HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1985.02.25CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 25, 1985 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Graham on Monday, February 25, 1985 at 7:32 P.M. DnT.T. 0 21 T.T. Present: Commissioners Garcia, Giomi, Graham, Jacobs, Leahy, Schwalm, Taylor Absent: None Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the February 11, 1985 meeting were unanimously approved. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF TWO PARCELS (LOTS 13 AND 14, BLOCK 8, POLO FIELD SUBDIVISION) (42 AND 48 PARK ROAD) FROM SHOPPING AND SERVICE COMMERCIAL TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, BY BAY PARK ASSOCIATES (APPLICANT) 2. REZONE OF TWO PARCELS (LOTS 13 AND 14, BLOCK 8, POLO FIELD SUBDIVISION) (42 AND 48 PARK ROAD) FROM C-1 (RETAIL COMMERCIAL) TO R-4 (HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL), BY BAY PARK ASSOCIATES 3. TWO SPECIAL PERMITS FOR A 120 UNIT/130 BED SENIOR RESIDENTIAL FACILITY ON FIVE PARCELS (42 AND 48 PARK ROAD, 41 LORTON AVENUE, 1209 AND 1211 BAYSWATER AVENUE) (NEW ASSIGNED ADDRESS 1221 BAYSWATER AVENUE), BY BAY PARK ASSOCIATES (APPLICANT) WITH WILLIAM J. AND ROBERT A. GILMARTIN (PROPERTY OWNERS) Reference 2/25/85 Staff Report; Planning Commission Minutes, 2/11/85; Notice of Hearing mailed 2/13/85; memo from Planning Dept., 2/11/85; petition in opposition from residents of 110 Park Road; and plans date stamped February 19, 1985. CP Monroe reviewed these items which were continued from the meeting of February 11, 1985. Applicant and his architect have addressed the issue of parking and submitted a re -layout of the parking garage; project now meets all parking requirements of city code. CP reviewed the six conditions previously suggested by staff and proposed one additional condition (#7). There was Commission comment on the possi- bility of designating spaces in the garage for employee parking. Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes February 25, 1985 Chm. Graham opened the public hearing. Speaking in favor, Eva Holbrook, Foster City: have worked with senior citizens in Burlingame, most want to live in their homes or apartments until unable to function in that environment, believe the majority of those who might live at the proposed facility would not own cars and would not need parking spaces. Although not opposed to a senior citizen facility, the following spoke in opposition expressing concerns about this proposal: Allen Linde, 110 Park Road; Edward Johnston, 110 Park Road; Richard Sofos, 119 Highland Avenue; Alan Horn, 1325 Paloma Avenue; Marion Donahoe, 110 Park Road. Their comments: parking provided is insufficient; a survey of three facilities in the area indicated there are waiting lists for resident parking and no employee parking provided; parking is a problem now, let's not add to it; will force those presently parking on street into other areas of the city; developer should provide more parking, could set a precedent for other developers; if residents do not have a car they will have friends with cars. Responding to one of the speakers, staff advised the lot on Lorton will be driveway and ramp, there is no income requirement for this project. Drew Bradley, representing the property owners, spoke in rebuttal: the three facilities cited by one speaker are not comparable to this project; they are larger, people come in at a younger age (buy -in life care operation), one is in a rural environment where cars are a necessity. He also commented that Burlingame's parking requirements are consistent with those of other cities. There were no further audience comments and the hearing was closed. Commission discussion: parking requirements for group residential facilities for the elderly and for convalescent homes; residents of 110 Park Road appear to have no objection to the use nor the height of this project, parking seems to be their main concern; staff's survey of other retirement homes showed parking required was less restrictive than Burlingame's and it was sufficient; traffic engineer has indicated people often own cars when they move into such a facility but after six months or so they sell and rely more on public transportation or walk; there are no studies which show more parking is needed. Staff advised complaints had been received about on -street parking problems in the area of the Burlingame Retirement Inn but investigation showed it to be generated by sources other than the retirement facility. The Chair reported that over the last seven years when visiting the Retirement Inn on service calls he had never seen more than four cars in the garage at one time. Concern was expressed about locating this facility in an already impacted area but Commission found it to be a good proposal which meets a significant community need. C. Taylor moved to recommend to City Council amendment of the general plan to change the land use designation to high density residential