HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1992.10.13CITY OF BURLINGA14E PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 13, 1992 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Mink on Tuesday, October 13, 1992 at 7:32 P.M. Present: Commissioners Deal, Ellis, Galligan, Graham, Jacobs, Kelly, Mink Absent: None Staff Present: Margaret Monroe, City Planner; Jerry Coleman, City Attorney; Frank Erbacher, City Engineer; Bill Reilly, Fire Marshal MINUTES - The minutes of the September 29, 1992 meeting were unanimously approved. AGENDA - CP noted Item 15, special permits, 1492 Bayshore Highway, has been continued until all review materials are submitted by the applicant and Item J7, special permit and parking variance, 1291 Whitethorn Way, has been withdrawn by the applicant. Order of the agenda was then approved. Barbara Dungca, applicant for study item 12, declining height envelope variance at 850 Walnut Avenue, advised she would be out of town at the time of the next meeting and submitted a petition signed by neighbors in support of her application. Because she has been processing this application so long, she would prefer to have her application go forward to public hearing on October 26 rather than continue to a later meeting. There were no further audience comments. •- 1. SPECIAL PERMITS FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OVER 500 SF AND FOR HOME OCCUPATION IN AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE AT 2835 HILLSIDE DRIVE, ZONED R-1 Requests: is the primary entrance for the office via the stairs in the garage or off the deck; request CBI address architect's comment that the sliding glass door is a required exit, could door at the bottom of the stairs be a required, exit; is the proposed deck considered a structure; can locate electrical outlets, will there be any plumbing or other utilities in garage or office area; garage height appears to be Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 October 13, 1992 20', comment on how the height was calculated by staff; reason for the deck, will it overlook neighbor's property at window line of sight; will height of garage be raised or stay the same as existing. Item set for public hearing October 26, 1992. 2. DECLINING HEIGHT ENVELOPE VARIANCE FOR THE PRIMARY STRUCTURE ON A NONCONFORMING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOT AT 850 WALNUT AVENUE, ZONED R-1 Requests: clarify declining height envelope line shown on Sheet A-2; is it possible to redesign to meet declining height envelope, what would happen to the bedroom in that case, how would it affect the 7.5' ceiling height; is separate action on expansion of the nonconforming primary structure necessary; does the 23% lot coverage figure include all buildings on the property; facing the building on the left is some underdeveloped space which will probably be the most impacted by this addition, what is this area, how can this space be used, could it be divided and a structure built. Item set for public hearing October 26, 1992. P4010! • _ • 3. SPECIAL PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR ALAMO RENT A CAR AT 1380 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. ZONED C-4 4. SPECIAL PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR ALAMO RENT A CAR AT 778 BURLWAY ROAD/ 1470 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, ZONED C-4 Reference staff reports, 10/13/92, with attachments. The Chair suggested one public hearing be held on these two items, action to be taken separately. CP Monroe summarized this request to relocate employee parking from 778 Burlway to. 1380 Bayshore, to decrease auto storage and allow employee parking at 1380 Bayshore and to allow vehicular and pedestrian access from Bayshore Highway to employee parking at 1380 Bayshore. She reviewed staff comments, study meeting questions, required findings. Fourteen conditions were suggested for the special permit amendment at 1380 Bayshore Highway, 15 conditions for the special permit amendment at 778 Burlway Road/1470 Bayshore Highway. These conditions are a combination of previously approved conditions for each site with any changes required for the proposed amendments. CP noted that total auto storage capacity for these two sites plus the auto storage site at 1755 Bayshore Highway is 1,280 cars, not 4,700 cars. Commission/staff discussion: concern about left turns on Bayshore Highway, CE has said left turns in and out of the proposed employee parking will be less significant than those from the previous use, the Amfac hotel; CE stated median is roughly 14' wide, there is plenty of room, and this will be traffic movement at off-peak hours. It was determined Burlway is a public street; there was concern about the employee parking layout and possibility that light standards were Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 October 13, 1992 too close and would block some maneuvers; there is emergency egress to Burlway, chained and locked but usable by the Fire Department if needed; in the case of an auto fire in the car storage area there are several points of access onto all of the Alamo sites. Staff advised landscaping approvals will be combined in the conditions for the present permits; staff has combined all conditions and these will be new permits. It was suggested condition 16 for 778 Burlway/1470 Bayshore state "that AU employee parking shall be provided 24 hours a day . . . ." CP advised condition #8 for 1380 Bayshore regarding lighting does not preclude lighting at night for directional signs; front setback landscaping will be reduced but not below the 80$ required, the three other special permits for landscaping previously approved have not changed. CE confirmed handicapped stall dimensions are adequate. Condition 15 for 1380 Bayshore indicates this site will be used for storage only, all other business activities relating to Alamo will take place on the other property. CE commented that in his view there is an issue with having the only parking for handicapped visitors on Burlway and there should be parking on site for the casual visitor, a Commissioner commented it was his understanding visitor/tradesmen parking was to be on the public street. