HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1985.05.13CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 13, 1985 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Garcia on Monday, May 13, 1985 at 7:30 P.M. WILT. rAT.T. Present: Commissioners Garcia, Giomi, Graham, Jacobs, Leahy, Schwalm, Taylor Absent: None Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome Coleman; City Engineer Frank Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the April 22, 1985 meeting were unanimously approved with the following correction: item 2, page 2, line 4, replace "police and fire response time" with "cumulative effect on police and fire services at buildout." AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved. PUBLIC FORUM 1. PUBLIC FORUM ON NOTICE OF PREPARATION FOR A PROPOSED OFFICE/RETAIL PROJECT AT 1800 EL CAMINO REAL Reference staff report, 5/13/85 and attached Notice of Preparation dated April 4, 1985. CP Monroe briefly reviewed the proposed six story project and noted a previous proposal in 1982 for multiple family residential use for which an EIR had been certified; the document for the present proposal will be a supplemental EIR. The purpose of this evening's public forum is to review the notice of preparation. Commission comment/requests: shadow impacts of this six story structure; FAA "no hazard" determination will be required; traffic flow and access from frontage road; cumulative effects of this development, odors generated by a possible restaurant, impacts of such an intense use of this land; address height and bulk, proximity to police station and effect on traffic, impact of a building this size on adjacent convalescent home, appearance of the front of the structure. The Chair requested audience comments. Samuel Bergstrom, administrator of the Burlingame Care Convalescent Hospital, 1100 Trousdale Drive expressed concerns: temporary and permanent air quality effects of the proposed parking structure for this development, toxic emissions accumulating in the garage and being blown into the convalescent home; permanent increases in noise levels in the garage and temporary noise during construction; proposal might have inadequate on-site parking; storm drain capacity on California Drive; eye appeal for the 5% of Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 1985 this site which is not actual structure, will trees/greenery be provided and will it be well lit; glare effect on the convalescent hospital from a large amount of glass; effect of more traffic on the corner -of California and Trousdale. Commission request: impact of the frontage road on traffic flows; number of accidents actually reported at California and Trousdale, necessary signalization. Alan Horn, 1325 Paloma Avenue urged the proposed project not be allowed to exceed 35' in height. Staff will forward all comments to the consultant. ITEMS FOR ACTION 2. FENCE EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A REAR YARD FENCE AT 38 DWIGHT ROAD TO EXCEED 6'-0" IN HEIGHT 3. VARIANCE TO ALLOW A PORTABLE POOL AT 38 DWIGHT ROAD TO BE LOCATED 2'-0" FROM THE REAR PROPERTY LINE; BY RAUL AND MIRIAM ANN VASQUEZ CP Monroe reviewed this request to allow a 6'-6" property line fence and to allow a pool 2' from the rear property line (4' required). Reference staff report, 5/13/85; study meeting minutes, 4/22/85; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 3/13/85; plans date stamped March 13, 1985; applicants' letters received 3/13/85; staff review: Fire Marshal (3/29/85), Chief Building Inspector (3/21/85), City Engineer (4/18/85); applicants' letter, 5/2/85, with attached drawings; aerial photograph; Notice of Hearing mailed May 3, 1985. CP discussed details of the request, staff review, applicants' letters and justification for the fence exception and variance. Four conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Discussion: location of the fence in relation to the neighbors' driveway; CE advised his condition regarding sight lines would no longer apply; fence is proposed approximately 3'-8" into city right-of-way, an encroachment permit from City Council will be required. Raul Vasquez, applicant, was present. Chm. Garcia opened the public hearing. Chuck Swanson, 29 Dwight Road and Fred Thomas, 105 Dwight Road spoke in favor: fence will be an addition to the neighborhood; the way the pool is situated, don't see a safety hazard; applicants are entitled to some privacy and should be complimented for wanting to improve their property. There were no comments in opposition and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion: would be necessary to take out some concrete to relocate the pool; applicant does not intend to install a deck around the pool at this time, he had been unaware of the need for a building permit to replace an existing fence; the "Doughboy" pool cannot be placed on cement; it had been suggested at study the applicant get professional help in locating the pool, this is the type of installation the zoning laws were intended to curb. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 1985 C. Giomi found there were exceptional circumstances, that this is a busy street, the applicants have had problems with littering in the past, that the fence would not be a public hazard nor be detrimental to the neighbors, and it would provide more privacy and safety to the applicants. C. Giomi moved for approval of the fence exception with conditions as listed below. Second C. Schwalm; motion approved on a 5-2 roll call vote, Cers Graham and Taylor dissenting. C. Giomi referenced the applicants' justification for the variance and found there were conditions to warrant approval, that the cement would be difficult to remove, that the proposed location of the pool does not cause a public hazard, that the neighbor's property would not be damaged since there is a fence between them. C. Giomi moved for approval of the variance with conditions as listed below. Second C. Schwalm who commented on his second: there were no neighbors testifying in opposition; this is a small oversized wading pool, not permanent and could be moved; it would be very difficult to knock out the cement. Motion to grant the variance was approved on a 4-3 roll call vote, Cers Graham, Leahy and Taylor dissenting. Conditions of approval for the fence exception and variance follow: 1. that the conditions of the City Engineer's April 18, 1985 memo addressing the placement of the corners of the fence adjacent to the sidewalk be met; 2. that the pool be placed as shown in the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped March 13, 1985; 3. that the fence exception be limited to a maximum of 6'-6" as measured from grade immediately adjacent to the fence; and 4. that an encroachment permit is granted by the Council for the fence. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. FOUR SPECIAL PERMITS TO CONSTRUCT A TWO STORY GARAGE/STORAGE STRUCTURE AT 1237 CORTEZ AVENUE, BY VERNE AND DOROTHY SKJONSBY CP Monroe reviewed this request to replace an existing one car garage. Reference staff report, 3/15/85; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 3/26/85; letter from the applicants, March 26, 1985; staff review: Fire Marshal (4/4/85), Chief Building Inspector (4/15/85), City Engineer (4/18/85); study meeting minutes, April 22, 1985; letter from applicants, April 29, 1985; aerial photograph; Notice of Hearing mailed May 3, 1985; and P.C. Resolution Approving Special Permits. CP discussed details of the request, staff review, study meeting questions, applicants' letters. Three conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 1985 Commission comment: this is high elevation for the area; concern about the new garage shading the yard to the south (next door). Verne Skjonsby, applicant, was present. Chm. Garcia opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. Commission discussion: concern about a request for so many (four) special permits under the accessory structure ordinance; drop stair will be used for access to the second floor; the pool is not a part of this application; are there any other two story structures in the area (applicant noted two which appear to exceed present code limits). Further comment: believe this structure will be highly visible in the neighborhood; applicant stated the accessory structure will be in scale with his remodeled home and will match the house, it will not be visible over his roof line or over the roof line of the neighbor to the south; he cannot get the van into his one story garage without removing the mirrors and roof rack, it could be parked in the driveway; he has used off-site storage lockers in the past, is now using one room of the house and would prefer to store everything in the accessory structure. Continued discussion: window in the garage was proposed in the hope that electricity would not be needed; sliding glass door in garage wall was taken from the playroom in the main structure since the applicants wished to replace this door for energy conservation; proposed garage will be set back considerably further than the existing garage, looking down the driveway about one-half would be hidden by the house. C. Jacobs moved to deny these special permits. Second C. Taylor. Reasons cited for this action were: the fact that four special permits were required; the proposed garage would have an impact on the area; this type of proposal is why the accessory structure ordinance was adopted by the city. Comment on the motion: this is very large structure, the van could be parked in the driveway and thus lower the plate line on any redesign, in 10-15 years applicants' children will be grown, garage is not necessarily a storage facility; reasons given by the applicants for the need of additional space are of a personal and temporary nature, do not apply to the property itself. Motion to deny passed 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 5. AMENDMENT OF 1/25/71 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF A SECURITY BOOTH AND 24 HOUR OPERATION OF THE CHEVRON STATION AT 260 EL CAMINO REAL CP Monroe reviewed this request. Reference staff report, 5/13/85; study meeting minutes, 4/22/85; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 3/26/85; letter from A. J. Arado, applicant, 3/20/85; staff review: Fire Marshal (4/12/85), City Engineer (4/22/85), Chief Building Inspector (4/15/85); aerial photograph; Notice of Hearing mailed Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 1985 May 3, 1985; applicant's letter, 5/7/85; plans date stamped 3/21/85; and P.C. Resolution Approving Special Permits. CP discussed details of the request, staff review, applicant's letters, study meeting questions. Two conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Tony Arado, representing Chevron, was present. Chm. Garcia opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. Applicant advised all city's requirements will be met including handicap access. C. Jacobs moved for approval of this special permit amendment and for adoption of P.C. Resolution Approving Special Permits with the following conditions: (1) that the pay booth and new pump island shall be placed as shown in the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped March 21, 1985 except that a ramp access shall be provided to the pay booth and protective posts placed at the front of the booth; and (2) that this station shall provide full service including public access to their public restroom facilities 16 hours a day, seven days a week and shall be open an additional eight hours a day, seven days a week to sell self service gasoline. Motion approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Recess 8:50 P.M.; reconvene 8:57 P.M. 6. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR A MASTER SIGN PERMIT AT 1209-1217 DONNELLY AVENUE, ZONED C-1, BY NANCY WOODS FOR DAVID KIMMEL CP Monroe reviewed this request for signage on two buildings accessible from Donnelly Avenue. Reference staff report, 5/13/85; Sign Permit and Sign Exception forms received 3/27/85; sign drawings received 3/27/85; applicant's letter received 3/27/85; site drawings received 3/27/85; north elevation and east elevation received 3/27/85; master sign proposal (reapplication) tabulation (4/4/ and 4/10/85); staff review: Chief Building Inspector (4/10/85), Fire Marshal (4/12/85), City Engineer (4/18/85); Planning Commission minutes, 1/14/85; City Council minutes, 2/4/85; study meeting minutes, 4/22/85; aerial photograph; Notice of Hearing mailed May 3, 1985. CP discussed details of the request, code requirements, staff review, comments of applicant's representative, findings necessary for granting a sign exception. Three conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Chm. Garcia opened the public hearing. Cliff Wells spoke in favor of this request: his retail shop, Crest of Nature, is located in the 1209 Donnelly building, he had understood at the time he signed a 10 year lease that he could have two signs, 4' x 81, one on the east side facing Lorton and one on the front, facing Donnelly; the entrance to his business is difficult to find, in the center of the 1209 building, this proposal would help solve the problem. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. Page 6 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 1985 Discussion: at Commission's request CP reviewed the signage request, primary and secondary frontages, number of signs and square footages; Concern was expressed about allowing the Crest of Nature sign on the east wall facing Lorton, on the opposite side of the building where the business is located; west wall of 1209 and the rear wall of 1213-1217 are not included in this request, any additional signage at these locations will require an amendment to the master sign permit in future. C. Jacobs found approval would not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity/district and that there are special circumstances in the location of these buildings on the site. C. Jacobs moved to grant the sign exceptions and master signage program with the following conditions: (1) that the signs as placed conform in size, location and design to the sign permit for 1209 and 1213-1217 Donnelly date stamped March 27, 1985 and placed as shown on the building elevations submitted and date stamped March 27, 1985 for 1209 and 1213-1217 Donnelly; sign sizing will be based solely on the sign permit application form information; (2) that this approval does not include the 32 square foot Crest of Nature sign on the east wall of 1209 Donnelly; (3) that existing ground signs not included in this application shall be removed within 30 days; and (4) that this master sign permit shall only be changed by subsequent review and action by the Planning Commission. Second C. Schwalm; motion approved on a 4-3 roll call vote, Cers Graham, Taylor and Garcia dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A MEN'S CLOTHING STORE AT 1199 BROADWAY CP Monroe reviewed this request. Reference staff report, 5/13/85; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 3/27/85; descriptive material received 3/27/85; site drawings; "no comments/objections" memos from staff: Chief Building Inspector (4/15/85), Fire Marshal (4/12/85), City Engineer (4/22/85); Monroe letter to Bezdjian (property owner), 3/8/84; study meeting minutes, 4/22/85; proposed landlord improvements received May 2, 1985; aerial photograph; Notice of Hearing mailed May 3, 1985; P.C. Resolution Approving Special Permits. CP discussed details of the request, staff review, landlord improvements plan. Two conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. The applicants, Donna and Terry Fletcher, were present. Chm. Garcia opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. In view of the fact that the plans now indicate there is rear exiting and bathroom access provided for each tenant and that this store will not generate more traffic than a normal retail store, C. Leahy moved for approval of the special permit and adoption of Planning Commission Resolution Approving Special Permits with the following conditions: (1) that the area leased to the tenant not exceed ±650 SF and that it be located as shown on the landlord improvements plan with access to Page 7 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 1985 both the street and rear parking areas and access to a bathroom which meets handicapped UBC standards; and (2) that an application be made for a building permit and all landlord improvements affecting this tenant be completed before issuing a building permit for tenant improvements to this leased area. Second C. Giomi. In comment on the motion applicant assured Commission that window displays of loungewear would be sensitive to the community and to Broadway; the Chair noted that restroom area is not to be used for storage. Motion approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 8. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF A 3.5 METER DISH ANTENNA AT GRADE AT 866 MALCOLM ROAD; BY GTE SPRINT CP Monroe reviewed this request for installation of a dish antenna between two office buildings. Reference staff report, 5/13/85; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 3/27/85; letter from Russ Marshall, GTE Sprint, 3/27/85; drawings and photograph received 3/27/85; "no comments/objections" memos from Fire Marshal (4/12/85), City Engineer (4/22/85), Chief Building Inspector (5/6/85); study meeting minutes, 4/22/85; letter from applicant with attachment, received 5/2/85; aerial photograph; Notice of Hearing mailed May 3, 1985; P.C. Resolution Approving Special Permits; plans date stamped March 27, 1985. CP discussed details of the request, staff review, applicant's letters, study meeting questions. Two conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Discussion: definition of courtyard under the Uniform Building Code; dish would not be visible from any street or public roadway, only from adjacent parking lot and property on that side. Russ Marshall, representing GTE Sprint, discussed the application: pedestal is 71, slab is 1' thick, antenna itself is 81; will be used for communication with their offices in Stamford, Connecticut and other locations; they chose this spot because it would be well shielded from view of all city streets, it is about 5' above the roof of the building, would be movable but aimed at one specific satellite at one time; will be placed in area that is now asphalted; it is a standard antenna, pedestal is painted blue, antenna is white. Chm. Garcia opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. C. Giomi commented that any impact would be nominal and moved for approval of this special permit and for adoption of P.C. Resolution Approving Special Permits with the following conditions: (1) that the antenna installed shall be limited to 3.5 meters (a dish area of 104 SF) not to exceed 20'-5" from grade to top of dish, to be placed on a 7' pedestal placed on an 8' x 8' concrete pad with the entire installation conforming to the provisions of the Uniform Building Code and requirements of the City Engineer; and (2) that this antenna shall Page 8 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 1985 be used exclusively for GTE Sprint corporate use and shall be removed if that use is no longer required. Second C. Graham; motion approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 9. REQUEST FOR ONE YEAR EXTENSION OF THE 6/4/84 CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR 12 UNITS AT 524 PRIMROSE ROAD Reference staff report, 5/13/85; letter from Joe Diodati, Diodato Construction requesting the extension (2/28/85); Monroe letter of action, 6/5/84. C. Taylor moved to grant a one year extension to June 4, 1986. Second C. Graham; motion approved unanimously on voice vote. Appeal procedures were advised. ITEMS FOR STUDY 10. SPECIAL PERMIT TO INSTALL A SATELLITE ANTENNA - 2960 DOLORES WAY Requests: site plan showing placement of dish relative to this house and adjacent properties; where will the dish be visible from; is a satellite dish subject to lot coverage; discuss color; is a 12' dish required, why not 8' or 101. Item set for hearing May 28, 1985 11. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - 1437 EL CAMINO REAL 12. VARIANCE TO ALLOW BAY WINDOWS - 1437 EL CAMINO REAL 13. TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP - 1437 EL CAMINO REAL Requests: are bay windows intended at grade also; interpretation by City Attorney of the 4' easement. Items set for hearing May 28, 1985. 14. TWO VARIANCES - FOUR UNIT APARTMENT - 620 PENINSULA AVENUE Request: consideration by developer of making the parking space which must be backed out of a guest parking space. Item set for hearing May 28, 1985. 15. SPECIAL PERMIT - PRIVATE POST OFFICE - 1199 BROADWAY Requests: what security measures will there be for this site; detailed description of the services offered; which will be done on this site. Item set for hearing May 28, 1985. 16. SPECIAL PERMIT - OFFICE ADDITION - 865 HINCKLEY ROAD Requests: how many vehicles of the courier fleet are on site during the day; where are the trucks parked, daytime and evening; is landscaping to code; survey of the area as to who is parking on street and could these people get in a parking lot. Item set for hearing May 28, 1985. Page 9 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 1985 17. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP - 1480-1510 ROLLINS ROAD CP advised a variance is required for landscaping. Tentative Subdivision Map and Variance set for hearing May 28, 1985. 18. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR PROPOSED SIGN PROGRAM - MARRIOTT HOTEL - 1800 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY Request: compare this program with the approved sign program for the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Item set for hearing May 28, 1985. 19. SPECIAL PERMIT - 1722 GILBRETH ROAD Requests: compare retail sales aspects of this use with Hoover, the previous tenant; number of employees versus Hoover; will they lease the entire site; what would the 20% of retail sales be in dollars; clarify parking at rear. Item set for hearing May 28, 1985. 20. SPECIAL PERMIT - OFFICE ADDI'T'ION - 1728 GILBRETH ROAD 21. VARIANCE - OFFICE ADDITION - 1728 GILBRETH ROAD Items set for hearing May 28, 1985. PLANNER REPORT CP Monroe reviewed Council actions at its May 6, 1985 regular meeting. ACKNOWLEDGMENT - April 15, 1985 letter from Joan Marino, Principal, Our Lady of Angels School, 1328 Cabrillo Avenue. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Robert J. Leahy, Secretary