and rezoning to R-4 (high density residential) of a portion of the property at 1221 Bayswater Avenue (Lots 13 and 14, Block 8, Polo Field Subdivi- sion). Second C. Leahy; motion approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes February 25, 1985 C. Taylor then moved for approval of the two special permits, to allow a group residential facility at 1221 Bayswater Avenue and to allow this project to exceed 35' in height, and for adoption of Planning Commission Resolution Approving Special Permits with the following conditions: (1) that the conditions of the Chief Building Inspector's memo of November 13, 1984, the City Engineer's memo of November 16, 1984 and the Director of Parks' memo of November 9, 1984 be met; (2) that eight of the underground parking stalls shall be designated for visitor parking use and shall be available to visitors at all times; (3) that the driveway at the entrance of the project (corner of Bayswater and Park) shall be posted for loading and unloading of passengers and emergency vehicle use only and no visitors' or residents' cars shall be parked there for an extended period of time; (4) that the project shall provide a van seven days a week to take residents to medical appointments, shopping and to meet their other transportation needs; (5) that the service entrance driveway on Park Road shall be removed and replaced with a paved walkway from the sidewalk to the service entrance and landscaping; (6) that the detached building shown on the plans as a recreation room shall be used by the residents for that purpose and shall not be converted to additional dwelling units or leasable area; and (7) that the project as built be consistent with the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped November 5, 1984 as amended by the plans for the parking garage date stamped February 19, 1985. Second C. Garcia; motion approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. These items will be heard by Council on March 4, 1985 and have been duly noticed. Recess 8:15 P.M.; reconvene 8:20 P.M. PUBLIC FORUM 4. PUBLIC FORUM TO REVIEW CONCERNS WHICH SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES MASTER PLAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT Reference staff report, 2/25/85 with attached Notice of Preparation for the Environmental Impact Report on the Master Plan for the Wastewater Management Facilities. CP Monroe discussed the public review process for the master plan and the environmental document as well as San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board permits and standards. Commission concerns and requests for additional information: under Land Use, Population and Housing, page 14, address hotels/restaurants in the bayfront area, how much land remains to be developed; staff advised full buildout of the bayfront and residential areas was included in the projected figures; address financial impact if wholly funded by the city; how will odor be controlled; page 14, does the acreage figure for vacant land represent existing or projected acreage buildout; clarify why this wastewater master plan is required and by whom, is it just good management/good engineering that the city should do this; cost effectiveness should be addressed more clearly; Figure 4, will the equalization basin be screened from view; page 1, B, address items Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 February 25, 1985 1-4 in more detail, would like to know when the city now does and when it doesn't meet these requirements; page 9, provide breakdown by phase of the total project cost figure; does this total figure include cost of lease purchase. The Chair asked for audience comments and the following spoke. Alan Horn, 1325 Paloma Avenue: request the EIR address secondary and tertiary treatment of the water system and chemical analysis of the effluent before it leaves the city. Alex Post, 108 La Loma Lane asked what was meant about reclaiming park land; staff explained that the previous system created a number of ponds, this system is no longer used and all that land will be reclaimed and put into a future park. In further discussion it was noted repairs to privately owned laterals has been recommended. CP advised the next public review meeting would be held when the Draft EIR is complete. ITEM FOR STUDY 5. SPECIAL PERMIT - 341 OCCIDENTAL AVENUE Requests: history of this site, including the nonconforming apartment unit in the basement; why were 5 covered parking spaces requested in the 1983 application; what permits/variances were granted in 1983. Item set for hearing March 11, 1985. PLANNER REPORT CP Monroe reviewed Council actions at its February 19, 1985 meeting. ACKNOWLEDGMENT - Copy of letter to the City Council from the Board of Directors of the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, through the Parking Structure Committee, February 15, 1985. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Nannette M.viomi Secretary