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. George Corey, attorney representing Alamo Rent A Car, applicant, was present. He commented on applicant's realization .of the impact of employee parking on the 778 Burlway site and the need to address this,*the proposed approach will adequately solve the problem; they did not try to avoid the city, it was brought to the attention of city staff when this need for change was determined as a part of improvements to the Burlway site. Alamo is satisfied with all the suggested conditions of approval. Regarding four visitor spaces and extra on -street handicapped spaces, they will leave this to Commission's discretion. Landscaping has been left as originally requested, berm will be built higher and number of trees doubled. Commission/Corey discussion: a jitney is not being used by employees ferrying cars to 1755 Bayshore, employees who work with the stored cars carpool and park their own cars at the main site; there will be an enforcement problem keeping Hyatt patrons out of Alamo's employee lot, probably can be controlled with appropriate signage. A concern was expressed about safety of handicapped parking on the street, there is enough on site for customers/visitors and employees, directional signage could point visitors to that location. Corey advised Alamo will be offering handicap equipped vehicles for rental, since they are going into this segment of the business they are trying to get as many handicap accessible parking spaces as possible; a handicapped person could not get to the customer handicapped parking as readily as the Commission would like. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 October,13, 1992 ) A Commissioner stated he would prefer to see visitor parking someplace other than on Burlway Road; Corey noted Burlway is effectively a private street, only Alamo uses it; people will drive in and stop in a red zone, city is not enforcing there; it would be possible to put some visitor parking in the employee parking but Alamo is trying not to take away from their storage space, visitors will do what they want to do in any case. Corey said visitors included himself, repair people, vendors; they have about 15,000 car rentals per month in their best months. Commissioner comment: regarding visitor parking, one of the concerns is people parking on Burlway and going to the Hyatt, Alamo cannot put a "visitors only" sign on a public street, would suggest a 24 minute parking limitation, this may not be enforced but Hyatt visitors would be deterred; Corey commented this would be helpful; customer parking shown on site is for Alamo Ready Vehicles only. It was determined 950 cars may be stored on the two sites, handicap spaces are close to the building at 778 Burlway, they should be on the site and should be marked. A Commissioner asked if it would make more sense to have special vans park in a regular space and then take them to the front when they are needed; Corey stated this program is new and that is an operational question no one can answer at this time. Another Commissioner discussed his site inspection today, traffic on Burlway was unbelievable; there were two Alamo buses, one coming in and one going out, neither would give way; based on these observations he suggested taking all parking off Burlway so buses can get in and out. Corey agreed there is a severe traffic problem on Burlway and Alamo has created it, they have been requested to prevent parking on Burlway if at all possible, they support red lining the whole street, do not have a need for on-street parking. Commissioner had sympathy for a visitor from out of town trying to deliver a car, this is a good location for this business but it is not being managed well. Corey advised they have been leasing parking space for employees on the Fisherman lot (1492 Bayshore) since the Fisherman fire and Alamo started demolition; they will stripe the Alamo employee parking at 1380 Bayshore. CE commented on circulation on the 778 Burlway site, any increase in circulation impacts movement and use of the entire site, visitor parking could be provided across the street. A Commissioner commented on the positive attitude of this company toward handicapped persons, an employee at the gate to the customer pickup area had given him all the right answers indicating he would allow handicapped persons in to access available on-site parking. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. C.Graham moved for approval of the special permit amendment for Alamo Rent A Car at 1380 Bayshore Highway, referencing the staff report and all discussion this evening, by resolution with the following conditions: (1) that the site shall be developed in conformity with the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped October 5, 1992 Sheet A1.2 Employee Parking Lot with a strip 30 feet deep from Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 October 13, 1992 property line inward along Bayshore Highway fully landscaped and the driveways and curb cuts removed and replaced with one driveway and curb cut as approved by the City Engineer; (2) that this site shall be used for car storage and 72 employee parking spaces only in association with the car rental business at 1470 Bayshore Highway/778 Burlway Road and these designated employee spaces shall be maintainecl - on the site so long as a car rental use is present at 1470 Bayshore/778 Burlway Road; (3) that the only access to and from this site for car storage shall be from Burlway Road, and employee access to and from this site shall be from one driveway off Bayshore Highway, the employee parking area shall be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week; (4) that the conditions of the City Engineer's September 15, 1992, September 28, 1992 and October 6, 1992 memos shall be met; and that the City Engineer's memos of May 24, 1983 and January 21, 1992 shall be met; (5) that no automobiles shall be leased, repaired, maintained, detailed