HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1983.05.09CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 9, 1983 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Graham on Monday, May 9, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Giomi, Leahy, Schwalm, Taylor, Graham Absent: None Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman MINUTES - The minutes of the April 25, 1983 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A CAR RENTAL OPERATION AT 1484 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, BY CARL T. MARTIN AND JOSE 0. MUNIZ CP Monroe reviewed this application to allow a car rental agency, Apple Rent-A-Car, from a leased facility in the C-4 district. Reference staff report dated 5/4/83; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 3/30/83; Negative Declaration ND -336P posted April 26, 1983; aerial photograph; site drawings received March 30, 1983; "no requirements/no comments" memos from the Fire Marshal (4/7/83) and Chief Building Inspector (4/18/83); memo from the City Engineer (April 12, 1983); letter from the applicants dated May 30, 1983; Rent-A-Car Questionnaire received March 30, 1983; March 30, 1983 letter from John G. O'Hara, the property owner; April 11, 1983 letter in support from David H. Keyston, Anza Shareholders' Liquidating Trust; April 25, 1983 Planning Commission study meeting minutes; staff report (8/11/80) for Fairway Rent -A -Car's car rental application on this site; Table A, Burlingame Rent-A-Car Establishments; Burlingame Car Rental Agencies location map; and May 2, 1983 letter from the applicants received after preparation of the staff report. CP discussed details of the application; staff review; applicant's description of the proposed business; letters in support; previous car rental agency businesses on this site and previous Commission concerns; present use of the site; and an applica- tion recently received by staff from Alamo Rent A Car for this site and adjacent site to the south. If approved, five conditions were suggested i,n the staff report. The applicants were present. Chm. Graham opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. Discussion: CE's willingness to moderate his upgrading requirements if this is only an interim use; add condition that the fence be repaired and maintained; staff's desire.that employee parking spaces be marked in some way; site should be upgraded, Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 9, 1983 suggest Commission review in six months. Carl Martin (applicant) advised he would repair the fence approximately 80 feet back from the street, that the hedge has been trimmed, the office upgraded and the front of the building painted. Other improvements he would complete: fill in the holes in front with cement, level off the gravel lot and remove all barrels as well as install flap gates at the on-site drainage. Because this is an interim use applicant did not wish to go to the expense of paving the parking areas. Mr. Martin also advised he was presently employed with Amcoe Rent-A-Car in Burlingame and of his plans to purchase a car rental operation in the near future so that his use of this site might only be for six months. Further comment: if use is approved, doesn't appear to be realistic to impose the number of employees allowed as a condition; discussed problems encountered with on -street employee parking; with month-to-month lease, not feasible to ask the applicant to make expensive improvements to the property; object to this use in the C-4 zone and suggest this type of interim use delays development of the C-4 district with uses legitimate to that area. C. Giomi moved to approve this application with the understanding it is an interim use and with the following conditions: (1) that the potholes be cemented, the fence be repaired and maintained, a flap gate be installed at the on-site drainage and the barrels removed; (2) that existing areas intended for landscaping at the front of the area be planted and maintained; (3) that the applicant provide an area for 40 parking spaces off-street, that all rental cars be parked off-street, that one space on site be provided for and specifically designated for each employee, that no more than 15 cars be run off this site, and that this business be limited to the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. seven days a week; (4) that there be no more than one employee on site; and (5) that this permit be reviewed in six months time. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved 5-2 on roll call vote, Cers Leahy and Taylor dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT FIVE UNITS AT 1105 EL CAMINO REAL, BY ROBERT LYON FOR SONNY MARTIN CP reviewed this request for five condominium units in the R-3 district. Reference staff report dated 5/2/83; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 3/30/83; Negative Declaration ND -337P posted April 26, 1983; staff memos from the Chief Building Inspector (4/15/83), Fire Marshal (4/5/83), City Engineer (4/11/83) and Director of Parks (4/20/83); April 25, 1983 Planning Commission study meeting minutes; April 28, 1983 memo from the Planner; aerial photograph; and plans date stamped May 2, 1983. CP discussed details of the project, staff review, study meeting requests. Two conditions of approval were suggested for Commission consideration. Robert Lyon, architect representing the applicant, Sonny Martin, was present. It was his belief all items of concern previously brought up by Commission and staff had been addressed in the revised plans. Chm. Graham opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. Discussion: no security gate is provided on the plans and therefore all parking is available for guests; supervision of an arborist is not required since the nearest tree is 25 feet from the excavation; CE advised the revised plans have addressed his concerns; CBI's concerns will be addressed in the final plans; maintenance of the common areas. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 9, 1983 C. Giomi moved for approval of this condominium permit with the following conditions: (1) that the conditions of the Chief Building Inspector's memo of April 15, 1983, the Fire Marshal's memo of April 5, 1983, the City Engineer's memo of April 11, 1983 and the Director of Parks' memo of April 20, 1983 be met; (2) that the final plans be consistent with the project plans date stamped May 2, 1983; (3) that provision be made for maintenance of all common area; and (4) that 20 percent of the required parking be designated for guests. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR A FIVE UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT AT 1105 EL CAMINO REAL Reference City Engineer's May 4, 1983 memo with attached tentative map. CE Erbacher recommended this map be forwarded to City Council for approval. C. Schwalm moved for approval and recommendation to City Council of this tentative condominium map. Second C. Leahy; motion approved unanimously on voice vote. 4. PARKING VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A 7,500 SF COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT 1221 DONNELLY AVENUE, BY EARL RAYMOND CP Monroe reviewed this request for a variance to allow parking for two vehicles which must back out onto the street to exit. Reference staff report dated 5/2/83; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 3/31/83; Negative Declaration ND -338P posted April 26, 1983; staff memos from the City Engineer (4/12/83), Fire Marshal (4/11/83) and Chief Building Inspector (4/18/83); March 29, 1983 letter from Lage Andersen, attorney representing the applicant; April 25, 1983 study meeting minutes; April 28, 1983 memo from the Planner; Site Plan Addendum dated 5/2/82; aerial photograph; portion of Assessor's Parcel Map; and plans date stamped April 1, 1983. CP discussed details of the request; code requirements; staff review; applicant's justification for the variance as presented by his representative; study meeting requests; and staff concerns. Three conditions were suggested in the staff report should a variance be granted. Lage Andersen, attorney representing the applicant, and William Kubach, building designer, were present. Mr. Andersen discussed the difficulties in developing this small parcel under the new Burlingame Avenue Commercial Area ordinance. His comments: if a turn -around were required it would take out almost 20 percent of the retail space; he contended that there would be no more hazard than there is presently on Burlingame Avenue with its diagonal parking; that the loss of one on -street parking space would occur for any driveway onto Donnelly and he did not believe this request would set a precedent since it is a small parcel, there would be only two parking spaces on-site, it is an extremely short street and most of the area on Donnelly is taken up with city parking lots. Mr. Andersen closed his remarks by pointing out that this application would provide more retail space in Sub -Area A and would be an opportunity for the city to acquire good quality commercial space in return for a relatively small variance. He added the only alternative for his client would be 'no project'. Chm. Graham opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. Commission discussion: would this set a precedent and are there other streets in the city which would present the same problem?; CE's concern about cars backing across a pedestrian sidewalk and the elimination of an existing on -street parking space; Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 May 9, 1983 code requirements for parking in the Burlingame Avenue Commercial Area (BACA); BACA was adopted to address the parking problem in downtown Burlingame; suggest require the two spaces on-site be confined to employee parking; PUC and other easements in the area; better use for this parcel would be adding it to city parking lots rather than for further retail which would impact the downtown parking problem; traffic on Donnelly moves faster than on Burlingame Avenue, there are many curb cuts at present and to add more would compound the confusion; it would be detrimental to the street and downtown Burlingame to allow this type of exception. Mr. Andersen advised that his client wanted to provide the required parking, not eliminate these spaces, and thus asked for the variance. He agreed that limiting the spaces to employees only would help alleviate safety concerns. C. Giomi moved to deny this variance to parking space standards. Second C. Cistulli. Comments on the motion: parcel is too small for the project; don't think property owner should be denied the use of his property, it could be worked out with employee only parking; possibility of applicant reapplying for a variance to eliminate parking on-site. C. Giomi withdrew her motion and C. Cistulli withdrew his second. C. Leahy then moved that this application be denied without prejudice. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved on unanimous roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Recess 8:40 P.M.; reconvene 8:55 P.M. 5. PARKING VARIANCE TO ERECT AN ANTENNA AT 500 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, BY THE U. S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CP Monroe reviewed this request to allow the installation of a receiving antenna within two required parking spaces. Reference staff report dated 5/3/83; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 4/6/83; Negative Declaration ND -339P posted April 26, 1983; 500 Airport Boulevard Site Plan at Parking Level dated April 6, 1983; drawing of the proposed receiving antenna dated 4/12/83; "no comments/requirements" memos from the City Engineer (4/18/83), Chief Building Inspector (4/19/83) and Fire Marshal (4/14/83); Project Description letter from the applicant date stamped April 6, 1983 with attached descriptive material; April 6, 1983 letter from Leon J. Hernandez, Building Manager, Legaspi Towers; Planning Commission April 25, 1983 study meeting minutes; April 28, 1983 memo from the Planner; and aerial photograph of the site. CP discussed details of the request, staff review, applicant's explana- tion of the proposal, study meeting requests, staff concerns. Two conditions were recommended for Commission consideration. Jerry Vorpahl, the applicant, was present. He advised the at -grade parking area has 90 spaces and, in the history of this building, only 10 percent have been used. Secy. Giomi read letter received today from David H. Keyston, Anza Shareholders' Liquidating Trust, in support of the application. Chm. Graham opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. In reply to Commission questions, applicant advised the proposed location for this installation had been chosen because it had the best line of sight to the satellite, it could be moved two or three spaces down and still operate, that the dish area faces south away from the park, that it would be a private receiver and would not interfere with other satellite receivers in the area. Further discussion/comments: it was determined the property owner's consent to the application had been obtained; don't find this request unreasonable but would prefer a location away from the center of the parking spaces; it would be adjacent to the park area wherever it is located; applicant has proposed a 6 foot fence; concern about proximity to the park, its 'saving grace' being it will not be too obvious from the walkway in the park. Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 9, 1983 C. Taylor found exceptional circumstances in that changing technology causes its own new problems, that the applicant cannot make his installation at another location and it is suitable only for a limited purpose; that the variance is necessary for the applicant's continued use of the site in order to service his members and clients; that it would not be materially detrimental to the public or detrimental to other property owners; and that it would not affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city since the use is consistent with C-4 zoning; that if this application did not eliminate two required parking spaces, there would be no need for the application at all. C. Taylor then moved for approval of this variance with the following conditions: (1) that the antenna be installed as described with a maximum height not -to -exceed 12-1/2 feet and secured by a fence with a maximum height of six feet; and (2) that recreational vehicle parking on the site in excess of 24 hours be discouraged by the landlord. Second C. Leahy; motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Cers Giomi and Leahy requested staff to research antenna ordinances for future Commission study. 6. FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR FOUR CONDOMINIUM UNITS AT 27 EL CAMINO REAL Reference City Engineer's May 4, 1983 memo and attached Final Condominium Map. CE Erbacher discussed; construction is substantially complete with a minor non- conformance in parking space width. Staff has no concern and CE recommended Commission transmit the map to Council for approval. C. Schwalm moved to approve and recommend to City Council this final condominium map. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved on unanimous voice vote. 7. REVIEW OF 2/8/82 SPECIAL PERMIT FOR A DELI IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 840 STANTON ROAD Reference staff report for Item R. CP Monroe advised that a building permit for a grease hood and electrical permit have been issued. Site inspection this afternoon showed the hood is in place, the fire extinguishing system will be installed shortly. Staff suggested a 30 day continuation. C. Cistulli moved to continue this item for 30 days. Second C. Garcia; motion approved unanimously on voice vote. ITEMS FOR STUDY 8. PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS Reference staff report dated 5/2/83. CP Monroe reviewed the background for these proposed General Plan amendments and discussed the specific map and text revisions as well as the reasons for each. One additional change not included in the report was noted: deletion of the arrow from Exhibit 0 in the Specific Area Plan which indicates future improvements to Howard Avenue and Humboldt Street. A Negative Declaration for the proposed amendments was attached to the staff report. Chm. Graham informed the audience this was a study meeting only.. Since there were a number of citizens in the audience interested in the amendment deleting the Humboldt/Howard improvements from the Specific Area Plan, the Chair granted two representatives of this group an opportunity to speak at the study meeting. Following brief remarks by two members of the group the audience was advised that public testimony would be taken at the public hearing on May 23, 1983. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 May 9, 1983 During Commission discussion CP Monroe spoke briefly about staff's studies before proposing the Humboldt/Howard improvements amendment; background of proposed circula- tion improvements; city contacts with BCDC, State Lands, CalTrans, MTC; and the traffic allocation procedure for new projects which had been developed by the city. CP added that the General Plan amendment action would clarify that the city will no longer be discussing improvements to Howard/Humboldt. Item set for hearing May 23, 1983. 9. PROPOSED DRAFT REGULATIONS FOR COFFEE SHOPS, CAFETERIAS AND SNACK BARS IN THE M-1 DISTRICT Reference staff report dated 4/29/83. CP Monroe discussed three problems identified in previous Commission discussion, suggested.code amendments and staff's determinations in support of this approach. Commission direction was requested. Discussion: mini snack bars; reasons for prohibiting snack bars when they abut, or are a specified distance from, the C-4 zone (traffic/pedestrian concerns, protect the industrial area); suggest prohibiting snack bars as free-standing buildings in the M-1 district; fast food businesses. Staff was directed to prepare a draft ordinance for Commission consideration. INFORMATION Response to Comments Document - Four Seas Project Environmental Review CP advised the Response to Comments document and Findings will be included on the May 23, 1983 agenda for review by the Commission and recommendation to Council. Letters from the following citizens received subsequent to the public hearing on the DEIR were acknowledged: Mario Marcucci, 1026 North Humboldt Street, San Mateo; Arlene Nunziati, 125 Humboldt Road, Burlingame; Marti Knight, 23 Dwight Road, Burlingame; and Howard J. Pearson, 713 Howard Avenue, Burlingame. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - Informational memos from the City Attorney re: second units in R-1 districts. - TRANSACTIONS' article, "Census Data Reveals Travel Patterns". An,1oi IRNMFNT The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Nannette M. Giomi Secretary