HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1985.10.15CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 15, 1985 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Garcia on Tuesday, October 15, 1985 at 7:31 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Garcia, Giomi, Jacobs, Leahy, Schwalm, Taylor Absent: Commissioner Graham Staff Present: Margaret Monroe, City Planner; Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney; Frank C. Erbacher, City Engineer MINUTES - The minutes of the September 23, 1985 meeting were unanimously approved. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. TWO SPECIAL PERMITS TO ALLOW A 180 SF RECREATION ROOM ADDITION TO THE EXISTING GARAGE AT 113 CHANNING ROAD Reference staff report, 10/15/85, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed this request for use of an accessory structure for recreational purposes and to allow a toilet in an accessory structure. She discussed details of the request, staff review, Planning staff comment, applicant's letter, study meeting questions. Three conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. CP commented on a site visit which showed that at the present time there is no access to the garage in the rear, the driveway has been completely removed and a playhouse located along the side property line which extends into the previous driveway area. It was noted the applicant is not proposing to increase the size of the garage to accommodate two cars; the playhouse is not counted in lot coverage. Commission comment: if no covered parking is available, how can Commission approve this request; did applicant have a building permit for the apparent second story construction on the house, how did he get a building permit for this if he had only one covered parking space. Applicant was not present; Planning staff advised they were aware he could not be present this evening and had suggested he request a continuance. Chm. Garcia opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments. The Chair then continued the public hearing to the end of the action items this evening in order to allow the applicant time to appear if he was late. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 October 15, 1985 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A COURIER OPERATION IN A PORTION OF THE EXISTING OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING AT 845 COWAN ROAD Reference staff report, 10/15/85, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, staff review, Planning staff comment, parking for employees and vans, applicant's letters, study meeting questions. Applicant had stated their company does not handle bulky air freight. Five conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Commission/staff discussion: access to the fenced parking at the rear of the adjacent building which the applicant is proposing to use and which would require crossing another parcel, all three of these parcels are in one ownership; number of expected trip ends and CE's comments; need for the lease of the adjacent parking area to be coterminous with the lease of the building area for this use. Applicant's representative distributed a summary sheet addressing parking and advised applicant will comply with all staff conditions. Chm. Garcia opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion: right of access across the intervening parcel should be included in the lease agreement for the additional off-site parking; concern there could be overlapping with van drivers parking their personal vehicles in van parking spaces; there is not enough on-site parking for the building and applicant can get access to the off-site parking only by traversing another parcel; if these three lots were merged might be able to approve the proposal; believe vehicles will be parked on the street, a site inspection today showed solid on -street parking, cannot support an application that would impact this area so heavily. Further Commission comment: it appeared from a site inspection that there is parking available in the rear; if parking for this use can be achieved off the street would vote for approval. Concern was expressed about access to the off-site parking and that this off-site parking is for compact size vehicles. C. Giomi commented that the applicant had done his homework and provided the extra parking needed for this use, he is aware of the problems in the area and the application will be conditioned for review in one year if problems do arise; she found off-site parking to be acceptable in this case since it would be under the same ownership and coterminous with the lease of the building area for this use. C. Giomi moved for approval of the special permit and for adoption of Commission Resolution Approving Special Permits with the following conditions: (1) that the conditions of the Fire Marshal's September 4, 1985 memo and the City Engineer's October 9, 1985 memo shall be met; (2) that the air courier service at this location shall be limited to 11,616 SF of building area, a maximum of 31 employees per shift, a maximum of 13 vans and operating 24 hours a day Monday through Saturday, 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Sunday and as described in the TNT Skypak, Inc. representative's letters of August 23, 1985 with attachment and Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 15, 1985 October 1, 1985; (3) that the