HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1984.05.14CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING CCMISSION MAY 14, 1984 A regular meeting of the Planning Camiission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Garcia on Monday, May 14, 1984 at 7:32 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Garcia, Giami, Jacobs, Leahy, Schwalm, Taylor Absent: Camaissioner Graham (excused) Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the April 23, 1984 meeting were unanimously approved with the following correction: page 5, item #7, vote on the motion should read, "motion approved on a 5-1 roll call vote, C. Leahy dissenting, C. Taylor absent." AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved; item #2 withdrawn by -applicant. PUBLIC HEARING 1. PUBLIC HEARING -10 CONSIDER DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, EIR-60P, FOR THE LEGASPI PLAZA HOTEL, 350 AIRPORT BOULEVARD CP Monroe reviewed the proposed project, a 559 roan hotel; three frontages of the site are in BCDC jurisdiction; a county park on the south end of the site will be improved and maintained by the developer and has been included in calculating size of the hotel. The Draft ETR has been circulated for review by local, regional and state agencies; responses received as well as testimony and caments this evening will be addressed in the Final EIR. Reference staff report, Item #1, 5/14/84; letters from the following: San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District, April 25, 1984; Carruf California Corporation, May 3, 1984; City of San Mateo, Department of Community Development, May 8, 1984; Metropolitan Transportation Cammission May 7, 1984; Department of Transportation, Environmental Analysis Branch, April 30, 1984; San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, May 1, 1984; Notice of Hearing published May 5, 1984, SAN MATEO TIMES; Notice of Hearing, adjacent property owners, mailed May 4, 1984. CP introduced Michael Rice, Environmental Science Associates, Inc., consultants preparing the EIR. Mr. Rice discussed significant effects and cumulative impacts of development in the Anza Area: need for increased police service, improvements to water service facilities, wastewater treatment plant and pumping Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes -2- May 14, 1984 station, increased noise levels and traffic. This project would not change level of service at the critical intersections, full build -out of the Anza Area would reduce level of service. DEIR assumes build -out of this area and implementation of proposed transportation improvements. Chu. Garcia opened the public hearing. There were no audience camments and the public hearing was closed. Carmission discussion: page vii, reference Specific Area Plan objective of increasing employment opportunities in Burlingame, believe this is a concern of ABAG (ref. page 15); page x, geology and seismology, first paragraph, consultant advised "stiff clayey" is a technical geologic terns; page xi, second paragraph, clarify hazards discussed; address the issue of shellfish beds and study proposed by developer in greater detail; address parking provided for Fishermen's Park and for the hotel, and its separation; Figure 2, page 3, site plan and preliminary landscape plan, include additional information on the design of the park, further information on fishing stations and height of the planters; does the roof overhang affect lot coverage and setback. Further discussion: page 19, correct typo in employment text; consultant explained multiplier effect with regard to jobs generated by a project in the city and regionally; include further discussion of traffic and consistency of this project with the traffic analyzer; Figure 7, page 28, consultant advised 1982 traffic counts were based on actual counts; page 30, include explanation of "critical lane analysis"; what does peak hour traffic include, peak hour for the hotel could differ fran other uses, discuss this further; page 20, low construction rates refer to low volume of new housing construction; all alternatives addressed in the report are above the 65' height limit; include an alternative limited to 65' in height, would it be econanically feasible and satisfy visual requirements of the city; need more information on improvements to the critical intersections, city's position with Caltrans, when these improvements might occur and how they will be paid for. Further comment: concern about City of San Mateo's letter, staff advised these comments will be addressed in the Final EIR; alternatives should include a building within the specific guidelines for the area; have all environmental concerns of the Initial Study been addressed in the report; page 37, explain in more detail the reference to reconstruction of Airport Boulevard; include a legible copy of the Initial Study in the Final EIR; the traffic analyzer was discussed by staff; concern about bulk and cumulative visual impact in the area; would like graphic showing full build -out of all approved projects; include ca ment on the atrium, area under the transparent canopy and what this canopy is made of. Consultant will prepare responses to all letters received and connents this evening. ITEMS FOR ACTION 2. SPECIAL PERMIT - 998 SF GARAGE - 16 CIARENDON ROAD Item withdrawn by the applicant. Ref. Leonard E. Abbott letter, May 1, 1984. