 SUBAREA A, BURLINGAME AVENUE COMMERCIAL AREA (MEL K. DOLLINGER, PROPERTY OWNER AND TOORAJ SHARIF, APPLICANT). Requests: show the 5 on site parking stalls on the site plan, show layout of tables and chairs for existing and new, provide total of tables and chairs, existing and new, include information on cumulative parking in area, parking report for area. Item set. for Public Hearing May 23, 1994 pending the receipt of the additional information. 4. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND PARKING VARIANCE FOR. 60 STALLS AT 1157 CALIFORNIA DRIVE, ZONED C-2 (DILLON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, INC., PROPERTY OWNER AND AMERICAN GNOSTIC CHURCH, REV. RICHARD FERNANDEZ, APPLICANT). Requests: check with JPB regarding policy on commute parking lot use by non -commuters, are Saturday/Sunday church hours the same, will 400 people -2- Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 9, 1994 participate in services at one time, there is need for a parking study, check feasibility of barriers on California Drive to direct to crosswalk to alleviate jaywalking, Saturday and Sunday hours and number of employees/ customers of other businesses that share the site, estimate number of people at each of services. Item set for Public Hearing May 23, 1994 pending receipt of additional information. ITEMS FOR ACTION 5. SIDE SETBACK VARIANCE TO BUILD AN ATTACHED CARPORT AT 1715 RALSTON AVENUE, ZONED R-1 (DR. AND MS. J. SCHUBINER, :PROPERTY OWNERS AND APPLICANTS). C. Galligan's property is contiguous to this property and he felt participation would have an appearance of impropriety, he therefore turned the gavel over to the Vice Chair and did not take part in the discussion or the vote. Reference staff report, 5/9/94, with attachments. CP Monroe discussed the request, reviewed criteria, Planning Department comments, and study meeting questions. Four conditions were suggested for consideration. Acting Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Dr. Jeffery Schubiner, 1715 Ralston Avenue, the applicant stated his reasons for the request and was available to answer any questions. There was clarification about the setback requirements. There were no other public continents and the public hearing was closed. C. Mink noted that the addition of broken horizontal :Lines created by the offset of the front of the car port will add to the aesthetics and character of the existing house, and that as stated in the documentation submitted by the applicant the project will not be detrimental to other properties in the area, he then moved to approve the application with the following conditions; 1) that the project shall be built as shown on the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped April 6, 1994 Site Plan and Elevation/Perspective; 2) that the conditions of the Chief Building Inspector's April 11, 1994 memo shall be met (carport must remain permanently open on two or more sides, and a building permit shall be obtained before construction); 3) that the side setback for the carport on the north side shall be a minimum of 3'-311; and 4) that the project shall meet all Uniform Building and Uniform Fire Code requirements as amended by the City. Motion was seconded by C. Key and approved on a 6-0-1 (C. Galligan abstaining) roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. -3- Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 9, 1994 6. TENTATIVE MAP FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 1715 QUESADA WAY, ZONED UNCLASSIFIED (BURLINGAME SCHOOL DISTRICT, PROPERTY OWNER AND CHARLES L. KAVANAGH, APPLICANT). Reference staff report, 5/9/94, with attachments. CE Erbacher discussed the request, reviewed criteria and Public Works Department comments. It was explained that no development is approved by this operation as the city does not review developments within the school district. One condition was suggested for consideration. Chm. Galligan opened the public hearing. Bob Peterson, Burlingame Elementary School District and Charles Kavanagh, 470 Chatam Road, the district's engineer, explained that the 2 modular units are already at a different location on site. This is an application. to adjust the lot line so that they can relocate the buildings in order to build a new wing on the school. The district needs to comply with State regulations for funding that each school be on its own site and must therefore have a boundary between the intermediate and elementary schools. Lee and Dora Provin, 2625 Martinez Drive, John and Rena Cassanego, 2621 Martinez Drive and John and Millie Disco, 2629 Martinez Drive, expressed concerns regarding a probable impact on an unplatte:d storm drain that will be affected by the suggested construction and likely drainage from the blacktop area. CE took the information under advisement. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Ellis noted that this is a technical shifting of the property line and in accordance with the reasons cited in staff report he moved to recommend approval to City Council with the following condition; 1) School district maintains the landscaped area and trees in the traffic island along Quesada Way. Motion was seconded by C. Mink and approved on a 7-0 voice vote. 7. TENTATIVE MAP FOR LOT COMBINATION AT 321-333 CALIFORNIA DRIVE, ZONED C-2, SUBAREA B, BURLINGAME AVENUE COMMERCIAL AREA (DONALD AND PATRICIA SABATINI, PROPERTY OWNERS AND DAVID CONNOR OF GOLDEN STATE BREWING CO., APPLICANT). Reference staff report, 5/9/94, with attachments. CE Erbacher discussed the request, reviewed criteria and Public Works Department comments. Chm. Galligan opened the public hearing. James Linebarger, 1829 Union Street, San Francisco, the architect representing the applicant, expressed his agreement with the property owner regarding the design of the project and the need for the lot line adjustment. There were no other comments and the public hearing was closed. -4- Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 9, 1994 C. Mink noted that this is a lot merge required before the joint use of these sites be allowed to commence. He then moved to recommend approval to City Council. Motion was seconded by C. Ellis and approved on a 7-0 voice vote. The Commission expressed appreciation to C. Deal for his effort and energy. PLANNERS REPORTS - Review of City Council regular meeting of April 18, and May 2, 1994. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. in memory of Ralph Button a local Architect, longtime Burlingame resident, good friend, good buddy, and father figure. A great fisherman and storyteller, in fact the only fisherman who didn't stretch a 12" trout into trophy size as the years went by. Ralph had a passion for life and for those around him. His generosity, friendship and laugh will be missed. Respectfully submitted, Mike Ellis, Secretary MIN5.9 -5-