air courier service operating at this location shall have use of 24 on-site parking spaces and 14 parking spaces in a fenced area on an adjacent property behind 837 Cowan Road; the lease for this adjacent parking area shall be coterminous with the lease of the building area at 845 Cowan Road and should the lease on this additional parking be terminated so shall this use permit; (4) that any changes in operation which cause an increase in any of the items addressed in this use permit shall require an amendment to this use permit; and (5) that this use permit shall be reviewed for compliance with all its conditions in one year (October 1986). Second C. Schwalm. Motion approved on a 4-2 roll call vote, Cers Jacobs and Taylor dissenting, C. Graham absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW AN AUTOMOBILE LEASING OFFICE IN A PORTION OF THE EXISTING BUILDING AT 1608 GILBRETH ROAD, ZONED M-1 Reference staff report, 10/15/85, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, staff review, history of permitting actions on this site, applicant's letter, study meeting questions, parking availability study prepared by an applicant in 1984, Planning staff comment. Seven conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Discussion: permit granted to the athletic club for a swimming pool on this site will expire in January, 1986; present tenants of the building; number of employees and parking for this use. Tim Laughlin, Southwest Leasing and Rental, Inc. (applicant) was present. His comments: this is a long term leasing company, not a rental car company; they will meet UBC and UFC requirements for the building to allow inside parking of cars; there will be eight employees, one part time employee, two of these are outside leasing agents; they do not transport cars but buy at local dealerships and deliver direct to the customers; regarding condition #5 and removal of the reserved parking stall signs on the Hinckley Road side of the building, this would have to be discussed with the property owner; their business in this area is strictly leasing, in some other areas they do rent. Chm. Garcia opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. During further discussion the applicant advised they lease 25-30 cars per month, the normal lease term is 36-39 months; there are very few automobiles on the premise, only there for transfer to customers; at the end of a lease the customer sells the automobile himself or trades it in on another vehicle. Commission comment: it appears there is adequate parking for the athletic club and sports therapy clinic, have some concern about the unresolved condition of the designated spaces on Hinckley; parking requirements for office and warehouse were noted, CP advised the building itself meets present code; heavy use of the athletic club is between 4:00 and 8:00 P.M. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 15, 1985 In further explanation of his business applicant stated he is a broker who deals in leasing vehicles, he acquires the type of vehicle a customer wants; at times customers cannot pick up the car immediately and the company needs some space inside to store expensive automobiles safely; the company's services provide better financing, more flexible leases than a regular dealer. Staff advised, if approved, this auto leasing use would run with the property until it is discontinued for six consecutive months. C. Schwalm commented this appeared to be an inoffensive office type of activity in that area if the applicant could comply with all the suggested conditions. He then moved for approval of the special permit and adoption of Commission Resolution Approving Special Permits with the seven conditions listed in the staff report. Motion died for lack of a second. Comment on the motion: this area is impacted now, concern in that this use runs with the land. C. Leahy noted this business might fit in very well if it weren't for the existing parking problem in the area and the additional impact of this use. He moved to deny the special permit. Second C. Giomi. Comment on the motion: difficult to justify approval in this impacted area, applicant is looking in the wrong place; use is too intensive for the area; this is a changing section of the city, perhaps Commission should study uses in the area. Motion to deny was approved on a 4-2 roll call vote, Cers Schwalm and Garcia dissenting, C. Graham absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO REPLACE AN EXISTING GAS STATION AT 1101 BROADWAY, ZONED C-1 Reference staff report, 10/15/85, with attachments. CP Monroe reviewed details of the request, code requirement for reviewing gasoline service stations, staff review, study meeting questions. Four conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Discussion: two relatively new fuel tanks will remain; circulation within the site; add to the conditions the requirement of four posts to protect the sales building; provision of restrooms available to the public; property owner is Chevron USA, Inc.; is an economic feasibility report required (staff felt this station has demonstrated over the past 52 years its economic feasibility); snack room will not be open to the public at night for security reasons. Cliff Perry, Carroll/Resources Engineering & Management, San Mateo, representing the property owner, was present. He commented on his discussions with staff to establish agreement