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes -3- May 14, 1984 3. FENCE EXCEP'T'ION TO ALLGW CONSTRUCTION OF A FENCE WHICH EXCEEDS CODE REQUIREMENTS AT 2616 EASTON DRIVE, ZONED R-1, BY STE'VAN AND MARITA OLIAN CP Monroe reviewed this request to build a redwood fence which exceeds 6' in height along a portion of the rear and side lot lines., Reference staff report, 5/14/84; study meeting minutes, 4/23/84; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 3/22/84; staff review: Fire Marshal (3/26/84), City Engineer (4/2/84), Chief Building Inspector (4/16/84); plans date stamped March 22, 1984; letter from the applicants received March 22, 1984; aerial photograph;'and Notice of Hearing mailed May 4, 1984. CP discussed details of the request, staff review, applicants' letter, code requirements. One condition was suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Discussion: advisability of condition requiring property line survey if requested by City Engineer; difference in grade level between this property and neighbors. Chu. Garcia opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments arra the hearing was closed. Mrs. Olian, applicant, was present. C. Schwalm found this to be a classic case for granting a fence exception; that there were exceptional circumstances in the differences in grade; that there would be no public hazard; that the neighbors would not be materially damaged; and that the regulations cause unnecessary hardship upon the petitioners. C. Schwalm moved for approval of this fence exception with the following conditions: (1) that the fence be built as described in the staff report of May 14, 1984 and plans submitted and date stamped March 22, 1984; and (2) that a property line survey be required if found to be needed by the Building Department. Second C. Leahy; motion approved on a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Graham absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP FOR RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 4, ANZA AIRPORT PARK UNIT NO. 7 AND A PORTION OF THE LANDS OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME; IBIS HOTEL, 835 AIRPORT BOULEVARD Reference CE's May 9, 1984 agenda memo with attached tentative map; and study meeting minutes, April 23, 1984. CE Erbacher advised this map should be considered as the final parcel map also; map will be used in conjunction with deeds swapping land to establish this project's parcel, it was a part of the conditions of approval for the This Hotel project. CE found the map adequate for recommendation to Council; one condition was suggested. Howard Hickey, Civil Engineer, was present. C. Jacobs moved that this tentative and final parcel map be recommended to City Council for approval with the following condition: (1) the map to show an easement for the bike path and a public utility easement along both Airport Boulevard and Anza Boulevard. Second C. Giomi; motion approved on a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Graham absent. Recess 8:37 P.M.; reconvene 8:45 P.M. Burlingame Planning Cammission Minutes -4- May/4, 1984 ITEMS FOR STUDY 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A STORAGE AREA ABOVE AN EXISTING, DETACHED GARAGE AT 1229 DRAKE AVENUE Requests: why permanent stairs, would a pull-down ladder be sufficient, concern about future conversion to illegal living unit; haw easily could it be converted to a living unit, what utilities will be installed in the garage; what is side yard setback; location of gutters, do they overlap; haw close is the pool to this structure, does it meet code requirements. Item set for hearing May 29, 1984. 6. CONDCMINILM PERMIT - 518-524 PRIMROSE ROAD 7. TENTATIVE CONDCMINIUM MAP, TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP FOR THE ABOVE Requets: clarify drainage requirements; copy of landscape plans for Camnission review; clarify driveway access presently and proposed; available on -street parking and in the guest driveway. Items set for hearing May 29, 1984. 8. SPECIAL PERMIT - CAR RENTAL AND LEASING - 880 HINCKLEY ROAD Requests: lighting and security proposed for storage of the vehicles; statement from the aplicant that he understands fire code requirements; how much can this business expand and still provide required on-site parking; what signage is used or proposed; request copy of the lease agreement; what type of advertising do they use. Item set for hearing May 29, 1984. 9. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP - 150 ANZA BOULEVARD Item set for hearing May 29, 1984 if the issue regarding the easements has been resolved. i loll, . �.�. - Review of Proposed General Plan Amendments CP Monroe reviewed the May 1984 general plan amendment requests. Request by staff to amend the housing element (Item 3) was withdrawn. Those briefly discussed: (Item 1) Pierre Derouineau's request for a change in land use designation on California Drive between Bellevue and Floribunda; (Item 2) David Keyston's request for a change in land use designation on a parcel in the Anza Area; (Item 4) Councilman Pagliaro's request for a change in land use designation and zoning for California Drive frontage from Broadway to Oak Grove; (Item 5) staff's proposed amendments (15) to the general plan map to clarify consistency between the general plan land use designation and the zoning designation. Commission requested that all property owners directly affected by these general plan amendments be notified by mail of the public hearings. Staff advised a notice of the public hearings would also be placed in a newspaper of general circulation. Following discussion Commission consensus was to hold a further study session on May 29, 1984 on Itemms 1, 2, 4 and 5. With regard to the 15 Burlingame Planning Cammission Minutes -5- May 14, 1984 areas identified by staff in Item 5, Cammissioners will study individually prior to the study meeting to determine which of these items they wish to consider at the present time. - Commissioners Graham and Garcia were appointed to serve on the Mayor's cannittee for investigating parking on North Carolan. - CP Monroe reviewed Council actions at its May 7, 1984 meeting. - Review of guidelines for guest parking. This item was continued to the meeting of May 29, 1984. VIO • 1: uDD The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Nannette M. Giani Secretary