HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1986.10.27CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 27, 1986 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Giomi on Monday, October 27, 1986 at 7:31 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Garcia, Giomi, H.Graham, S.Graham, Jacobs, Leahy, Schwalm Absent: None Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome Coleman; City Engineer Frank Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the October 14, 1986 meeting were unanimously approved. AGENDA - Item #3, Special Permit, 290 California Drive was continued to the meeting of November 10, 1986 on motion to continue, seconded, passed unanimously on voice vote. Order of the agenda was then approved. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AN OFFICE USE AT ROOSEVELT SCHOOL, 1151 VANCOUVER AVENUE, ZONED R-1, BY PENINSULA PARENT NEWSPAPER Reference staff report, 10/27/86, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, applicant's previous application to locate at Hoover School which was approved, code criteria for rental or lease of vacant school properties, staff review, Planning staff comments, applicant's letter, School District Superintendent's letter, study meeting questions. Five conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Discussion: school district guidelines for leasing vacant school property, city criteria for granting a special permit: on such property; on-site parking available at Hoover School whereas the majority of available parking at Roosevelt School is on the street; applicant will use only one-half of the kindergarten building at Roosevelt; access to the restrooms for both units of this building will be required. Chm. Giomi opened the public hearing. Lisa Rosenthal., co-owner of Peninsula Parent newspaper, was present. Her comments: she lives only a block away from the school and would walk to work most of the time; this business is not technically a non-profit operation, profit margin is very small, applicants are involved with it as a public service, they are young parents themselves and feel there is a need for this type of publication; the low rent at Roosevelt School. is attractive; Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 27, 1986 since the paper is education oriented it seemed appropriate to locate their office in a school. Responding to Commissioner question, applicant reiterated they were not technically a non-profit organization; however, the cost of publishing, printing and distributing the paper leaves very little money left over from that collected for subscriptions and advertising. There were no audience comments in favor. Speaking in opposition, Austin Welt, 1150 Vancouver Avenue (across the street from the school entrance): traffic congestion on the street is very bad; he has not complained before since he felt school uses were reasonable; his driveway has been blocked several times; object to a commercial use in a residential area where parking is already a problem. In rebuttal, Marlene Douglas, co -publisher of Peninsula Parent, stated neither she nor Ms. Rosenthal would park at the site, both .live a block away; she also noted several letters had been received in support of their enterprise at the time of the application for space at Hoover School. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion: another resident who lives across from the school entrance had told a Commissioner there was not too much of a problem; this Commissioner felt Mr. Welt had a legitimate concern, noted parking figures submitted by staff and suggested Condition #3 be amended to omit "if possible" and require two spaces be designated for this business on site. Availability of on-site parking while retaining space for childrens' play area was discussed. Further comment: every school on narrow streets should have a white unloading zone; impact of this proposal would be less than the previous use in the kindergarten building (staff pointed out the previous use occupied the entire 1,100 SF, it is unknown at this time what might go in the other half of the building); this particular use of the site would pose much less of a parking problem than a school type use with delivery and pickup of children, volunteers coming to the site, people parking illegally short term to run in with their children; another school use on this site was approved this summer which increased the parking impact, two parking spaces could be required on site for this use without compounding on-site problems; regardless of how little, this is a profit making venture, object to a commercial use in a residential zone; the special permit process gives Commission a chance to evaluate a use, this proposal could have less impact on the neighborhood; a commercial enterprise in a residential area violates the criteria, would not want to use the play area of the children to provide on-site parking. C. Jacobs commented this is a small commercial venture and it will be limited by the conditions of approval; she added she would like to see white zones painted at the site. C. Jacobs moved for approval of the special permit and for adoption of Commission Resolution Approving Special Permits with the following conditions: (1) that the area used for office shall be limited to 550 SF of the kindergarten building at Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 27, 1986 Roosevelt School; (2) that the office operation shall be limited to two full time and one part time employees between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, and no printing or distribution of goods would take place on this site; (3) that all parking for employees shall be on the school side of Vancouver and Broadway exclusive of the three designated loading zones, and that two parking spaces shall be designated on the school site for the.use of this business; (4) that bathroom facilities in the kindergarten building shall be made available to these tenants; and (5) that this use permit shall be amended for any changes in operation, amount of space leased or number of employees and shall be reviewed for compliance with required conditions in one year (November, 1987). Second C. S.Graham; motion approved on a 4-3 roll call vote, Cers Garcia, H.Graham and Leahy dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONDUCT MUSIC CLASSES AT THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, 1430 PALM DRIVE, ZONED R-1 Reference staff report, 10/27/86, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, staff review, applicant's letter, study meeting questions. Letters in support (received after preparation of staff report) from the following were noted: Karen Duggan, 114 Occidental Avenue; Jean and Eric Von Berg, 2814 Arguello Drive; Karen Scheikowitz, 1828 El Camino, Suite 408; Adrian Lonzarich, Morning Glory Montessori, 2750 Adeline Drive; Carol Petterson, 1144 Balboa Avenue; Rae Holt, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Burlingame. One letter was received in opposition from Diva B. Coulter, 844 Fairfield Road. Four conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Commissioner concern: location of the entrance to the second floor classroom, if access is too easy from the street people will not use the parking lot. Chm. Giomi opened the public hearing. Victoria McCarthy, applicant, addressed Commission: parents enter through the parking lot, door is left open'for them and there are stairs near the door leading to the second floor; in the 1-1/2 years she has been there no neighborhood complaints have been received; children are accompanied by their parents; there is more than adequate on-site parking; permits have been granted to other schools in residential areas of the city; this is the only early music education program in the city; she is a professional musician with education in music and early childhood education; the curriculum enhances students' self esteem and creativity. She noted letters in support from Jean Von Berg, 2814 Arguello Drive, Leslie McQuaide, 1439 Montero Avenue and Karen Scheikowitz, licensed marriage, child and family therapist. Responding to Commission questions, applicant stated the space is leased from the church at an hourly rate, restrooms are located at the end of the hall upstairs as well as downstairs, wooden instruments are used and hand drums, she has received no complaints about noise, the adjacent nursery school does not use the church parking lot. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 27, 1986 There were no audience comments in favor. Speaking :in opposition, Evelyn Harper, 832 Fairfield Road: she lives across -the street from the rear entrance of the church; new young homeowners in this R-1 area have moved back to the neighborhood and invested in remodeling and improving their homes, in the block opposite the church on Fairfield there are 13 children from one to nine years of age who play in the street, she expressed concern about their safety, traffic on Fairfield is difficult; this proposal is a commercial venture and not what the people who purchased property in the area expected, it is out of character in that neighborhood; she has had cars parked in front of her house all day several times during the week, the driveway has never been blocked. This is a single family residential area and the efforts of new homeowners should be protected, retain residential and do not allow commercial ventures. Applicant responded that she could appreciate the concerns of the homeowners, especially if children play on the street; the parents of her students enter from E1 Camino Real, go into the parking lot and exit onto E1 Camino; it would seem the educational service she is offering would be a benefit to young families in this neighborhood; her program meets most criteria for a non-profit organization, she is offering an educational service. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion: church facilities and schools are conditional uses in the R-1 zone; this classroom use is for a limited amount of time per week particularly when compared to other church uses which have been approved. With the statement she did not think this use would 'be detrimental to the neighborhood, it has been in operation for 1-1/2 years and its hours are minimal, there is no problem with the parking lots, C. Jacobs moved for approval of the special permit and for adoption of Commission Resolution Approving Special Permits with the following conditions: (1) that the music classes for children aged one to seven shall be offered between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Tuesdays through Fridays, not to exceed a total of seven hours of classroom time planned a week and an average class size of six pupils, classroom use shall be limited to a 250 SF room on the second floor; (2) that parents bringing students to classes shall park in the off-street church parking lots; (3) that recitals shall be held on Saturdays with coordination with the church to ensure there is no conflict with other church activities and adequate parking is available; and (4) that this use permit shall be reviewed in October, 1987 for compliance with the required conditions or sooner if a complaint is received. Second C. Leahy; motion approved on a 6-1 roll call vote, C. H.Graham dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT - FLOWER SALES - 290 CALIFORNIA DRIVE Plans for a revised location of the flower stand have not yet been received from the applicant. This item was continued to the meeting of November 10, 1986 (on motion to continue, seconded and approved unanimously). Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 October 27, 1986 4. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR A DIRECTORY SIGN IN THE PRIVATE PARKING LOT ADJACENT TO 1431 CHAPIN AVENUE (APN 029-122-050), ZONED C-1, BY THE CHAPIN COMMITTEE WITH WURLITZER TRUSTEES (PROPERTY OWNER) Reference staff report, 10/27/86, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, staff review, Planning staff comment, applicant's justification and comments on the request, study meeting questions. Three conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Discussion: need for clear identification for the Fire Department of the two businesses with Burlingame Avenue addresses but with primary entrances off Chapin (the parking lot). Chm. Giomi opened the public hearing. Kevin Osborne, representing the Chapin Committee, commented: requiring the sign parallel to Chapin would greatly limit visibility, present sign is perpendicular to Chapin, sign would not be visible if it were moved flat against the wall especially with the existing tree; there are now three businesses with Burlingame Avenue addresses and primary entrances off Chapin, a Chapin Avenue address would help in emergency situations and for customers; they would be glad to comply with the CE's suggestion the sign be placed 2' clear of the sidewalk area. Commission/applicant/staff discussion: parking tickets are validated by the merchants; many people are aware of this parking area but if the sign is moved back will it be seen; CP's suggestion was to turn the sign parallel and at least 4' from the sidewalk; CE noted the wide driveway and had no concern if the sign were kept at least 2' clear of the sidewalk; staff's desire to have all businesses listed on the directory sign identify themselves with an address sign over their doors; visibility of the directory sign, perpendicular and parallel; tree would affect visibility if sign were turned. Speaking in favor, Dick Gates, Hillsborough: without a directory sign it is difficult to direct customers to the parking in the rear; if sign were placed parallel to Chapin and moved back it would be less visible than the existing sign. There were no audience comments in opposition and the public hearing was closed. Further discussion: safety factor of the proposed sign if placed so it can be seen coming down Chapin from either direction; CE advised it would be safe if placed at least 2' from the sidewalk and approximately in the center of the planter area. C. H.Graham moved for approval of the sign exception and for adoption of Commission Resolution Approving Sign Exception with the following conditions: (1) that the sign installed shall be a 60 SF (6' x 101) double faced directory sign with a maximum height of 12' from grade installed in the planter area on the property of Parcel 029-122-050 perpendicular to Chapin Avenue no closer than 2' from the inner edge of the sidewalk to protect sight lines of cars exiting both from the private lot and public lot B; (2) that the sign shall be maintained by the merchants whose names appear on it, that they shall have permission of the property owner to place the sign, and that those whose names appear on the sign shall bear the expense of removing the sign should Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 October 27, 1986 they terminate their lease.on Parcel 029-122-050 or should their lease be terminated by the property owner; and (3) that the sign shall not be lit and no addresses shall appear on the directory sign as a part of the business identification. Second C. S.Graham; motion approved on a 6-1 roll call vote, C. Garcia dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ERECT A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA AT GRADE, BY EMBASSY SUITES AT 150 ANZA BOULEVARD, ZONED C-4 Reference staff report, 10/27/86, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, staff review, applicant's letter, study meeting questions. Four conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Discussion: size of other antennas in the area compared to this request; concern that location of the dish is adjacent to the lagoon. Chm. Giomi opened the public hearing. Jim Delany, Director of Antenna and Facilities Engineering, Comsat Corporation, addressed Commission: his company has installed approximately 1,100 of this type of dish, it has much higher frequency than C -band antennas, a C -band dish would require 24' diameter for the same quality reception; this installation is for TV reception only but has the future capability to transmit and receive for teleconferencing, the transmit package is well within FCC guidelines and very safe. He discussed Comsat's practice of sending out a team of engineers for selection of a site, they are aware of communities' concerns about aesthetics and visual impact on the public, concern about view from the lagoon was considered; this team worked closely with the architects, the least expensive location would have been in the parking lot but this and other areas would be visible from the street, mounting on the roof was not feasible structurally; in order to cover the satellite arc it was necessary to be clear of the hotel building; this location by the front entrance was chosen because it was the only area to meet criteria that had been established. Commission/applicant/engineer discussion: poplar trees proposed for screening are deciduous; installation will be visible to Victoria Station on the other side of the lagoon. Steve Hegel, Assistant General Manager, Embassy Suites, discussed revised plantings, trees in front would hide the upper portion of the dish, lower portion of dish would be covered by 6' shrubbery around the 4' wall, the dish and wall would be the same color as the hotel; from Victoria Station a portion of the dish would be seen but the lower portion would be covered by shrubbery and the wall; it is an operational necessity to have the upper portion of the dish visible. Mr. Delany advised a 4' wall is the highest level the lip of the dish can look over. Applicant stated the present TV reception is a bonus, future transmit capability will be a necessity for all hotels. Responding to Commissioner question if yews or cypress trees could be planted far enough from the wall so that screening could go over 61, Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 October 27, 1986 Mr. Hegel advised if that is a concern their landscape architects can work on it. It was noted suggested conditions include screening landscaping to be approved by the city. Ed Reece, Premier Communications, spoke in favor: he was familiar with the site, the proposed site is the only side of the building on which the dish can be located, Crowne Plaza and office buildings in the area have a dish that can be seen from the street, he did not think the dish could be seen from Victoria Station unless one were looking for it, it would be visible from the pathway along the bay. He confirmed Comsat Engineer's statements about the dish and commented that in addition to present TV reception and potential for telecommunications there will be many other data transmission applications made available by satellite in the future such as civil defense, public oriented services. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. A Commissioner requested "and maintained" be added to the landscaping in Condition #4. C. Schwalm commented that we live in an electronic age which must be adjusted to, this is a beautiful hotel, they are trying to mitigate the impact of the dish, from Victoria Station this installation painted the same color as the hotel will have minimal impact. C. Schwalm moved for approval of the special permit and for adoption of Commission Resolution Approving Special Permits with the following conditions: (1) that the 15'-10" high dish antenna set on a pad in a 19' x 12.5' area enclosed by a 4' high masonry wall shall be installed at the location identified on the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped August 28, 1986; (2) that the 4' solid masonry wall and face of the dish antenna shall be painted the same color as the hotel structure; (3) that when installed and oriented the dish shall come no closer than 4' to any portion of the hotel structure or wall surrounding it; and (4) that landscaping shall be added and maintained by the hotel to the area in the immediate vicinity of the dish which is high enough to screen the dish from view from the street or hotel entrance except for the direction needed to be left open for reception, planting plans for the screening landscaping added shall be approved by the Director of Parks and City Planner. Comment on the motion: suggest City Planner and Director of Parks make certain the trees are not deciduous plantings when approving the landscaping; have a basic concern about view of the dish from across the lagoon; conditions require landscaping to screen from the street and hotel entrance; am convinced there is no other place to locate the dish, hopefully with the screening asked for and color being the same as the hotel the visual impact will not be detrimental; would tree leaves interfere with reception; Engineer stated trees would have to be maintained so they don't become higher than 61, leaves would block reception and must be cleared off if blown on the dish. Motion approved on a 6-1 roll call vote, C. Jacobs dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. Page 8 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 27, 1986 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A CAR RENTAL AGENCY AT THE SHERATON HOTEL, 1177 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, ZONED M-1, BY BUDGET RENT A CAR Reference staff report, 10/27/86, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, staff review, Planning staff comment, applicant's letter, study meeting questions, parking problem at this hotel. Five conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Comment: has consideration been given to requiring that the applicant's five on-site spaces be in the underground garage; staff has suggested in condition #2 that the below grade garage be open daily from 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 midnight. Chm. Giomi opened the public hearing. Mike Simon, representing the applicant, Budget Rent A Car, advised they had no problem with staff's suggested conditions, they would not object to putting rental cars in the underground garage but their staff is limited and it would be easier for customers to pick up cars outside. The Chief Engineer of the Sheraton presented a letter addressed to the City Planner signed by Sheraton's General Manager (dated October 27, 1986) which stated Sheraton would be willing to open its underground garage daily as of November 4, 1986 but would appreciate the option of securing the underground parking from the hour of 12:00 midnight to 6:00 A.M. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Leahy felt the compromise regarding the underground garage had worked out well and moved for approval of the special permit and for adoption of Commission Resolution Approving Special :Permits with the following conditions: (1) that the car rental use at this site shall be limited to 264 SF of handicapped accessible area in the hotel lobby, operated by two full time and one part time employees, seven days a week, with no more than five on-site parking spaces reserved and used for car rental returns and pickups; (2) that the 72 ;parking spaces in the below grade garage be opened for public use for parking from 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 midnight daily and that the hotel provide adequate on-site security for this use in the garage; (3) that no car rentals be washed on the site; (4) that cars over five on site will be ferried to the agency's primary location in South San Francisco within three hours of their arrival and check-in at the Sheraton; and (5) that this use permit shall be reviewed for compliance with its conditions in 60 days (January 1987), six months after that (July 1987) and annually thereafter. Second C. H.Graham. Comment on the motion: would prefer to see the applicant's five spaces at ground level; applicant's parking survey indicates they have adequate parking, the hotel does have a peak problem, people park in the Sheraton lot when using Bayside Park. Motion approved on a 7-0 roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Page 9 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 27, 1986 7. 1987 PLANNING COMMISSION SCHEDULE C. Schwalm moved for approval of this schedule, second C. S.Graham; approved unanimously on voice vote. ITEMS FOR STUDY 8. SPECIAL PERMIT - SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA - 1080 CAROLAN AVENUE Request: number of Northpark apartments the dish will be visible from. Staff will post notice of hearing on the site. Item, set for hearing November 10, 1986. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT - LIGHT AUTO REPAIR USE - 1875 CALIFORNIA DRIVE Requests: was car wash use on this site intended as an interim use, conditions of original permit; are there any other light auto service uses in the area; clarify maximum number of employees; discuss parking; type of refreshments to be sold in the waiting room; does applicant propose to screen the site from the Union station; to what does the 19'-6"± on the sidewalk refer. Item set for hearing November 10, 1986. CITY PLANNER REPORTS CP Monroe reviewed Council actions at its October 20, 1986 regular meeting and October 22, 1986 study meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Robert J. Leahy Secretary