and displayed a colored drawing of the proposal which is designed to allow safe circulation and access. The station has been there since 1933 with some minor remodeling in 1971; very little auto maintenance is done at the present Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 15, 1985 time; station has been redesigned to provide a facility suitable to the community's present day standards; will provide air and water and add landscaping, after intersection widening will provide more landscaping to a net of 8.9%; applicant is in agreement with all suggested conditions but would request public restrooms not be required; property is deed restricted (1906 deed retrictions) from the sale of alcohol; the plans address the entire improvement on the site and do not include adjacent parcel. Commission discussion/comment: concern that no public restrooms are to be provided since this is a common service of gas stations the public has become used to; Mr. Perry stated the public has become insensitive, this type of service started in the early 130s, applicant does not wish to encourage loitering and it could contribute to a traffic problem, Chevron feels customers are not demanding restrooms now, this is a neighborhood station and patrons would be close to home; also adding a restroom would require removal of some landscaping. Several Commissioners felt public restrooms should be provided, citing the proximity of the freeway and that families traveling with small children find this is a needed service. Concern was expressed about on-site circulation, particularly when all pumps are in use; CE felt there was sufficient room for vehicles to go in a circular movement around the pump islands when they are in use. The full service proposed to be available was defined as the service of an attendant putting the nozzle in the tank and also checking the oil; there would be two full time employees during the daylight shift; air and water would be available in back out of the circulation path. Chm. Garcia opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. Commenting she was sorry to see maintenance service leave the area, C. Giomi moved for approval of this special permit and for adoption of Commission Resolution Approving Special Permits with the following conditions: (1) that the conditions of the Fire Marshal's August 21, 1985 memo and the City Engineer's October 2, 1985 memo shall be met; (2) that the applicant shall make separate application to the Planning and Building Departments for any signage on this site; (3) that the project shall be built consistent with the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped October 1, 1985 with the addition of four posts to protect the sales building and that restrooms be available to the public 24 hours a day; and (4) that snack items be limited to a 100 SF area housing a 3 -door refrigeration unit, one shelf unit for snack items and one shelf unit for candy/gum/cigarettes, no alcoholic beverages will be sold and patrons' access will be limited to a pass-through window between 11:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. Second C. Leahy; motion approved on a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Graham absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 1. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - 113 CHANNING ROAD Applicant was not yet present and Chm. Garcia closed the public hearing. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 October 15, 1985 In view of the fact that the applicant was not present, that the one car garage is not usable or accessible and that the accessory structure is proposed with electricity and water with bathroom facilities, C. Giomi moved to deny the two special permits. Second C. Leahy. Details of staff's findings on a site inspection and communication with the applicant, his inability to attend the meeting and staff's suggestion he request a continuance or withdraw the application were discussed. Commission requested staff follow up the lack of automobile access to the garage no matter what action is taken on the motion. Motion approved on a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Graham absent. Appeal procedures were noted; staff will advise the applicant., Recess 9:25 P.M.; reconvene 9:35 P.M. ITEMS FOR STUDY 5. SPECIAL PERMITS - GARAGE/STORAGE STRUCTURE - 1204 PALM DRIVE 6. VARIANCE - GARAGE/STORAGE STRUCTURE - 1204 PALM DRIVE Requests: foundation of garage; include more dimensions (accurate) on plans; number of bedrooms in the dwelling unit. Items set for hearing October 28, 1985. 7. AMENDMENT OF MASTER SIGN PERMIT - 1000 BROADWAY Requests: include original master sign permit; note error in filling out Item #5 of the sign permit; has shrubbery on exit driveway been lowered; is there an "open 24 hours" sign there now. Item set for hearing October 28, 1985. 8. SIGN EXCEPTION - 1200 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY Request: number of signs now on property. Item set for hearing October 28, 1985. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT NEW OFFICE SPACE - 1510 ROLLINS Item set for hearing October 28, 1985. ACKNOWLEDGMENT - City Attorney staff report to Council, 10/7/85 meeting; subject: Kowalski v. Burlingame. PLANNER REPORT CP Monroe reviewed Council actions at its October 7, 1985 regular meeting. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Robert J. Leahy, Secretary