or washed on this site; (6) that the applicant shall receive a BCDC permit prior to receiving a building permit for any site improvements; (7) that this storage lot shall house a maximum of 600 cars so long as this number can be accommodated along with adequate space on site to load and unload automobile transport trucks and shall be available for storage or removal of vehicles 24 hours a day; (8) that the auto storage and employee parking areas shall be fenced for security and only safety lighting which is confined to this site shall be provided; (9) that all deliveries and/or pickup of cars at this site shall be made on the site, no off-loading/loading or storage shall occur on any public right-of-way including public access areas, and no auto carrying trucks shall arrive or depart between 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M.; (10) that the loss of the use for auto storage and employee parking for 72 cars at this site (1380 Bayshore Highway) shall cause the use permit for car rental use at 1470 Bayshore Highway/778 Burlway Road to be reviewed by the Planning Commission; (11) that no rental contracts shall be written nor rental cars picked up by customers at this supplemental storage site (1380 Bayshore Highway); (12) that any change to the number of employees, use of the lot for auto storage, amount of auto storage, addition of services or secondary businesses to the site, or any other aspect of the operation of the car rental business at this location shall require an amendment to this use permit; (13) that this use shall be reviewed for consistency with the conditions of the use permit in 18 months time (April, 1994) or upon complaint; and (14) that all development on this site shall meet all the requirements of the Uniform Building and Uniform Fire Codes as amended by the City of Burlingame. Motion maker acknowledged consensus of Commission that it be recommended to the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission that on -street parking be removed from Burlway Road because of the congestion occurring there. Motion was seconded by C. Kelly and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. C. Graham moved for approval of the special permit amendment for Alamo Rent A Car at 778 Burlway Road/1470 Bayshore Highway, referencing the Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 October 13, 1992 staff report and all discussion this evening, by resolution with the following conditions: (1) that the project shall be built as shown on the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped October 51 1992 Sheet A1.3 North Site plan; (2) that the conditions of the City Engineer's September 15, 1992, September 28, 1992 and October 6, 1992 memos shall be met; that the Chief Building Inspector's October 5, 1992 memo shall be met; that the City Engineer's memos of May 24, 1983 and January 21, 1992 shall be met; that the Fire Marshal's memo of May 18, 1983 and the Chief Building Inspector's memo of May 17, 1983 shall be met; (3) that no trucks delivering or picking up cars at this site shall arrive or depart between 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. or 4:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. daily; (4) that two (2) handicap stalls for employees and/or visitors and two (2) handicap stalls for customer ready vehicles shall be provided and designated at 1470 Bayshore Highway/778 Burlway Road and while on site all other employees shall be required to park in the 72 space employee parking lot at 1380 Bayshore Highway; (5) that the loss of the use for auto storage of the sites at 1755 Bayshore Highway and/or 1380 Bayshore Highway shall cause the use permit for car rental use at 1470 Bayshore Highway/778 Burlway Road to be reviewed by the Planning Commission; (6) that all employee parking shall be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 1380 Bayshore Highway; (7) that all car rental lease agreements shall be written in the City of Burlingame; (8) that the 'decorative wall shall be extended and maintained to enclose at a height of 6' the rear of the 1470 Bayshore Highway property, that the City Planner shall participate in the decisions on the design of the wall and that the City Council shall review the final design of the wall; (9) that no more than 15,000 car rental contracts per month shall be written from this site each year, that auto storage shall total 1,280 for all three locations (1470 Bayshore Highway/778 Burlway Road, 1380 Bayshore Highway and 1755 Bayshore Highway) and that the leasing operation shall be confined to the premise at 1470 Bayshore Highway/778 Burlway Road and operated as outlined in Mr. Nesbitt's letter of April 29, 1983 with attached plan date stamped May*18, 1983; (10) that the special permit for car rental use to write contracts, do minor maintenance and repair, and wash cars shall be granted only to this site with supplemental auto storage only at 1755 Bayshore Highway and 1380 Bayshore Highway, no rental contracts shall be written nor rental cars picked up by customers at these supplemental storage sites; (11) that no cars shall be loaded, unloaded or stored on any public street or in any public access area; (12) that portable car telephones shall be leased only from the transaction counter so long as no more than one employee is engaged in this activity and the leasing of these instruments is limited to those renting cars from this site and the contracts for these transactions are written in the City of Burlingame; (13) that any change to the number of employees, average number of cars rented from the site each month, use of the two peripheral lots for auto storage, amount of on-site or off-site auto storage, addition of services or secondary businesses to the site, or any other aspect of the operation of the car rental business at this location shall require an amendment to this use permit; (14) that the project shall be reviewed for compliance with these conditions every three years or upon Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 October 13, 1992 complaint; and (15) that the project shall meet all the requirements of the Uniform Building and Uniform Fire Codes as amended by the City of Burlingame. Motion maker acknowledged consensus of Commission that it be recommended to the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission that on -street parking be removed from Burlway Road because of the congestion occurring there. Motion was seconded by C. Kelly and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 5. SPECIAL PERMITS FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE FISHERMAN RESTAURANT AT 1492 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, ZONED C-4 Item continued until all review materials are submitted by the applicant. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR SATELLITE ANTENNA AT GRADE AT THE MARRIOTT HOTEL, 1800 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, ZONED C-4 Reference staff report, 10/13/92, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, staff comment, study meeting questions, required findings. Eleven conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Responding to questions, staff advised there is no code requirement for fencing of antennas, fencing does provide security and safety. Regarding the condition (111) requiring removal of the antenna if the tenant leaves, this is a general condition included in most antenna approvals, it would be more important for a roof antenna on an office building. Chu. Mink opened the public hearing. David Wilkins, Satellite Antenna Systems, was present. He noted the fence does provide security for the equipment, there is some aesthetic benefit, it hides the mounting; this second dish is needed for the sports bar at the Marriott hotel, the existing dish pulls off one satellite, the new dish is not fixed and can pull off different satellites to receive a variety of sports programming. Fencing will not interfere with the ability to access all satellites. He presented photographs of the site and explained their difficulty with maintaining landscape screening; they have discussed this with the groundskeeper and gardening staff, ground is less than 2' deep and it is difficult to provide vegetation of any height, they may consider planter boxes. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Jacobs made findings: there is an existing antenna on the west side, this is on the east side, the site is next to Avis so impact will be less, there is fencing for safety and applicants are investigating landscape screening. C. Jacobs moved for approval of the special permit by resolution with the 11 conditions in the staff report. Motion was seconded by C. Graham. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 October 13, 1992 Condition Oil requiring removal of the antenna should this tenant leave the building was discussed. C. Jacobs amended her motion to delete condition #11, this was accepted by the seconder and motion was approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Approved conditions follow: (1) that the dish antenna shall be installed on the ground in the fence enclosure as shown on the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped August 27, 1992 Sheet A1.1, A3.2, L-7 and 8-1/2" x il" and 11" x 17" Elevations, Photos, Plans and Sections; (2) that the condition of the City Engineer's August 31, 1992 memo (that the installation of the antenna and fence shall be clear of the existing turf block paving) shall be met; (3) that the antenna dish installed shall not have a diameter greater than 10'-0", not rise more than 13'-0" above grade, be painted a pink beige color with nonreflective paint, and be surrounded by a 7'-0" opaque solid board wooden fence which shall be continuously maintained by the hotel operator; (4) that the applicant or property owner shall be responsible for an amendment to this use permit if future construction on any adjacent property requires relocation of the dish antenna, removal and reinstallation costs shall also be borne by the applicant and/or property owner; (5) that the landscaping approved with the June 16, 1986 special permit, landscape plan date stamped May 12, 1986, shall be installed and maintained (minimum two 10' tall trees, 12' apart located to the southeast of the existing antenna, and minimum two 12' tall trees, 24" box, planted 20' apart located to the southwest of the sidewalk adjacent to the antenna); (6) that the applicant shall permanently maintain the nonreflective surface of the dish and its support structure, fence and screening landscaping or remove the facility; (7) that this use permit shall include the satellite dish installed in 1986 and all the provisions of the June 16, 1986 use permit and September 16, 1986 amendment; (8) that the applicant shall receive a permit from the Bay Conservation and Development Commission and shall submit proof of that permit and a copy of approved plans before receiving a building permit; (9) that the project shall meet all the requirements of the Uniform Building and Uniform Fire Codes as amended by the City of Burlingame; and (10) that any modification to the antenna or its location shall require an amendment to this use permit. Appeal procedures were advised. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT AND PARKING VARIANCE FOR AUTOMOBILE RETAIL SERVICES AT 1291 WHITETHORN WAY, ZONED M-1 Item withdrawn by the applicant. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - Hillside Area Construction Permit, 2907 Frontera Way (called up for review by a neighbor) - Hillside Area Construction Permit, 1620 Granada Drive , Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 October 13, 1992 CP discussed changing procedures for hillside area construction permits and minor modifications and mailing notices directly to Commissioners for review within seven days of receipt. This would shorten processing time. Commissioners agreed to procedure for shortening review time. CP will be taking this matter to City Council. —az of CP Monroe reviewed City Council actions at its October 5, 1992 regular meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Michael F. Galligan Secretary