HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1983.09.26CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 26, 1983 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Graham on Monday, September 26, 1983 at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Giomi, Graham, Schwalm, Taylor Absent: Commissioner Leahy Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the September 12, 1983 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Agenda unanimously approved with removal of Item #8 at the request of the applicants. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR A 16 UNIT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT AT 35-51 EL CAMINO REAL; BY CARMINO ASSOCIATES CP Monroe reviewed this application for a 16 unit three story residential condominium. Reference staff report dated 9/20/83; study meeting minutes of September 12, 1983; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 8/31/83; August 31, 1983 letter from the applicant; staff review: Fire Marshal (September 7, 1983), Chief Building Inspector (September 6, 1983), City Engineer (September 6, 1983 and September 10, 1981); Monroe letter of action dated September 22, 1981; Planning Commission minutes of September 14, 1981; Planning Commission 9/14/81 staff report, Item No. 5; August 9, 1982 Planning Commission minutes, Item #2; August 2, 1982 memo from the Director of Public Works; July 13, 1982 letter from Sheldon C. Ramsay, Carmino Associates; aerial photograph of the site; and plans date stamped August 31, 1983. CP discussed details of the proposal, processing of this project which was originally submitted to the city in July, 1981, staff review of this re-application, applicant's comments, study meeting request. Three conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Chm. Graham opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. C. Garcia moved to approve this condominium permit with the following conditions: (1) that the final working drawings for this condominium project be consistent with the plans filed with this application and date stamped August 31, 1983, and include the parking and guest parking alternative as shown on the submitted plans; (2) that the conditions recommended by the Fire Marshal's memo of September 7, 1983, the Chief Building Inspector's memo of September 6, 1983 and the City Engineer's memo of September 6, 1983 be met to the satisfaction of each department; and (3) that the final landscaping and irrigation plans be approved by the Park Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Second C. Schwalm. C. Giomi commented on the Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 September 26, 1983 motion: reluctant to vote for approval, feel two years is sufficient for a project of this magnitude, object to leaving the site unused and unmaintained for that period of time. Motion approved on a 5-1 roll call vote, C. Giomi dissenting, C. Leahy absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP AND TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR A 16 UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT, 35-51 EL CAMINO REAL Reference CE Erbacher's September 21, 1983 memo with attached map. CE amended his memo to recommend the tentative and final parcel map as well as the tentative condominium map be referred to Council for approval. C. Taylor moved for approval and recommendation to City Council of the tentative and final parcel map and tentative condominium map. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Leahy absent. 3. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT, SPECIAL PERMIT AND VARIANCE FOR A 12 UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AT 1233 BELLEVUE AVENUE CP Monroe reviewed this application. Reference staff report dated 9/20/83; September 12, 1983 Planning Commission study meeting minutes; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 8/17/83; Negative Declaration ND -346P posted September 7, 1983; staff review: Fire Marshal (August 31, 1983 memo), Chief Building Inspector (September 6, 1983 memo), City Engineer (September 6 and September 20, 1983 memos), Director of Parks (September 20, 1983 memo); letter from Jerry Deal regarding average front setback dated August 30, 1983; aerial photograph of the site; 20 September 1983 letter in opposition from C. F. Schmitz, 1237 Bellevue Avenue; and plans date stamped September 20, 1983. CP discussed details of the application, code requirements, staff review, architect's letter establishing average front setback, study meeting inquiries, revised plans submitted after the study session, summary of applicant's request. Four conditions were suggested for consideration at the public hearing. Chm. Graham opened the public hearing. Ted Farley, developer of the project, discussed his request for a 42.5' height and the variance to allow the garage slab 2.4' above the top of curb in the front setback; the difficulties encountered with this site which rises 3' from curb to the rear, neighbor's lot would encounter the same difficulty; he felt the variance was necessary to maintain proper water flow; the balance of the requested height was for the mansard which he believed would be a better design than a flat roof; feel a developer would have to have four floors to