HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1992.01.13CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 13, 1992 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Kelly on Monday, January 13, 1992 at 7:30 P.M. • _- Present: Commissioners Deal, Ellis, Jacobs, Kelly, Mink Absent: Commissioners Galligan, Graham Staff Present: Margaret Monroe, City Planner; Jerry Coleman, City Attorney; Frank Erbacher, City Engineer; Bill Reilly, Fire Marshal MINUTES - The minutes of the December 9, 3.991 meeting were unanimously approved. GA ENDA - Order of the agenda approved. ITEMS FOR STUDY 1. FOUR SPECIAL PERMITS AND A HILLSIDE AREA CONSTIRUCTION PERMIT FOR AN ELEVATED DECK AT 2005 DEVEREUX DRIVE. ZONED R-1 Requests: when was deck built; what is total lot coverage for house and deck. Item set for public hearing January 27, 1992. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO EXPAND AREA AND SEATING AT 1375 BURLINGAME ,AVENUE. MUFFIES MUFFINS. ZONED C-1, SUB AREA A Requests: total number of tables proposed for the patio,, will there be a coffee machine or hot plate for food service on the patio; clarify number of customers at present, in two years and in five years, will this number increase with the patio; how many people will each table seat, could approval be conditioned for number of seats; is this an eating establishment under the current limitations for eating establishments; does access meet code requirements, is a second egress required to that area; with only one employee downstairs to serve both areas and the number of pigeons in the area how will they keep the -patio clean; will menu offerings at the eating establishment expand. Item set for public hearing January 27, 1992. 3. SIGN EXCEPTION AT 1435 BURLINGAME AVENUE, FIRST INTERSTATE BANK, ZONED C-1. SUB AREA A Item set for public hearing January 27, 1992. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 January 13, 1992 4. SPECIAL PERMIT AMENDMENT TO CHANGE HOURS OF OPERATION AT 1208 DONNELLY AVENUE, DONNELLY SQUARE FITNESS CLUB FOR WOMEN, ZONED C-2, SUB AREA Bl Requests: applicants refer to competitor clubs, who are they and what are their hours; number of memberships in this club: Item set for public hearing January 27, 1992. 5. FOUR SPECIAL PERMITS AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR LONG TERM AIRPORT PARKING AT 765 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, ZONED C-4 Requests: are lights shielded and directed onto the site, concerned about adequacy of the lighting; how long does applicant expect this interim use to continue; comment from staff addressing the two parcels, will they be merged into one parcel, what Commission action would be if they are separate parcels; why can't applicant meet landscaping requirements, would like a better rationale regarding this, see nothing in the application discussing temporary landscape boxes or planters which are moveable which could provide landscaping within parking areas; staff comments regarding ingress/egress and turning movements on Airport Boulevard. Item set for public hearing January 27, 1992. 6. FOUR SPECIAL PERMITS AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR AUTOMOBILE STORAGE FOR ALAMO RENT -A -CAR AT 1380 BAYSHORE I:iIGHWAY. ZONED C -4 - Requests: these are big parcels of land, what are long term plans for the site; confirm the percentage of landscaping in the 100' shoreline band; when were the warehouse building just north of the site and the King building constructed, was BCDC approval required at that time; where is the nearest perpendicular public access to the bayfront from Bayshore Highway; will landscaping obscure view of the cars from the King building at grade and along the front from Bayshore Highway; how many cars are permitted total on the three sites, distribution of the storage of cars among the three sites; comments from applicant reconciling this project with the objectives of the Specific Area Plan to develop uses which are aesthetically bay oriented and compatible. Item set for public hearing January 27, 1992. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR OPERATION OF A CARRENTAL BUSINESS AT 1470 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY/778 BURLWAY ROAD, ZONED C!-4 Requests: staff comment on why limit number of contracts per month; why only one employee engaged in leasing car telephones; clarify wording in condition 13 regarding number of car rental contracts; plans show lift gates and tiger teeth for access off of Bayshore, but condition 17 requires access only from Burlway, are these entrance/exits to Bayshore; how is the figure of 15,000 car rental contracts per month arrived at. Item set for public hearing January 27,. 1992. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 January 13, 1992 8. SPECIAL PERMIT - EMERGENCY MEDICAL CLINIC - 1519 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, ZONED M-1 This item was continued. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT AND PARKING VARIANCE FOR GYMNASTIC CLASSES AT 1524 ROLLINS ROAD, ZONED M-1 Requests: when did the gymnastics school at 1239 Rollins Road cease operation; will there be more than one class of six per hour, how many classes per day; applicant's statement addressing findings for the variance; will gymnastic competitions be held within the building and if so what time of day and days of the week; how often does the drainage easement fill with water; explain difference between parking requirements the city has shown and those stated by the applicant; is parking in the rear. Item set for public hearing January 27, 1992. The Chair noted there were only five Calnissioners present, approval ITEMS FOR ACTION of an application requires four affirmative votes and applicants have the option of a continuance. All applicants wished to be heard this evening. 10. FRONT AND SIDE SETBACK VARIANCES FOR A FIRST FLOOR ADDITION AT 2010 BROADWAY, ZONED R-1 Reference staff report, 1/13/92, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, staff review, applicant's letter, study meeting questions, required findings. Two conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Chm. Kelly opened the public hearing. Dave Howell„ representing the property owners, Robert and Francine Lent, was present. He noted some of the front setbacks listed in the staff report as equal to or less than 15' are not in the same block as this house; his clients are a young couple starting a family, there is no other practical option for adding onto this house which would be cost effective, a second story is not feasible because of the existing foundation and structure; in the past the property owners retained a general contractor to do additional foundation work to bring the existing foundation up to code for a single story. The preexisting pool to the rear presents a problem, there is no way to expand on that side without removal and relocation of the kitchen; they feel this is the only viable solution. Physically there is room to expand the house toward Broadway but the living room and dining room are located there, it would require reconstruction of much of the house. The proposed design is practical, feasible and would not adversely impact the neighborhood. Responding to a question, Mr. Howell stated it was his understanding the front setback was 151, the main building line would be at 15' with the projection of a bay window and chimney; the staff report was the first he had seen the 13.7' front setback. Staff advised the chimney is exempted in the side -yard but not in the front; the application reflects what is on the plans. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 January 13, 1992 There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Mink moved to grant the variance request with the: conditions in the staff report. He found there were exceptional circumstances in the configuration of an existing porch, the granting of the application is necessary for'the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owners, it will not be detrimental and is compatible with the neighborhood. Motion was seconded by C. Ellis. Comment on the motion: would agree to extend the building somewhat but a 13.7' front setback would be granting a nonconformity, would prefer a 15' front setback. Comments in'support of the motion: this section of Burlingame was built long before there were setback requirements, setbacks are not uniform, do not think this application violates the general vision of the neighborhood; this house does riot have an obvious short setback, another irregular 2.5' would make no difference; if the hedge ever grows back most of this will be hidden, think the proposal is in character with the neighborhood. Further comments: have no problem with the design but think there should be a 15' front setback, otherwise Commission will be creating another nonconforming condition on this property; applicants bought a property which looks crowded, that corner will look more crowded with this proposal. Motion to approve the variance request failed on a 3-2 roll call vote, Cers Deal and Jacobs voting no, Cers Galligan and Graham absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 11. LOT COVERAGE VARIANCE FOR A MASTER BATHROOM ADDITION AT 1234 VANCOUVER AVENUE, ZONED R-1 Reference staff report, 1/13/92, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, staff review, applicants letter, required findings. Three conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Letter in support signed by three neighbors was noted. Chm. Kelly opened the public hearing. Melinda and Whit Hall, applicants and property owners, were present. Mrs. Hall advised the existing master bathroom is in need of repair and is too small for two adults to use at once; they would like to convert unused yard space into useable living space. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. From a site inspection C. Jacobs found this side of -this house is very long and only 41 from side property line; on the south side it seems to extend almost to the rear property line; all useable open space is on the other side of the building which is good for this property owner but she -was concerned about the neighbor with any further expansion on that side; there are alternatives inside to make a larger bathroom. C. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 January 13, 1992 Jacobs moved to deny the lot coverage variance for the reasons stated. Motion was seconded by C. Mink with the comment a little more creativity could have solved the problem within the footprint of the house. A further comment: cannot make a finding of exceptional circumstances applicable to this property to support the variance,'1% more lot coverage is a minimal amount but it will be added to the 42% which is already there. Motion to deny the variance request was approved on a 5-0 roll call vote, Cers Galligan and Graham absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 12. SPECIAL PERMIT AMENDMENT TO EXTEND OPERATING HOURS FOR TRUE LEARNING CENTER, 2109 BROADWAY, ZONED R-1 Reference staff report, 1/13/92, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, staff review, applicant's letter, required findings. Four conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. CP advised only one call had been received from those noticed of this hearing, no objection was made; a maximum enrollment figure is included in Condition 12. Chm. Kelly opened the public hearing. Larry Krusema.rk, applicant, was present. Responding to a question he advised the increased hours will allow a lunch hour and recess, 20 of the 90 students will probably stay. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Jacobs found this school is an asset to the community, it is a school use in an existing school building. She moved for approval of the special permit amendment with the following conditions: (1) that the school shall operate from 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Thursday; (2) that the following amended conditions of the August 5, 1986 special permit shall apply including: (a) that access to handicap bathrooms shall be provided to all tenants; (b) that this operation shall comply with all Uniform Fire and Building Codes as amended by the City of Burlingame; (c) that this leased area will be used as a school as described in the June 18, 1986 letter from Larry Krusemark with a maximum enrollment of 90 students, grades K-8, with five teachers and three assistants; (d) that True Learning Center shall be limited to three evening functions at the school per year, and that these be coordinated with other tenants; (3) that the following amended condition of the June 2, 1987 special permit shall apply: (a) that the area used by the True Learning Center shall be increased by 2,074 SF (rooms it and 12); and (4) that this use permit shall be reviewed for compliance in September, 1992 and/or upon complaint. Motion was seconded by C. Ellis and approved 5-0 on roll call vote, Cers Galligan and Graham absent. Appeal procedures were advised. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 January 13, 1992 13. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, 845 STANTON ROAD/1633 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, ZONED M-1 CE Erbacher reviewed this request to add three feet of land to 845 Stanton Road. The three feet would be taken from the adjacent property at 1633 Bayshore Highway. He discussed background of the request and recommended one condition of approval. No public hearing is required. C. Ellis moved to recommend this lot line adjustment to City Council for approval with the following condition: (1) that all improvements as shown on the plans date stamped January 3, 1992 shall be made as a condition of this approval. The applicant and the property owners of both 1633 Bayshore Highway and 845 Stanton Road shall enter into an agreement with the city which shall require that these improvements be bonded and be completed within one year of approval. Motion was seconded by C. Mink and approved 5-0 on roll call vote, Cers Galligan and Graham absent. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - Hillside Area Construction Permit - 3104 Margarita Avenue - Hillside Area Construction Permit - 2312 Valdivia Way There was some discussion of inaccuracies in the plans and problems with roof ridges as shown. Commission requested in the future an aerial be included with all hillside area construction permit review material. Wpmu:ice � I"*- CP Monroe reviewed City Council actions at its January 6, 1992 regular meeting and discussion at the January 11, 1992 Saturday Goal session. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Jerry L. Deal, Secretary--