HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1984.08.27CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 27, 1984 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Graham on Monday, August 27, 1984 -at 7:32 P.M. unr.r. r�nr_r_ Present: Commissioners Garcia, Giomi, Graham, Jacobs, Schwalm, Taylor Absent: Commissioner Leahy (ill, excused) Staff Present: Margaret Monroe, City Planner; Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney; Frank C. Erbacher, City Engineer MINUTES - The minutes of the August 13, 1984 meeting were unanimously approved. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. RESOLUTION NO. 3-84 RECOMMENDING EIR-60P FOR THE PROPOSED 559 ROOM LEGASPI PLAZA HOTEL AT 350 AIRPORT BOULEVARD TO THE CITY COUNCIL: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATES, INC., CONSULTANT Reference staff report, 8/27/84; Resolution No. 3-84 with attached Exhibit A. CP Monroe discussed the public hearing held May 14, 1984 on the Draft EIR, subsequent redesign of the project and inclusion of this redesign (Alternative E) in the Final EIR. Staff found that the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Reports with Exhibit A adequately address the environmental impacts of the proposed project and its alternatives. Michael Rice, consultant was present. Following some discussion it was found the final document did in fact include responses to all concerns expressed and letters received. C. Taylor moved for adoption of Resolution No. 3-84 recommending EIR-60P to the City Council for certification. Second C. Garcia; motion approved on a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Leahy absent. Staff will transmit to Council. 2. SPECIAL PERMITS TO ALLOW A GROCERY STORE AT 1508 ADELINE DRIVE, ZONED C-1, BY MUFID SHEHADEH, APPLICANT WITH MARMORA TERRELL, PROPERTY OWNER CP Monroe reviewed this request to allow a grocery store at this ,location, to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages and to allow the required, extra parking spaces on site to be compact sized. Reference Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1984 staff report, 8/27/84; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 7/12/84; letter from the applicant, July 10, 1984; staff review: Fire Marshal (7/23/84), Chief Building Inspector (7/20/84), City Engineer (8/6/84); study meeting minutes, August 13, 1984; Ordinance No. 1266 adopted 2/6/84; aerial photograph; notice of hearing mailed 8/17/84; and plans date stamped July 30, 1984. CP discussed details of the request, rezoning action on this property which occurred in February, 1984, staff review, applicant's letter. Questions asked at the study meeting were addressed in the staff report. Four conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Commission discussion: all improvements must be installed and approved by the city prior to implementation of this use permit; dry cleaning processing is not allowed in the C-1 district but an establishment with the cleaning process off -premises would be allowed. Chm. Graham opened the public hearing. The applicant was present. Bernice Butcher, real estate agent, San Mateo, spoke in favor: applicant has been a tenant in shopping center building managed by her company, he has been a good tenant with no disturbances or nuisances and operates a clean business. Margaret Lake, 1148 Oxford Road was advised the store would handle a complete line of grocery items; beer and wine only would be sold, no alcoholic beverages; deliveries would be made before 11:00 A.M.; the store would close at 7:00 P.M. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Giomi moved for approval of these special permits with the following conditions: (1) that the grocery store be operated according to the provisions of the July 10, 1984 letter submitted by Mufid Shehadeh; (2) that the grocery store not continue in operation on the site if the two compact parking stalls which provide 120% of the 10 required parking spaces are removed; (3) that, according to Ordinance 1266, the grocery store use shall not commence on the site until all of the site improvements listed in Ordinance 1266 have been installed and received final inspection and sign -off by the City of Burlingame; and (4) that this use permit be reviewed for consistency with the conditions in 18 months time (February 1986). C. Taylor seconded the motion with an addition to Condition #3, "and in accordance with the site plan date stamped July 30, 1984." C. Giomi accepted this addition to the motion; motion approved on a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Leahy absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. USE DETERMINATION TO ALLOW AN AUDIO VISUAL RENTAL SERVICE TO OPERATE FROM THE HOLIDAY INN CROWNE PLAZA AT 600 AIRPORT BOULEVARD IN THE C-4 DISTRICT; BY MC CUNE AUDIO/VISUAL, APPLICANT CP Monroe reviewed this request to operate an audio/visual equipment rental operation. Reference staff report, 8/27/84; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 7/12/84; staff review: Fire Marshal (8/15/84), Towber letter (5/23/84), Chief Building Inspector (7/31/84), Director of Public Works (7/25/84), Fire Marshal (7/23/84); letter from Ernest Hintz, McCune Audio/Visual, June 6, 1984; letter from Mort Feld, McCune,.July 11, 1984; site drawings date stamped July 12, 1984; Towber letter to Feld, July 19, 1984; letter from Ike Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1984 Barnes, McCune, August 1, 1984; letter from Kurt Kirmayer, Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, August 10, 1984; study meeting minutes, August 13, 1984; letter from Joe Loftus, McCune, August 15, 1984; aerial photograph; notice of hearing mailed August 17, 1984; McCune Audio/Visual advertising brochure date stamped August 16, 1984. CP discussed details of the request, reason for the use determination hearing, staff review, applicant's description of the business, letter -from the manager of the Crowne Plaza. CP stated study meeting questions are discussed in the staff report and commented on a recent field check by Planning staff which revealed that the first floor office area is in fact a closet, the fifth floor storeroom contains a desk with telephone and the fourth floor storeroom was being u.sed.for storage. Staff advised the main issue of this determination was the servicing of other sites from the Crowne Plaza and the impact this service might have on the Crowne Plaza site. Seven conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Discussion: it is not uncommon for a hotel to contract out audio/visual services; in this case hotels other than the Crowne Plaza are being serviced and the office area is not appropriate; could be precedent setting for a number of retail and service uses in hotels in this area; would be difficult to enforce. Chm. Graham opened the public hearing. Joe Loftus, McCune Audio/Visual advised they anticipate moving to the 8th floor; this is a hotel oriented service, in order to handle the business cannot be too far away from the customers; all Fire and Building Code requirements will be met. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion/determinations/concerns: applicant is trying to find office space somewhere else in the hotel, 100 SF would be enough, but would need large storage area; McCune's San Francisco operation is handled from seven main hotel sites, not from the main office, and other nearby hotels are serviced from these seven sites; if this business can be carried on from the Crowne Plaza to all other hotels in Burlingame, why couldn't it be operated out of the M-1 district only a block away; applicant advised bulk of the business is done at the Crowne Plaza, volume to outside hotels is small; by storing small equipment in the hotel rather than at the main office it is instantly available when needed; McCune has been in business approximately one year at the Crowne Plaza, applied for business license 5-6 months ago; there is a competitor in business near the Hyatt, staff advised the Hyatt site is in an appropriate zone; advertising brochures are used solely at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, others learn of this business through the yellow pages or by word of mouth. Further comment: feel this could create a proliferation of retail/ service uses operated in the same manner which would create office and service uses out of hotels in the C-4 zone; concern about increased traffic with increased office use; the code states that only retail and service uses clearly incidental and accessory to hotel/motel use are allowed in the C-4 zone; approval of this use could set a precedent and encourage expansion of such incidental hotel uses as Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 August 27, 1984 laundries or landscape/gardening services; this service use would be suitable in the C-1, C-2 or M-1 zones because it meets a community need; cannot treat it as an incidental use for this hotel. C. Taylor moved to deny the application and that Commission find this is a retail use in the C-4 zone and as such is prohibited by the zoning code. Second C. Schwalm; motion approved on a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Leahy absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ADDRESSING MINOR MODIFICATION AUTHORITY FOR THE CITY PLANNER Reference staff report, 8/27/84; study meeting minutes, 8/13/84; and Draft Ordinance Providing Authority to the City Planner to Approve Minor Modifications. CP Monroe stated the ordinance was drafted to address Commission concerns expressed at its last meeting. Chm. Graham opened the public hearing and explained the proposed ordinance to the audience. Alan Horn, 1325 Paloma Avenue felt the ordinance was a good idea. A resident at 225 Howard Avenue discussed problems arising during his attempts to construct a carport at 225 Stanley Road; he felt the proposed ordinance might help in simplifying the code so that a resident could abide by the regulations without being too restricted. There were no further audience comments and the hearing was closed. C. Schwalm moved to forward the draft ordinance to Council and recommend its passage. Second C. Giomi; motion approved on a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Leahy absent. Recess 8:42 P.M.; reconvene 8:55 P.M. ITEMS FOR STUDY 5. MASTER SIGN PROGRAM - ADELINE MARKET SHOPPING CENTER - 1500-1508 ADELINE DRIVE Request: is Sign A next to trash receptacle double faced? Item set for public hearing September 11, 1984. 6. SPECIAL PERMITS - HYATT REGENCY HOTEL PROJECT - 1333 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY Mark Hornberger, architect, discussed the major aspects of the project using slides and a small scale model. His presentation included: orientation of the project on the site, public amenities, parking provided, provision for potential relocation of the northbound freeway on-ramp, landscaping, building coverage, height, setbacks, interior components including restaurants, typical rooms, building materials, provision for flooding, design of the top floor and atrium, visual impact of the project. Commission discussion/comment: noise level with the atrium cover, what is modification potential should the noise level prove to be too Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1984 high; architect advised studies have shown the building itself provides an adequate shell for noise from the freeway and airport, direct fly -overs could be a problem, technically modifications could be made to the structure, would increase the cost. Double glass with 4 inch -air space between will be used for hotel rooms facing the freeway; fabric covering domes of the atrium is translucent; patrons of the restaurant will be able to walk from the parking lot, under cover, into the hotel and into the restaurant, there is also an exterior door; Hyatt wished the restaurant to be at an accessible location. Item set for public hearing September 11, 1984. PLANNER REPORTS Draft Home Occupation Ordinance - Commission will discuss at the September 11, 1984 meeting. - CP reviewed Council actions at its August 20, 1984 regular meeting and August 23, 1984 study meeting. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - Permit review, preschool day care program, 1245 E1 Camino Real. - Permit review, Golden West Rent-A-Car, 1322 Marsten Road. - Copy of letter to Caltrans from Martin Brandfon, Attorney regarding safety hazard on the east side of the Broadway/101 interchange. - Environmental Assessment/Initial Study - Proposed Freeway Connection on Route 101 in Burlingame, July 1984. - Cal Chapter APA 1984 Conference, Oakland, September_ 12-14, 1984. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Nannette M. Giomi Secretary