build economically on_ this lot. There were no audience comments in favor. Those speaking in opposition: Lannis Lewis, owner of property at 1219 Bellevue Avenue - proposed project will cast a shadow on 1219 Bellevue, making it colder for the tenants; this is a convenient location for elderly tenants, a project of this nature should be pulled out of downtown; believe development should be kept at two stories and to affordable units; parking is already a problem in the area. Carroll Schmitz, 1237 Bellevue Avenue - design is objectionable, think some ingenuity would solve the developer's problems, floors do not have to be all one level; height is out of place in this neighborhood and could set a precedent for other properties in the area; think character of the street would be much nicer with projects of a relatively common height. Jeremy Rice, 1215 Bellevue Avenue - object to the height; concern that with one building breaking up the present height picture of the area all future construction will rise to this height; the present residential character of the street will be destroyed. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion: applicant has not provided testimony to show exceptional circumstances exist which would justify granting the variance; there is a slope on every lot on that side of the block, what makes this property exceptional?; concern Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1983 about the proposed height and no unsecured guest parking, parking is congested in this area at present. Developer advised economic return on the penthouse makes the entire project viable, the other units would retail at a lower price; he felt the project was well designed for this difficult lot. CP explained the reason for the variance is that it is a structure in the front setback, which is different than a protrusion on the face of the building; the slab would be bermed over with landscaping. Further discussion: feasibility of moving the building back and lengthening the driveway; this is too much project for the lot; a massive building, a big box. C. Giomi moved to deny the variance for the garage roof slab. Second C. Cistulli. Comment on the motion: have heard no testimony relating to circumstances which would justify granting this variance. Motion to deny the variance approved on a 5-1 roll call vote, C. Garcia dissenting, C. Leahy absent. C. Taylor moved to deny the special permit for height. Second C. Giomi; motion to deny the special permit approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Leahy absent. C. Giomi moved to deny the condominium permit. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved 4-2 on roll call vote, Cers Garcia and Taylor dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR A 12 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT, 1233 BELLEVUE AVENUE In view of the vote on Item #3 this item was removed from the agenda. Recess 8:30 P.M.; reconvene 8:37 P.M. 5. REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMISSION FENCING REQUIREMENT FOR STAR EXCAVATION TRUCK STORAGE AT 1645 ROLLINS ROAD CP Monroe reviewed this item. Reference staff report dated 9/21/83; Planning Commission minutes of September 12, 1983; Star Excavation letter dated September 19, 1983 with attached revised proposal for fencing; and Monroe letter to Diana Miley, Star Excavation dated September 21, 1983 requesting a spokesman for Star and for the property owner, Hiram Walker & Sons, be present this evening. CP discussed fencing requirements in Planning Commission action at its September 12, 1983 meeting, property owner's objection to either of the two alternatives and a further alternative agreed to by Star and the property owner. Commission review of this latest proposal was requested and an alternative condition suggested in the staff report. CP suggested there be a gate in the fence, unlocked at all times; purpose of the fence is visual, not for security. She further advised of a phone call from Mr. Roberts of Hiram Walker; he was unable to attend this meeting but approved of the latest alternative if agreeable to the Fire Department. Discussion: Fire Marshal had agreed to a gate as long as it is not locked; desire of the Commission to successfully screen this storage area; suggest installation of a rolling gate, parallel to the fence; desirable height for the fence; believe Commission should require written direction from the property owner that such a fence is acceptable before the fence requirement becomes effective. C. Giomi moved to amend the use permit for truck storage by Star Excavation at 1645 Rollins Road to enclose the storage area with an 8' chain link fence,designed to be slatted,placed behind the asphalted area; the fence to be extended from the existing industrial building to the side property line fence; the fence to include a rolling gate also slatted and at least wide enough to permit access by Fire Department equipment, this gate to remain unlocked at all times; access shall be approved by the Fire Department and a building permit shall be sought and received prior to construction. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved on a 5-1 roll call vote, C. Taylor dissenting, C. Leahy absent. Appeal procedures were advised. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes ITEMS FOR STUDY Page 4 September 26, 1983 6. VARIANCES TO ALLOW A SECOND FLOOR ADDITION AT 4 EAST CAROL AVENUE, BY WAYNE CLAPPER (ARCHITECT) WITH DAVID BEHLING (PROPERTY OWNER) Reference staff memo (with attachments). Commission determination regarding yards was requested for this unusual corner lot. In the discussion the Commissioners pointed out that the preferable definition was one which had the least impact on the existing structure. Following discussion, C. Garcia moved that Barroilhet Avenue be considered as the front yard of this lot and the 63' section as the rear yard. Second C. Taylor; motion approved on a 5-1 roll call vote, C. Graham dissenting, C. Leahy absent. Item set for hearing October 11, 1983. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A 3,800 SF OFFICE -SHOP EXPANSION AT 1657-63 ROLLINS ROAD, BY RICHARD HANDLEN (ARCHITECT) FOR CLEMCO PROPERTIES (PROPERTY OWNER) Set for hearing October 11, 1983. 8. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP TO COMBINE LOTS 32, 33, 34 (1550 ROLLINS ROAD) AND A PORTION OF LOT 38 (S.P.R.R. TRACT) IN MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK NO. 5 Removed from the agenda at the request of the applicants. When supportive data has been received applicant will request rescheduling for Commission study. 9. NEGATIVE DECLARATION ND -345P, BURLINGAME GROUP PROJECT, 450 AIRPORT BOULEVARD Reference staff report for Item #9 with attached Environmental Assessment date stamped August 16, 1983 and Negative Declaration ND -345P posted August 19, 1983 as well as September 23, 1983 letter from the State Clearinghouse advising the review period is closed and none of the state agencies had comments. CP advised there have been some changes in the plans; she believed all of the changes were covered in the Environmental Assessment and were either addressed in the mitigated negative declaration or could be conditioned on the project itself. C. Schwalm moved that Commission approve Negative Declaration ND -345P and recommend it to City Council for action. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved 5-1 on voice vote,_ C. Giomi dissenting, C. Leahy absent. Staff will forward to Council. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 300 ROOM HOTEL AND 21,400 SF OF RESTAURANT SPACE AT 450 AIRPORT BOULEVARD 10. VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A 300 ROOM HOTEL AND 21,400 SF OF RESTAURANT SPACE AT 450 AIRPORT BOULEVARD WHICH WILL REDUCE THE NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES ON THE ADJACENT "BOAT -RESTAURANT" SITE TO LESS THAN THE 58 REQUIRED Mark Hornberger, Gale Kober Associates, architects for the project, advised revised dimensioned plans would be delivered to the Planning Department by Wednesday morning. He then gave a brief presentation, using an overlay on the old plans, to demonstrate revisions. At study the Commission reviewed the plans and asked that the 25' setback line from top of bank be shown on the plans submitted. Chm. Graham set Items #9 and #10 for public hearing on October 11, 1983 providing the revised plans are in the Planning Department by Wednesday, September 28, 1983 at 8:00 A.M. and providing there are no objections following review by all departments. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes CITY PLANNER REPORTS Page 5 September 26, 1983 CP Monroe reviewed Council actions at its September 19, 1983 regular meeting. Acknowledgments - Planning staff code enforcement letters to: Ervan Zamora, 3916 E1 Camino Real, Palo Alto; Can't Wait Photos, 1222 Broadway, Burlingame; Yamato Flight Kitchen, 359 Beach Road, Burlingame. - Municipal Code Requirements Checklist, now being distributed to all business license applicants. Review of Sign Code: Signage on Awnings and Canopies Reference staff report 8/8/83, continued to 8/22/83 and to 9/26/83. CP Monroe discussed issues involved and asked for Commission direction. Discussion: approve of the awning code as it is; would like to see canopies treated the same as the face of a building; would have no objection to a certain percentage of total signage being allowed on the end of a canopy; limit canopy signage to a certain percentage of the allowed square footage; would like to get input from the merchants; don't think canopies provide the streetscape with understatement or neatness, would like to see canopies treated differently but not the same as face of a building; would like further study with a public hearing after Commission reaches a consensus; suggest Commission determine at its next meeting what percentage of signage should be allowed on canopies, and then ask for merchants' view on that; feel the distinction between canopies and awnings is more apparent than real, hesitate to impose more regulations than can be enforced. It was suggested staff summarize the existing ordinance and suggestions made this evening, followed by further Commission discussion, public hearing, and then reach a consensus. Consensus was to discuss the issue of awnings and canopies at a subsequent meeting before staff taking any action. CP requested Commission contact her with any comments on alternative approaches. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Nannette M. Giomi Secretary